These winners elected a banker's bitch who will destroy the middle class.
Way to go Trumptards.
These winners elected a banker's bitch who will destroy the middle class
how bad are your hands shaking right now shill?
>corporate mafia crony capitalism
go away reddit
>go away reddit
>implying redditors don't call others redditors as a way to pretend they are part of Sup Forums culture.
the upper class make jobs for the middle class . What jobs do middle class create?
Haven't you asked this same fucking question in like three different threads? You paid by the post?
This is so stupid. Capitalism was literally defined by Marx, it was Marxist analysis of capitalism that has laid the foundation of modern economic theory
False. Please at least make an attempt at a basic high school understanding of economic theory before outing yourselves as brainlet pseudointelectuals
awww...mommy didnt bring you home a twelve piece with bisquits?
>will destroy the middle class
>photo of middle class people
Oh golly gee wonder why the fuck they voted for him, obviously their situation has improved so much over the last 8 years.
why are you trying so hard to dodge my questions and be evasive,my dude?
So if I check up the Communist Manifesto I'm just gonna see a big drawing of stick figure shitting on another stick figure or will there actually be a long text that still makes sense to this date?
tl:dr; your picture is fucking retarded, just like you
Wtf am I reading
Whatever you say Patton "Proxy Dodger" Oswalt.
the shit is drawn on the wrong side of the picture, because the first part is completely full of it. nice paragraphs though, all those words look very impressive.
except we know for a fact that the US economy is better off today than it was in Jan 2009. unemployment is lower and wages are higher.
Did the little leaf have trouble reading the chapter books lo. Come back when you have an argument instead of spewing your feefee's lol
Who would have thought a leaf could be so witty and patronizing
now THIS is what I call revisionism
>the middle class existed past 2006
nice try kike
it's funny that you don't even see the irony in posting this image
There is literally nothing that Trump can do that will be worse than Hillary.
>There is literally nothing that Trump can do that will be worse than Hillary.
What you talking about? Trump has control of Congress and the Supreme Court. He will do FAR FAR more damage than Hillary and a GOP Congress.
>american education
Stop evading my question, libcuck :^)
You're missing the point