Why do Americans in the rust belt want to work in factories instead of Walmart?
Why do Americans in the rust belt want to work in factories instead of Walmart?
I lived in the rust belt.
Walmart is shit.
Factories can be okay. More money duh.
christ this pic makese think of propaganda pieces
You would know a lot about propaganda wouldnt you. Get that TV License yet?
Have you ever worked in a walmart before
Working in a factory is heaven on earth
He's probably still working on his butter knife license.
t. Cletus
There's dignity and a sense of usefulness in manufacturing while there's done in fucking retail.
Fuck retail
get paid more, less pollution of environment, less supporting forced abortions in China
fuck gooks anyway
hit and miss
I'm polish dear amerifriend
Fuck you I want to be friends and shoot things with Cleetus.
Cleetus is a cool guy.
-pretending to be happy for customers is hell. it's not normal. most people are not happy all the time, or even most of the time, so having to pretend is a nightmare.
-working in a factory comes with satisfaction, as you can see your labor coming together to finish a product. at a retail job, it's just doing mindless shit for 8 or more hours
riddle me this- whats the point of saving manufacturing jobs in an industry that will be 99% automated in the next 20 years?
why is that more important to Sup Forumsacks than jobs in renewable energy? i never understood the whole "pro-gasoline" movement here. granted theres a lot of fossil fuels left, but the consequences to the environment, especially the air we breathe, is going to be tremendous. jusst look at beijing
The country that has it's political campaigning dominated by celebrity pop culture and number 1 albums wants to talk about propaganda. Watch the Superbowl and buy more Coca-Cola.
We're still wondering why the Queen still holds onto ownership of your frozen wasteland.
Because working in Wal-Mart starts you put at less than $10 an hour.
I have worked at 3 different factories and the lowest starting wage I received was $14 an hour
>Thinking the manufacturing jobs are coming back, or are viable anymore with our standard of living
When we were losing 1/6th of our manufacturing jobs over a decade, production INCREASED. Robots are here for your jobs, and they don't even need to cross the border.
Because people need jobs now, not in 20 fucking years time, idiot.
You don't even breathe oxygen in the U.S, you breathe Carbonated Drinks and Saturated Fats.
Government programs subsidize something like 70% of Walmart's work force because they don't get paid enough. People would rather work in factories than have to be on welfare to survive.
Even if they are just machines doing all the work they will still hire American workers to maintain them and they will still be made on American soil sold out to other countries. More money for everyone in america upper middle and lower classes
whats the difference between manufacturing an electric car and manufacturing a gas car? why is manufacturing solar panels and wind turbines so different? legitimately wondering. I been coming to this shitshow for like 5 years now and I still dont know why anyone would be against renewable energy.
... in that scenario you'd still lose like 50 jobs (if fully implemented) for every American maintenance guy.
Also, we still produce a shit ton, and we still make a lot of money off of manufacturing that the workers never see (even with all the job losses, our share of the global manufacturing market has held relatively steady for 40 years)
One produces
The other does not
Customer service is one of the worst jobs on the planet.
100 times this.
>The country that has it's political campaigning dominated by celebrity pop culture and number 1 albums wants to talk about propaganda. Watch the Superbowl and buy more Coca-Cola.
You think new casters and comedians are any different?
Renewable energy isn't free, in some cases it can run at an energy deficit. It costs fossil fuels to produce renewable energy sources, most of which are weak and need repaired often, usually by a machine that requires fuel operated by a man who went to work in a petrol engine car.
Until sources like Solar power are refined and made more effective, it's not a viable replacement for energy production and consumption. Wind turbines are nice and all that but they're too costly and they only work in windy climates. Water turbines are a good idea yet can't be placed close to the shore or on rivers, or they will disrupt wildlife, yet most of the best water motion comes from rivers and the oceans tides, you can't put a turbine on the ocean floor, it's too hard to maintain and there is minimal current and extreme pressure. You can't make them float on the surface as it can disrupt ships or sea mammal life, you can't make water turbine structures because then you would need to consume fuel.
There is practically no worthwhile method of gathering and storing renewable energy. We need to cut the energy deficit of renewables and increase yield.
I think it's different when a candidate for the highest office in the land brings a celebrity entertainer on the campaign trail to perform at speeches then calling it a concert and giving out free tickets so people go to see Beyonce instead of the political speech about policy and the desires of the American people.
Fuck off Scandinavia, you haven't had any relevance since the 11th century.
Are you serious? Factories for one will pay a bit more than Walmart. That and the fact that no one wants to deal with the retarded Walmart customers. I went to work in a warehouse and its much better then being some cashier dealing with a hundred+ retards a day. At least in a warehouse you just do most your work in peace and so long as you aren't shit no one will bother you.
Don't you have to pay into Unions?
keynesian vs austrian school economics
Factories produce goods, reducing the demand for goods overall, thereby lowering prices and increasing living standards assuming the overall consumption of goods increases compared to population. Shops like walmart whilst reducing prices by increasing the efficiency of the individual worker do nothing to change the supply and demand of produced goods and therefore do not significantly affect the living standard of the population.
Who wants to work at Wal-Mart? People may choose to work there, but I doubt most of them want to work there.
Same reason nobody listened to Hillary when she said this to all the workers.
Its truth, hurts, and offers no help for them.
They would rather drink antifreeze and say how sweet it is than go for water and know its all they have now for not doing better.
This. My job with a big car manufacturer pays triple my last job when you look at hour/overtime and hourly pay.
Plus it's a hundred times less stressful than retail was.