Can someone explain how libertarian-left is even possible? Because I just don't get it.
Can someone explain how libertarian-left is even possible? Because I just don't get it
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Maximum personal freedom but not minimum economic freedom.
>Gubmint is bad
>Dude weed man
>But nobody should be poor, that's fucked up
>Oh yeah I'll totally voluntarily give my shit away
They're all religious nuts, liars, and/or whiny children.
Idiots love this chart.
It isnt even a just rep of realjty
*autistic screeching*
It's really not. If I refuse to give up my wealth you either take it forcibly violating my personal rights or let me have it and now I'm richer than everyone else
You need economic freedom to have personal freedom
if you have a specific question i would be glad to answer as best i can
t. left libertarian
What's your proposed alternative, there, Chomsky?
dude weed lmao.
> libertarian-left is even possible?
Free ride for everyone faggots
Who is gonna provide helthcare,cops,firefighters
I know right wing answer is privatized
I don't even drink alcohol. Everyone should be free to smoke weed and do whatever the fuck they want though. More retarded weedfags means less competition.
Am I now a fascist? ._.
>Who is gonna provide helthcare,cops,firefighters
are you confusing libertarianism with anarchism? those services get filled no matter the form or size of the government.
Communities and worker co-ops would provide these things. Policing and firefighting would be handled by a community organizing and doing things such as a communal "neighborhood watch". With some left libertarians would have no problem with a market funded defence. Healthcare I'm not fully sure of but I have heard of worker co-ops funding Healthcare in response to Obama care mandate
it's just regular libertarianism without property rights awkwardly attached to it
explain to me how property rights can exist without a state
NAP :^)
Ok u gonna pay taxes then not really libertarian way
What if someone does't pay or just dont have money is he gonna get those service
I have failed you, Sup Forums.
try talking politics with a complete stoner.
i look at it as like minimal gov intervention socially and paying more in taxes for the post office / ideally some healthcare that doesn't suck like obamacare but still isn't run by shark men of the lowest scum order of filth
You respect humans more than corporations and see all state power as unjust unless it constantly prove itself just.
It's mad max/fallout series pretty much. You're not suppose to understand it because it's regressive.
But aren't economic freedom and personal freedom linked? I suppose it depends how you define "personal". But if I put labor into something, and you take some of that money and just give it to other people, that doesn't sound very "libertarian" to me.
> minimal gov intervention socially
So does that mean they wouldn't support affirmative action, hate speech laws, etc? Because my gut tells me that most people in the green square would support these things.
I believe in paying taxes at a communal level; we can have all of the things you listed in your earlier post (firefighters, etc) without a centralized political state, e.g., a federal government.
Personal freedoms like holding guns, abortion, fagotry, etc, but with socialized economy (welfare, healthcare, high-progressive taxes, "free" education, etc)
pic related is me
it doesn't have to be on that test though
can go with the strongly options in opposition to any of the social marxism questions and it will still throw you in the lib left if you are moderately pro-choice and pro-if globalization is inevitable it should serve humanity vs multinationals for instance, the Qs are loaded with little booby traps like that
If you are not bottom right you are expendable
I believe I can speak for most of my fellow libertarian socialists on these issues, having had these discussions with them many times before.
>But if I put labor into something, and you take some of that money and just give it to other people, that doesn't sound very "libertarian" to me.
You should decide whether you think firefighters, paved roads etc. are worth paying taxes for. If not, you should be free to leave the community you're in and either live somewhere where it is worth being taxed or just live in the woods without those services, etc.
>So does that mean they wouldn't support affirmative action, hate speech laws, etc? Because my gut tells me that most people in the green square would support these things.
I sure as fuck don't support them at all. No one in the green square should support hate speech laws; that's red square territory. As for affirmative action, I'm adamantly opposed to it but some social justice cucks like Jill Stein see it as a soft form of reparations for slavery. Personally, I hate niggers and they can go fuck themselves.
More like pic related.
Free markets + decent safety net
This is going to sound extremely dumb, but...Does "left-wing economics" have more to do with
1. Collective ownership of the means of production
2. Higher taxes to collectively pay for people's healthcare, education, food stamps, etc.
Seems right
I'd say your situation number 2 is closer to the center-axis while number 1 is far left/communism
What hapens when you dont/cant pay
The way I see it, military, police, firefighters etc are for my safety. It directly benefits me to pay these taxes. PLUS, since they're about serving the community at large, they wouldn't really be able to exist at all without everyone paying taxes. If you live in the US, even innawoods, you are still benefiting from the military. But healthcare? That's a different story. Serves the individual.
And I'm not sure about roads.
the first
pro tip: capitalism is always right wing
pro tip 2: your democratic party is not left wing
pro tip 3 (extra spicy): the left-right distinction is strictly economic and has literally nothing to do with social justice/deporting immigrants etc
Depends on your flavor. Are we talking full definition retard communism or marxism leninism practiced socialism?
Basically you eat whatever you want and get as fat and drunk as you want.
>believe that freedom isn't possible without some form of economic stability (safety net/universal healthcare/etc).
>most drugs should be legal since it's a personal choice
That's about it.
>You need economic freedom to have personal freedom
probably only in that shaded area there will be that conflict. for example private property rights and whatnot, conflict with both, so ya, that darker-green area is probably unattainable.
forgot pic
why is stalin under communism and not absolutism?
>universal healthcare
>safety net
>freedom isn't possible unless you take away freedom
Then again, I guess your ideology doesn't need to make sense when your brain is fried on DUDEEE WEEEEEEEEED!!!
It's a miscalculation in the chart. It should really just be a blank space.
If you can't pay taxes, it should be up to the people in your community to decide the policy for whether poor people are still eligible for fire services, etc. I'm all for helping the less fortunate, within reason.
If you can pay but choose not to, again, it should be up to the people in your community to decide the policy. Personally, I think no one should pick up your trash, put out your fires, etc. if you're a deadbeat.
>Then again, I guess your ideology doesn't need to make sense when your brain is fried on DUDEEE WEEEEEEEEED!!!
Not an argument.
The modern interpretation of left-libertarianism acknowledges that a decent safety net is necessary to get the political support for free markets.
Somewhat related to "radical centrism"
It's like looking in a mirror.
Awful lotta pinko fucks in this thread
pro tip 3 cannot be stressed enough.
The USSR was authoritarian left economically speaking but very socially conservative.
>dude weed
>Bhudism and shit
>little girl kicking the back of my seat on plane
>she violated the NAP
>take the heroin needle out of my arm and motion for my mercenaries to unload all two-hundred and fifty armor-piercing rounds of their AR-15's extended assault magazines, purchased at the airport gift shop before we left, into her
>don't tread on me
>safety net
An existing, politically stable nearly-free market is better than a hypothetical completely-free market fight me.
>freedom isn't possible unless you take away freedom
Yeah, reality is fundamentally oppressive. Best thing we can do is organize society to minimize it.
>Being anything but a happy middle
Life must be suffering for you.