Which contributed more to American culture?
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is this a fucking joke ? Britain obviously
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Well considering they speak Emglish and have had a "special relationship" with us for decades, what do you think?
Bongs of truth. We've probably fucking contributed more to kraut culture than the vice versa
American culture existed before anybody would consider himself as german
Is this a real question? Daddy bong paves the way, and we make it great.
found the red coat cock sucking cucks.
German countryside reportin in. We do NOT contribute in ANY foreign culture.
German farmers enriched eastern europe for a thousand years tho
True. I know it's a weird question. But the huge waves of German immigration into America can't be ignored. They were hugely influential. And when I look at modern American culture, I don't see any fondness for tea and soccer. I do, however, see a great love of burgers.
Found the heritagefag
Dont want my mark on this abomination. Clearly britbongs fault
German culture is basically Jews fleeing the Holocaust, what have Jews done for America exactly?
That's the question you should be asking.
Silence turncoat.
You could argue that Jews have a bigger influence than Germans.
Only by 1 vote though
Gud 1 m8
>Which contributed more to American culture?
Neither, they are completely Jew-run since 1930s. Nothing is left of the "original" culture brought over from Europe, except language.
Even your dicks get cut ffs.
as someone with senpai in america this. although i would say its been jew run since the 60's maybe not the 30's
I've always wondered why you Brits don't consider yourself Aryans. You pretty much are.
People are underestimating German influence in the USA. Look at the heritage map, most states have German settlers, etc.
Also checkem
most of us are something around 1/3 germanic 1/3 frenc (normans) and 1/3 celtic.
found the ugly americuck suck it turncoat
Yeah that's Aryan lol.
>not the 30's
The media was 80-90% in jewish hands even before WW1 and the kikes "took over" hollywood in the 1930s. Even British diplomats said that it was the jews with their widespread propaganda which pushed britain into WW2.
Oh and look at Roosevelt and his Jews... many of his relevant staff members were already jews. Regarding "culture" only then yeah, that became more important after WW2 though.
ANGLOS (master race) are the OPPOSITE of ARYAN (untermensch)
But they almost completely assimilated into the wider English culture.
German immigrants tended to be more rural than other groups. Unlike the Irish and Italians, they came to settle land and farm, not to be worker drones in cities. Thus they were a little more far removed from the wider culture, more dispersed and thus didn't ghettoize. Easier to assimilate.
most of us do consider ourselves aryan tho (Hitler did aswell ). remember the eternal anglo meme was started by a turkroach, we just find it funny
We are British - we are better than Aryan
Guess where the Anglo-Saxons came from.
Normans were culturally French sort of but had plenty of Germanic blood. We have lots in common with the Scottish and Welsh and more then you think with the Irish. Not as much German blood same with Scotland, it's still there though
> You pretty much are.
HAHAHAHAHA. Take a nap, bro. They're some of the most inbred people in europe.
Germany and the Nordic countries = greater Minnesota.
England the south/New England.
we seem to have alot of "dark" anglos tho. ie. John Oliver looking types. i always amused they were of mostly french DNA as you dont see many with all dark features if you go to Germany or other Countries in the British isles but there seem to be alot in France
Brits are way more similar to the US in terms of food and especially culture and education.
Us, but there is quite a bit of German culture integrated into America.
The answer is neither
>American culture
No such thing
nice statistics my jewish friend
English kids are tested extremely more than americans especially with the gcse
Looking at this map makes me wonder how many plans the Israeli military has for occupying the West Bank in case of a major war. I guess it would probably take them a couple hours to do.
>ignoring american football, baseball, American foods, jazz, and hundreds of other things that blow europoor shit out the water
Except pizza. Pizza is the best.
>french DNA
you mean celtic + scandinavian + latin ?
yeah england and france pretty much share the same DNA.
What even is France? Just Europe's loose pussy that every country fucked many times before.
america's protestant roots owe lots to the german and dutch.
America is rightful catholic clay
Burgers were called sandwiches originally which we invented.
The Germans came much more recently but the impact was pretty minimal.
Malaka mou, auto to meme pote tha stamatisi?
i wish
>The Germans came much more recently but the impact was pretty minimal.
Came here to post this
>Papist scum
The most inbred are the Scandinavians who most people consider to be very attractive ironically.
Britain gave us Lockean philosophy, which is the literal foundation of our country. But on the other hand, hamburgers and hot dogs ...
Really forces you to contemplate.
To culture?
I dont listen to trashy euro music or watch euro movies or follow euro politics or wear euro brands or buy ehro products.
We are 100% the trend setters in the world.
We contribute to them. Not the other way around
Why do we need to know who contributed more?
At least we weren't heavily inspired by French and Spanish culture at least.
Thank you England and Deutschland.
Oh I don't know - on the one hand you have the country (incorrectly shown without Southern Ireland in OPs image) which founded the original 13 colonies, from which the founding stock of the USA came, from which the laws, system of government, language, and religious forms of the USA came and from which the majority of modern US citizens (yes, 'Oirish' Americans - your ancestors were also 'British' if they settled the US prior to 1922, as most did) are descended.
And then on the other hand you have a country which didn't even come into existence until almost 100 years after the USA.
Tough one to call desu, really tough.
For our next question:
>Which contributed more to German culture - Prussia or Turkey?
The people who founded the country read Locke, but the vast majority of Americans are virtually illiterate, unfortunately. Of course, Germany can't be the source of the illiteracy
>from which the founding stock of the USA came, from which the laws, system of government, language, and religious forms of the USA came and from
Think again, limey.
It is true that I originally meant German culture, not the German nation - which, of course, only came into existence in 1870. German culture has been around for much longer than Germany has.
As a 3/4 Anglo American, I agree.
You forget about the Magna Carta which is much older, and one of the oldest basis of liberties
Yeah. Yanks never listen to our shit music like the Beatles, stones, who, zep, pistols, maiden, motorhead, preist, Floyd, clash, bfmv, cream, radio head, queen, the roses, muse, and on forever....
You are wrong to suggest that England's legal and cultural traditions are the basis for the American constitution or american though too. The core of American cultural beliefs are derived from the philosophy that was germinated among groups of rebellious german peasants who dissented against the prevailing religious and feudal order in their homeland.
You can read it all there.
Older, but you also have to squint very hard to see any basis for a republican society founded on inalienable rights vested solely in the individual, from which the state derives its authority as the acting body of its constituent individuals writ large.
All of those concepts which are essential to modern democracy can traced back to the ideals promulgated by the 12 Articles.
>Which contributed more to American culture
Ireland actually.
English common law, locke, blackstone, and our 1689 BoR formed the basis your framers worked with. And remember, the war of independence was essentially a British civil war.
As Washington said, he couldn't have swung his sword without paines words.
This is true.
Looking how degenerate your culture is, obviously Britain.
>German scat porn
Need I go on?
This. Schools like pic related exist all over America except we're full of Mexicans whilst Britain is full of Paki's and Poo's
Really? Because we're 90% white and you're 57%.
>Contributing to anything
>American culture
this! fucking traitor scum should be hanged
Anything of worth*
*stares at you*
As a proud owner of an English surname and a descendant of 17th century English colonists, I hate that this is even a question.
Name and roots going back to colonial times. There is literally no question that the brits made this culture a thing. The brits law and daily culture with the dutch sense of money = america.
How's that Empire coming along Spain? :^)
English is practicly german
none of the above. Biggest contributor to burger culture, ofc, is pic related.
Wasnt spain sabotaged by muslims?
There's a town in my state that pretends to be a Bavarian village.
Fellow WA fag?
That would be Africa
Where was that style of music created?