Are you pro-Israel?
Are you pro-Israel?
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just as much as I am pro-south korea or any other american puppet state.
I'm in the awkward position of not liking jews or authoritarianism so double no
> Israel
> American Puppet State
I think you've got the role of puppet and puppeteer mixed up there
yep, if you're not you're a filthy hippy
Yes, there is a difference between elite banker jews and the nationalist jews you have in Israel
this, kikes are an exclusively American product
I think you've ingested too many internet memes and can't see reality. Or just simply regular jack-off who doesn't understand geopolitics. Lrn2geopolitics.
Israel is an American puppet state. Just like South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, etc etc
Yes. Give the jews somewhere to live thats not america.
Israel would be ok if they believed in ethnonationalism for other countries too.
Liberal jews all belong in the oven though
They need us more than we need them, they would get eaten alive by surrounding arab countries if we stopped sending them aid
> Be american
> go to iraq to """Defend your country from nuclear weapons""""
>get nothing in return
It must feel good to die for Israel, doesn't it
To be pro-Israel is to be pro-ethnostate
To be pro-ethnostate is to be racist.
Are you a racist Jewboy?
>get nothing in return
duh, what else do you expect AFTER you've died?
they might need us more than we need them, but show me Israel essentially being controlled by AIPAC or a similar lobbying group, show me America stealing nuclear weapon materials from Israel without receiving any punishment back. Also, America only sends the equivalent of about 3% of Israel's GDP to Israel in aid, they don't even technically need the aid anymore, they may need military assistance though.
Actually it's worse because the only decent jews live in Israel. Meanwhile the US and europe are stuck with all the degenerate liberal kikes.
>83% of Israel sees Trump as favorable
>75% of American Jews see Trump as unfavorable
Yeah, let's keep pretending that all Jews are same
Ben Shapiro explained how most American jews are atheist jews who don't give a shit about Israel
take away the weapons your (((government))) claimed they had?
but of course you didn't get the petroleum, and you there weren't any weapons of mass destruction, the war was promoted by jew's lobbies, and your soldiers literally died for Israel's interests
Yes. Jews that see themselves as Jewish over identifying with their country should go live in Israel.
when is sam leaving?
This goy gets it. Funny images on the internet are ironic and don't reflect anything tangible or real. and facts that say otherwise are fabricated by antisemites, because people from third world countries are managing to slowly subvert the strongest english speaking countries, starting by meming a handful of anonymous posters into thinking that Israel acts like it controls America. But this goy..this goy is having none of that
God bless
Jews need a containment zone. Imagine Sup Forums without /mlp/.
threads like these prove that most of Sup Forums has only been aware of the jewish problem for a few months at best
sure why not.
I dedicate myself to an all powerful Israel and the Kingdom of Zion.
When I say yes I meant it continuing to exist not continuing to have so much support and being allowed to fuck up the middle east so I should maybe I should have said no but the OP was very vague.
The Jews have no claim to the land currently known as Israel/Palestine
They are failing to fulfill the Covenant as was fulfilled by Jesus Christ
Christians do, which means that Christians are the New Israelite and the modern Jews are no longer the "Chosen People" that their alleged ancestors were
Jerusalem belongs to Christians and the Kingdom of Jerusalem must be reestablished
>dude just fuck up the middle east lmao
this is how you create refugees
t. newfag
hitler was a zionist. get all jews to israel, that is the goal. no one cares about you or your arab family desu. go have a cry somewhere else.
I don't want to wipe them out but I don't want to help them or let them come/stay here either.
Yes I said I want israel to stop fucking up the middle east and toppling regimes.
pro-Israel, anti-settlement
This is the only sane position.
Fuck Bibi, Likud, and AIPAC.
>jewish south africa calling me a newfag
I know you are personally invested in trying to make me defend Israel because Hitler because you are literally a Jew but newsflash: Hitler wasn't right about everything
Jews have not claim to the Holy Land and they have no right to exist as a people
I actually am, if it were up to me I'd mandate all international Jews move there.
What does that prove? I said Hitler was wrong you illiterate
>has his country destroyed by jews
>wants them out of western countries
>must be a jew
arab logic.
as i said no one cares about you and your arab family. less jews in western countries = less jewish influence = less wars. what happens to them in israel once ties are cut is their problem. once they're out they can't instigate wars involving usa + europe. it's called long-term thinking, ahmed.
Dixie will rise again ay?
I believe we should tell Israel that we got there back on iran, but they must shoot first.
Then we dont answer the phone after they attack. Let then win or lose, everyone who dies means nothing to me
I don't want to have an opinion i just will go along with the status quo in ignorance.
Just like everything else. One day my life will end and then the world will continue to be fucked.
Not my problem.
Pro-Israel with pre 1967 borders yes.
fuck off, I recognize your posts, you're an actual kike
Jews don't need there own land, that doesn't solve the problem because as we have already seen you people continue to meddle
Jews need to be categorized by what ever race they are closest too and forced to interbreed so as to lose their identity as a distinct groups
You can't just put the Jews in a box and hide them, they have to vanish as an entity entirely
Are you pro-Spain?
Reminder that this is the jewish redditor, Frogurt. Don't believe his lies!
>fuck off, I recognize your posts, you're an actual kike
that's strange i only returned once the election was over. glad i'm getting you to lie, just further proves you're a shill.
>Jews don't need there own land, that doesn't solve the problem because as we have already seen you people continue to meddle
of course they do, it keeps them out of our countries and it will keep them out of our affairs and will lessen their influence. sure you arabs will cry about it, but that's not our problem.
>You can't just put the Jews in a box and hide them, they have to vanish as an entity entirely
of course you can. there are plenty of countries that don't have any jews, or very little of them, that are functioning well and are not getting influenced by them. in asia and in europe.
once all jews are out, they can't influence the host country. that is just a fact. now call me a jew all you want or even call me a nigger...i don't care. i'm right and you're wrong.
No, it's why I fight #Drumpf
I'm in favour of anything to opposes filthy muslim mudskins
More importantly, how do we stop another Nakba Sup Forums? With the victories of the UKIP, Trump, and so on Palestine needs allies
I noticed which one you ignored
Perhaps it hits too close to home? Perhaps its what you kikes are trying to do to white people?
>that's strange i only returned once the election was over.
Unlike most of this board, both of us have been here longer than that
I don't forget kikes
This. Colonialism has to come back.
what did i ignore? the most irrelevant sentence..woah!
why not prove my points wrong? show me how a country is better off hosting jews than not. you going to tell me that national socialism's core ideology is wrong? you're going to ignore their influence they have? you can call me kike all you like it just shows that you're insecure and can't argue what i say.
I am. I know two Jews, they are the nicest people I've ever worked with, they have nothing in common with stereotypes.
Also, Israel has never had any conflicts with my country and they even established visa-free regime for belarussians.
Also my boss is jewish, I worked in many places and this is the best boss I ever had.
Jews simply need to be destroyed. There is no coexistence or separation
As long as Jews and non-Jews inhabit the same planet there will never be peace
The flaw with forced deportations is that Jews still exist and retain their identity, as long as that identity still exists Jews still exist and as long as Jews exist Jewish problems exist
Jews still have influence in many of these countries and even today Jews are attempting to gain influence in Japan
It is an imperative for the Jew to strive for domination of other peoples through trickery
They are not a strong people but they are a mischievous people
>Jews simply need to be destroyed.
not going to happen while they're in your host country. impossible. too much influence.
>There is no coexistence or separation
that's what i said, especially on the coexistence. are you even reading my posts properly? as for the rest of your extremely boring post, you've highlighted the problems which i had already mentioned. the only reason japan's gotten slightly influenced so far is because of the jews in the west with their influence. it's as simple as that. you continue to host them and it will happen more and more. the goal is to get them out and to their own country and whatever happens to them thereafter is their own problem not ours. by saying that i want that to happen it doesn't mean i want aipac and other jewish lobbies to exist, and those won't be able to exist once jews are out and lose influence. fact. national socialists were and are for it, the awb and afrikaners are for it..and for a reason. we've seen what can happen. every year around this time during the holidays you midf and jidf come here shilling and it's blatantly obvious. now fuck off. both you are dumb cunts.