Redpill me on the death penalty
If you kill your enemies you win
>conservatives are pro life because they believe all life is equal
>abortion is murder
>but also believe that murderers deserve the death penalty
>logically, 16 year old girls who get abortions deserve the death penalty
really makes you think
Killers and rapists should be killed.
It's moral and just but we shouldn't do it because the risk of mistakes are too high.
The government can restore liberty and property if wrongly taken away but they cannot restore life thus they should not take life.
Blackstone's formulation: "It's better that 10 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man suffer in prison"
Instead of fucking killing them put them to work like slaves
How he's not playing anymore.
But isnt it
A) really expensive
B) what do you do if its a mistake
In Canada a terrorist blew up a plane killing 330 people. They let him go this year after serving 30 years in prison. The annual cost of imprisonment for a male in $110,000 a year.
>watching docu about medieval england
>they hang you by the neck until you pass out
>revive you
>tie you up
>cut you guts open
>then fry said guts (while attached) on a griller
>while you watch
>and until you die
>mercy was if they let you hang until dead
never forgot that
Like you mistakenly give someone a death penalty and then they die
I agree to this. Only the ones which refuse to be a slave will be put to death. The rest will get slavery for a certain amount of time.
>crown in the thousands to watch the free show
>encouraged to throw rocks, rotten fruit and spit at the prisoners
>no one stepped out of line
Not worth the money unless it's quick.
The state deciding who lives and dies is a step towards mass slavery.
153 people have been freed from death row. That's a HUGE margin of error for saying someone has got to die then realizing they were innocent all along.
>shlomo still partially visible behind the capitalist
kek, actually about right. but funny that libshits are such cucks they'll waste time covering the Jew while appropriating our dank memes.
Doesn't matter.
if you rape, murder, or touch a kid funny, you should be killed
7+ Billion people on earth
How many are unemployed / Sick / Poor / Old ?
How many criminals in prison ?
How much does it cost tax payer to keep these people in prison?
How much does a bullet cost?
I used to be vehemently anti-capital punishment, but after seeing all the shit that happens in the world, I don't know anymore.
Someone who walks into a retirement home and massacres veterans shouldn't deserve to live. Someone who brutally stabs another person just to rob them for a few bucks deserves to be punished. Someone who dismembers children deserves no mercy.
Conservatard logic: Government can't do anything right, let's give them the power to decide who lives and who dies.
Absolutely necessary for proper national defense.
I just don't get why we can't make two death penalty convicts fight to the death for their lives in gladiatorial fights.
Supporting eugenics is fucking retarded. It's like if you frequently get locked out of your house because of a bad lock, you elect to remove the door. Seriously dude stop.
>If you kill your enemies you win
Here is your red pill.
No matter how evil, wicked, brutal a person is -- they always have other who love them deeply. I remember watching a video of a young girl tearing begging the state not to kill 'her daddy'.
The blue pill is to easily focus on the crime and wave off everything else. The red pill is to understand that the crime is done, but there is no need to make more victims.
The state killed the little girls daddy. and at that point, there was another victim of murder -- that little girl.
Making these people work hard labor for the rest of their life would keep that girls daddy around, as well as prevent wrongful execution.
The execution of Tim McVeigh, only made his parents victims of murder -- it didnt 'solve' anything.
>We should treat our newborns like convicted felons.
>We should treat our newborns like convicted felons.
it would save time
The answer your looking for is affirmative action abortions. let's call it AAA
Don't kill them. Use them in experiments.
Gonna leave this here. More or less what reforms them is a more humane hindsight than their victims got.
So the executioneer should be killed? Who would take that job lol