Why are you so obsessed with Sweden?

I must say for such an ''irrelevant'' country as you call it, you sure do love us a lot. I mean sheesh, we have the population of New Jersey and yet you always love to talk about us. You're like that little boy that pretends to hate that girl he has a crush on, but really you love that person. Quite pathetic desu, I can smell your insecurity through my screen. Love ya folks

>Sup Forums: autistic screeching

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No one said your country was irrelevant, but we all agree you are....cucks.

It was such an idyllic country and it's turning to shit before our eyes. Also, when ever somebody says anything about what's happening the Swedish anons get butthurt and start diverting attention.

Sven I can hear the niggers fucking your mother from here

sweden isnt irrelevant its just cucked

that gilr should be black

Cheer up Greece, all that anger isn't good for you


Where's the ten arabs plowing her every orifice?

Yeah dude, I'm so angry that I make 3 threads of "w-why do y-you h8 my cuntry pol" per second


You have literally never been to Sweden.

It is still mostly white and a fucking great country

They're a bunch of cucks, too emasculated to even reproduce.

I'm so sorry you had to see this.

they blond. blond is unique.

You wigger, do you realize that your nation will be a turn world in 30 years? That was 10 years ago. For fucks sakes, your true enemies are running/ruining your nation. We have been warning you for so many god damn years, take a hint.

Demographic and social trajectory is what we're talking about not current demographics.

I don't see too many Greek flags at this time, so for the sake of derailing the topic I want to ask you something

What's the situation over there? Is Golden Dawn gonna take back Constantinople or what? What's going on with Northern Epirus is it gonna secede or what?

Sweden is like an experiment. You see, it's like watching a train losing control and starting to get out of tracks: we just cannot stop looking at it.

And the worst part is that the people inside the train still act like everything is alright.

kek, I really like you guys.
Sweden will burn down and get raped to death by somalis before Austria wich will make my people react to it and kick those subhumans out.
I will shoot every swede left at sight for treason/deserting

*third world

Well this is embarrassing.

>your nation will be a turn world in 30 years? That was 10 years ago.
Really got the cogs turning


I don't understand why I should care tho. I will vote SD but mate, you only have one life. There a bunch of other white countries out there. Life moves on. All that negative energy just makes you miserable. Besides even if we'd turn arab I'd reckon the white swedes would still be the elite like South Africa. We'd be behind walls.

I just realized they had to use a black guy for the german flag otherwise it would have been blackface

The thing I don't get about Sweden - it is now #2globally for rapes due to muslims - yet every Swede has a rifle (so I was told by Swede in 2005) and is too afraid to do jack shit?

Seek help man, you're too autistic even for Sup Forums standards

Sorry it took me so long to post, had to google you're country so I'd know anything about it.

I want some of that Swedish viking pussy, you guys intermingled with slavs and still are the whitest looking Europeas because you bred out all those slavic slaves and all the non-europoors died because of the scandinavic weather.

Give us some Swedish pussy so we can all profit from your genes and before you cuck them all into nothing.

>yet every Swede has a rifle
You are thinking of Switzerland.
common mistake (for burgers atleast)

This is how Swedes think.

We don't talk about you because we like you or because we're interested in you, don't flatter yourselves. We just use you as an example of what a country looks like when ran by SJW land whales and cucks. So thanks for showing us what we over here in the civilized world should never allow ourselves to become.

Hah, I've been there and I believe I can speak for us all that you people have been pretty much already overthrown by niggers.

Enjoy your mandatory second islamic name, Sven Mohammed Bergström, they'll call you out with it to suck some black diiiiiik

Funny thing is, no Finn ever goes to Sweden without getting hammered first, your country is depressing as fuck :D

>wishful thinking
It's like you've already accepted the reality of your situation, wow. Too bad Sweden never had any culture it could be remembered with, but hey, at least now you have grenade attacks and rapes :)

Too afraid to do what exactly? Sup Forums makes it seem like there's a zombie apocalypse in Sweden. That you have to scavenge supplies and if you get seen by a muslim they'll come after you and gang rape you. I live in Stockholm and it has lower crime than every city in USA. Crime is even going down. Why should we kill people and ruin our lives forever when we live better than 99% of the world?

>Also, when ever somebody says anything about what's happening the Swedish anons get butthurt and start diverting attention.
That's because the majority of shit Sup Forums says about Sweden is either false or heavily biased so it could just as well be false.
Some of the shit is true, far from all of it though.

The guy in question had done military service. He was deffo a Swede, he was getting some humiliation daily about Sourstromming, that fermented fish in a can.

Cheers fingol


That is all.

Datz right, sweden cant resist muh dicc

i do agree that americans have no room to criticize you

none of our major cities are majority white anymore, except maybe portland, and it's probably more liberal than stockholm

you nigs wont shut up. its like canada we wouldnt even talk about them if they just shut up

your not a titan of industry like murika. your just some left wing cesspool

How can you not feel depressed when such unique, rare, and precious genetic stock as yours is being destroyed?

Complacency kills, kids.

In a way you're the sodom of Europe, Europe's gay cousin, a sinister bellwether showing where we're headed.

No one said you are irrelevant, if anything you are too relevant, and retarded lefties still hail your country as an example of a great nation, and I fear they'll take a page or two out of your progressive notebook

Lol, no you guys will turn into LA. A 90% shithole

The only reason it's high in the rape charts is because we count rape differently. Basically everything you do that's sexual gets added as a rape charge to the statistic, and each count of rape is separate. So while in some countries a guy raping someone would just be rape, in Sweden it's counted as X amount of rape.

Also I'm not sure about the gun meme, it's gotten more strict and I'm pretty sure only people with a hunting license have guns now. You need to keep them locked up too, I remember when I was young my grandpa had like 10 rifles hanging on the wall.

haha who cares about your genetic stock when you have netflix and chill and tacos on fridays

los angeles is a pretty nice city

one thing i can say about hispanics is they do a good job at preserving white society. i never understood why americans were afraid for whites to be a minority, other than the fact of democrats winning elections.

but now that a lot of minorities are going republican, it won't matter as much.

this propaganda piece try to show that through sex you can erase nationalities (the flags). they are both purple where "they had sex" - the same color. its the mutt population propaganda, make everyone like brazil

I wonder how many of your raped daughters, wives, and mothers think this is still true.

Well of course we aren't mate, we have a population of 9 million, while you have a population of 365 million. We'll never be able to compete with you, but I think we've done pretty good so far.

Why do you keep bringing yourself up? Usually we only talk about you when something outrageous happens that proves our point that the mainstream media tries to downplay....

Or when swedes like you bring it up.

>i-i-it's not so bad
>y-you americans also have crime, w-why can't we have some too
Yeah, your cops being pussy-whipped by niggers as your gay king stands by idle, as what was once a strong economy with a lot of promise crumbles under the black dicc

What makes it all so much sweeter is how you faggots are so in denial of what's happening that you're actually finding ways to defend the blackening.

We should build a moat on our border, jesus fucking christ.

>Classify sexual assault as different forms of rape
>have rising statistics about rape because of huge amounts of sexual assaults
b-but it's just because we classify rape as rape that we have more of it, it has nothing to do with the niggers raping our women

What the fuck do they put in your tap water, Sven?

Just come to Gothenburg or Stockholm mate and you'll see how foolish you are. It's safer than any other city in America. My wife would have a higher chance to get raped in USA than in Sweden.



Nice try Ahmed, nobody is feeding you faggots any more women to rape, get by with the Swedes you have been provided with.

Damn son, you seem pretty mad. Who hurt you? You know a thing or two about being pussy whipped, that's basically your entire country for 500 years.

It's true in certain parts of Sweden that are only white.

The amount of liberal bullshit and nonsense that comes from Sweden is disgusting. It's at this point SJW the country.

>they do a good job at preserving white society

Right now Sweden is serving as an example of everything NOT to do in a country. At least on the issue of Muslims and immigration.

that girl should be a trans woman of color

Sexual assault as in not benis in vagina
I'm pretty sure groping/kissing someone against their will can be counted as such and will be added to the statistics, which doesn't happen as much in other countries.
But sure, go back to listening to Alex Jones, pal. :^)

Finland is feeding us enough women to rape, don't worry sami.

This is exactly what I was talking about. Why do you have to compare yourself to us? Why can't you learn from our terrible mistakes with diversity and racial egalitarianism?

Whataboutism is so dumb.

Because your white country is going to be destroyed. That is reason for concern.

On top of that "Canary in the coal mine."

Yeah, then you faggots wouldn't even fight by our side without killing yourselves with AT-weapons against Russia, you fucking pussies. I bet you'd like them to be your neighbor, now wouldn't you.

Funny how you think that happening as much that it'll be reported is a good thing.

Enjoy the scraps, Akhmed

Lol the people in your country are being out-bred before your own eyes. Already, there are more than a million muslims in Sweden, with even more on the way.

Your country is going to be gone by the end of the century HAHAHAHA

Enjoy it while you last, cuck. Even if you decided to actually do something to fix it, nobody would dare fight with you. That's why we call your country a country of ass hurt faggots. Traitors to your own kind; a cuck.

I bet you think "Swedish culture will remain even after all the swedes are gone," huh. yeah, I'll be sure to ask Jamal about the swedish meatballs when you're all dead.

>Funny how you think that happening as much that it'll be reported is a good thing.
What the fuck are you talking about? My point is that Swedens "rape statistics" are X + Y + Z, while most countries only count X, kill yourself you inbred.

how exactly did i say anything inaccurate?

look at places like arizona and texas. whites are the minority there yet white republican culture is very strong because of hispanics preserving the american way.

it is illegals who are the problem.

You willingly let other other countries, cultures and religions dominate your culture, country and most pathetic of all your fedora tier atheism is being replaced by a religion(Islam). A religion much more extreme than Christianity.

WORST OF ALL, you pay these fucks to do it. It's a slap to any person with any common sense.

>all dropping
Hmm, really makes the neurons in my brain to process

Sweden black population: 0.9%
USA black population:15%

Yes? Learn from our mistakes, you dumb fucks.

20% of your country population are migrant.
in 50 years your country will be brown.

edgy post

pic related.

you are the canary in the coal mine...what happens in sweden is proof of failure of multi culturalism

>200M Whites

Canary in the coal mine faggot !
Fail to acknowledge the shitshow Sweden had become at your own risk.

So in 50 years we'll be argentina?

Multiculturalism kinda sucks desu, how's London going?

>people actually report something akin to sexual harrassment
>decide to count it as rape
Figure your shit out Sven, you're trying to come out on top too hard, you've already lost on a global scale.

Enjoy being world rape capital.

German flag *cough*

yes you will, i'm not trying to fool you.
we are a multi etnical country, but at least we are not a multiculural one, so it's not that bad. you can't say the same about your country.

anyways you live in a rich country, maybe your people can figure out how to make it works, but believe me, you will become a brown country in your life time, at least the big cities

gook moot banned half of Greece so they buy passes. Guess what.

Golden Dawn is a joke party with incompetent loud buffoons who thew away a chance on a golden platter. Northern Epirus is staying stolen for the foreseeable future. Situation kind of stabilized but never underestimate commies

t. Greek

So fucking accurate


I wonder what's the percentage for Sweden nowadays

>Crime is even going down

You're really going to try to show crime stats from 2012? Let's see, when did this whole mass refugee thing start? BTW, nice legend. I see that the cuck levels are still holding steady...

It just like a daily dose of how retarded and cucked a country can truly be.

Nigger, why do you avoid the point? Other countries don't report the same way we do, which is why we come out having more rapes.
You don't even have an argument, it's just "b-but Sup Forums said sweden gets super duper raped by ahmed h-haha!! take that"
Nobody here is claiming rapes by mudslimes don't happen, just why we're so high on the list.

Yeah, you're high on the list because people are reporting the rapes done by mudslimes, what is so hard for you to understand in that? Or are you consenting to Takmir giving it to you, faggot?

No ones obsessed with you.

It's just disappointing to witness your ethnic peoples literally commit suicide. In 30 years you will all be extinct. At least you weren't racist tho, right?

badly thats why we left the eu and tightened our immigration laws

we also dont push it on tv to your degree

i weep when i see some of your tv adverts sweden,i cant believe they get away with it.

You're baiting now right? If not, reread my posts and kill yourself

I read them, I see what you're trying to say, but you're wrong. Sorry Mehmet.

Have you heard about BBC friend? You are literally producing we wuz kangz shit as we speak


Holy shit, thanks for the pic, Sven, could never imagine how those inbreds have become so imbecilic.

Jesus fuck, this is what happens when you have a queen and a bunch of pigfuckers running your country.

Too bad the britcucks don't have guns or spine.

Jews, Anglos, gypsies and Ukrainians are cancer of Europe