What does Sup Forums think about jazz?
What does Sup Forums think about jazz?
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I prefer jazz rock
Chet Baker or bust
you cant bump your own threads
Sup Forums exclusively?
I fucking hate sax, with a passion. That shit makes my blood boil and gives me headaches..
Dunno why.
One listens to the syncopation and rhythms of the Negro and finds only spiritual decay, confusion, and destruction.
>you can't bump your own threads
lmao Australian intellectuals everybody
Some jazz is great. Some jazz is incredibly overrated.
>cool things in general
>look goys! Negros can make music!
What Ken Burns wants you to think jazz is
This. It's like the opposite of golf - it's primarily a negro occupation, but the very best jazz musician was white.
most American negro music has an irish background
True. But it sure as hell isn't Chet Baker
I think there is a whole board for this sort of thing, called "mu."
>muh bands
>muh waifus
>muh needle dick
>muh pitchfork
/mu knows absolutely shit about music.
mu is for shoegaze, vaporwave, deathgrips and grimes
Lullaby of birdland
Is what got me into jazz
Have you tried to start a serious thread in Sup Forums out of generals?
And K-Pop
Their jazz threads are fucking excellent. Informed discussion and shedding of high quality rips of choice sides
>And K-Pop
Seriously what is it with them and K-pop
I mean aside from them all wanting to fuck jellybeanose
some of their blindfold test ones are
>I don't know enough to participate
Boring, for the most part.
FUCKING. THIS. But jazz is also pretty damn good.
especially when mixed with blues
I'm totally fine with Blacks being good at rhythm and sports.
But I still hate Jazz.
Kek has spoken.
Nigger music. Actually not music at all. Just random grating sounds.
The only truly original American art form.
If you don't like jazz, you are anti-nationalist scum.
jazz is awesome.
Where do you even begin with jazz? Especially for a pleb such as myself with limited musical knowledge.
>original American
Sup Forums is it right for me to like jazz despite my hatred for blacks? The worst part is is that I know the impact Jazz and Blues had on music that I love.
I can't escape the fact that nig nogs developed a huge part of my life.
Do I just accept that this was just a better time for black culture? Or could I just say that whites developed the early parts of Orchestral Jazz, which they kinda did but not really.
>I swear I'm not a liberal cuck with a music history degree. Just a big music buff.
It's not like you wouldn't wear a cotton shirt because of whose hands touched it.
It's a terrible genre that had a few good elements and was mixed with classical and ragtime to make a passable genre known as "pop."
simcity 4 music jazz > all
Superior form of music desu -esp. when you get into Duke Ellington arrangements, Bebop and post Bebop, modal jazz. The fact that music and mathematics supposedly use related areas of the brain keeps me from totally buying the Sup Forums meme that all American blacks are mentally inferior to whites.