Stalin won.
NatSocs will defend this.
Stalin won.
NatSocs will defend this.
Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler did
>NatSocs couldn't defend Berlin
>implying they'll be able to defend this either
Communism is the ultimate redpill. We will march into the suburbs of the normie bourgeoisie elite, and seize their illicitly acquired wealth to enrich the long-oppressed intellectual autismo class. We shall redistribute Stacy's means of reproduction and be virgins no more. Alas, comrades, then luxury communism shall be realized.
the weak shall inherit nothing
And still won.
Fascists BTFO.
You intellectual types get shot first, like Zinoviev, like Bukharin, like Kamenev
Small price for victory.
Stalin won because Hitler was stupid and didn't listen to his own generals. Every historian agrees if Hitler would've stuck to the generals' plans the Soviet Union would've been crushed. So Stalin did win but that was from Hitler's own dumb decision not because of anything silly like Stalinism being better than National Socialism.
a strong, healthy lion might crush a thousand,hunderd-thousand or even a million ants, but will get devoured eventually due to sheer numbers.
And the people who shoot you will be uneducated nationalist chauvinists, who a boorish but cunning Stalin finds easier to control.
Communism is an ideology for losers, just look at yourself and your lack of accomplishments
>implying your failed economic system stood up to the nazis
lmaoing at ur life kid
The German offensive stalled in late 1941 and was faltering. They probably could have captured Moscow but the result would have been the same as the the French during the Napoleonic wars. The German's wouldn't have won without Japanese assistance and they required the Caucus Oil fields to fuel their war machine and Stalingrad was key in that objective.
>natural selection doesn't exist
Butthurt Hilterites in the thread
HItler imprisoned and killed a handful of irrelevant people.
Stalin imprisoned and killed the most valuable members of Russian society, indirectly killing millions of his own people and setting his own nation back decades.
Not nearly enough.
Kulaks deserved worse.
>Stalin made it harder for himself because he felt bad for crushing the Germans so badly
>setting his nation back decades
>russia beats the entire fucking world into space anyway
just how advanced was tsarist russia???
FUCK you cuck
Mannerheim won.
Commies will defend this.
>Finland became world superpower
Try again.
>ussr was more than a memepower
Try again.
>Tsarist Russia begins industrializing based on the Japanese model
>Anarchists chimp out and bomb the Duma
>Bolsheviks take over and basically destroy society
>Decades later they industrialize with Western help
>it was all Uncle Joe who did it, Pravda said so!
>facts are a meme
>facts make you a cuck
Because "socialism in one country" is nothing like National Socialism
>muh Western help
mfw Uncle Joe manages 100 years of industrial development in 10 years
>USSR wasn't dependent on American food aid
>this despite Russia in Tsarist times having a grain surplus
topkek you sound like a holocaust denier
the Japs and Taiwanese did it better
>actual gommies
>on Sup Forums
Gas yourself /leftyfaggots/
Who cares how you win
Victory is still the ultimate vindication
""""World Superpower"""" crushed by a bunch of sandniggers living in villages
Hitler still BTFO
Nothing to do with an invasion that captured the major grain producing areas of Russia
>thinks event 34 years after WW2 is revevant to OP
Daily reminder Stalin dabbled in Magic
We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us.
— Said in June 22 1931, ten years before '41.
>Defending commies
Why this don't surprise me?
>Stalin didn't even figth
>more soviets deaths than germans in their own territory
If wasn't for the USA supporting USSR more russians would die of hunger and cold in a tank made of paper.
Because you think (((Social democracy))) is the same as Communism?
-1 Hitler
+1 Stalin
Check the scoreboard faggot.
>what is the finno-korean hyper war
RIP Hitlerfags
You follow a loser that will never recover
National Socialism failed and those who follow it are weak
Communism is stronger and will crush you if you ever rise again
Not a single good argument.
Thank you Stalin.