Why have you not taken the true redpill yet pol? Blacks arent dumber than you anymore than Indians are "muh master race"... These ridiculous IQ memes are just the personification of people's own internal self hatred. Whites hate that blacks aren't socially retarded like they are and breeze through stressful situations, Whites are stressed about China's rise which threatens the capitalism, free market meme and dumb chink meme, the success of Jews threatens the idea that the white race is indeed the most "successful" master race. This is our society coming apart and people pointing fingers at each other because calling someone stupid is easier to do than actually fix problems and structural issues in US politics. You might actually have to get out of your moms basement if you want the white race to survive, parish the thought. Secretly, whites are jealous of other races and don't understand why their civilization is coming apart.
Why have you not taken the true redpill yet pol...
bro niggers are fuckign retarded
i made a bike pump needle out of a plastic pen cartridge once, and they thought it was the craziest shit and I was mozart. even simple cleverness is exclusive to the white race.
don't sit here and fucking lie to me.
>>muh personal experience
>>therefore all blacks are dumb
>>but but but... check these poorly researched and already debunked statistics from the 80s, dewd don't you see blacks are dumb.
nice humble brag faggot
blacks and jews suffer from hundreds of years of anti-civilization behavior.
They are for the most part against civilization and pro-anarchy.
Also sage for posting a pic of this jewish whore called N. hartley
The only true redpill, hail commissar
>These ridiculous IQ memes are just the personification of people's own internal self hatred
Every white man has a story like mine. This is 200 years of history we know as fact. Passed down from generation to generation, the tale of the fucking retarded savage, and each one of us witness it to be true.
Niggers aren't human. They're 3/5.
>>check these poorly researched IQ stats from a discredited book from the 80s.
Have you ever even read the Bell curve?
>Nina Hartley
I used to like her but now I don't for some reason
sub-human, the only thing you can do is post porn pics because you sold your soul to the eternal merchants
>posts evidence disproving OP
>OP deflects
>OP shits himself
>OP is probably just baiting anyway so whatever
Idk, it's hard to hate an entire group. Easy to hate ghetto thugs of any race, trailer trash, chink, spic or nigger. Don't see how looking down at the poor and saying that's how everyone is, is a real argument. Even among ghetto blacks there is a difference between black southerners from New Orleans who actually own businesses and do work apart from stealing and mugging and blacks from say the "hood muh nigga Compton dawg"
Gross, looks like an horse vagina.
>literally the moderate muslim argument
>>post pics from a book written literally 30 years ago, disproven since the late 80s, think someone else is trolling me when he calls out my bullshit meme post.
I agree nigger IQ is probably closer to 70 just like in Apefrica.
> Rather than declining in salience, race
and ethnicity are now more important than either family income or parental education in accounting for test score differences
Niggers are orcs and you should stop posting.
there are good people of all groups, that's true
but with blacks, the vast majority of them are niggers. once you've been around enough you can't afford to let your guard down.
that's probably why people who live in all white areas tend to be the most egalitarian - they have no experience with other races.
P-Post more jungle fever.
No its not you fucking moron. Ideology, race and social class are three different things you idiotic shitlord.
>>hurr hurrr all whites live in trailer parks and sell meth cuz I watched that one series on Netflix.
wtf I love communism now
Funny because the main point of liberalism and globalism is getting rid of the only race that is naturally (which means: it doesn't come from studying like hey sians and backstage politics like zionists) cunning, the white invidividual. More specifically the white man. They need to get rid of it because you can't turn the world into a global third world unless it's entirely filled with monkeys and fuckers.
Did the sandniggers come in on their own? Did the SJW got their way into mainstream media by sheer effort? No. They always got helped by renegade white people. Niggers are bullied around? Cry about the white man. Sandniggers kill one another? Blame the white man. White males are bullied around? Trump.
Oh come on just shut the fuck up finocchio.
They're not. Every nigger is inferior.
because whitebois got animosity against black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. these are the guys that are jealous because they dont possess BBC. they dont possess that god gene thats involved in these black men out here. keep getting jealous. keep getting jealous while your wife asks for cuckolds. while your girlfriend asks for cuckolds. and wish that they can get fucked by these african warriors with these huge BBCs that can pipe em down to the point where they can feel each and every last spectacle of their pussy gettin vibrated and thrusted until the orgasm just spews out. keep saying nigger. keep saying black. you cuckolds. you LOVE it. you LOVE this shit. ill be that monkey. ill be that monkey with the BBC. enjoy it. have your woman take this dick. shes imagining a huge black cock. why do you think your women get huge dildos? because you dont possess the BBC gene! thats why youre upset. no BBC = anger. youre upset. youre mad at these african cocks. these rhino dicks. thats why you guys like saying nigger so much. i get it.
>Black DSP tries it: race relations
>by kojima production
I think it happens to be that blacks who live in predominately white areas behave in a cordial manner so that they don't get attacked. Not that they would, because white people don't typically resort to mob mentality, and rarely participate in gang-like behavior, especially in affluent areas.
Now take a white guy, put him in a predominately black part of the country, and see how that turns out for him. Also, sage.
The solution is every white nation needs to have STRONG families of 6+ children. And they should ALL be on welfare so we can win the war against the nigger on that front. Hopefully crashing it, and forcing them to flee from our countries.
Here's a redpill: Turkey provides safety for "Refuges", but they shitskins don't want to live in Turkey, because they want the WELFARE of Germany and Sweden.
Wake up! Crash your system! Have a white baby EXPLOSION.
Sup Forums is really being flooded with all these bullshit leftist memes. they can't argue against facts with any luck maybe some of these CTR fucks will be redpilled in the process
Read page 9 before posting something which actually disproves your original point.
i live in a predominantly black area (mobile, AL) and i don't chimp out on blacks
we have white trash, but they are a small percent of the white population. niggers are easily the majority of blacks, probably 80-90% of all blacks if i had to guess.
I just hate you because of crime and the fact that you stink. And the BBC is a meme, nothing more.
Now shine my shoes, boy.
>muh dick
Oh fuck off.
I quoted the abstract you dumb nigger. Nothing on page 9 disproves my point.
niggers hate it when you call them "boy", probably even worse than when you call them a nigger
>>can't argue facts
>>hey OP check these pics I found on stormfront from a book called the Bell Curve, that's been disproven for the last 30 years. Oh man bruh, you can't check these facts hard enough man. Muh master race, check them trailer parks, those aren't real white people cuz check these facts bruh.
niggers love white cock in their anus
>use emotional plea to strike down biological fact
At least american niggers are in a high IQ average than actual african niggers. Americans whiteness rubbing off.
Holy shit are you this retarded? How are Canadians literally the only group on Sup Forums which never fails to post the dumbest shit? Reading comprehension you shit face, I'd copy and paste pg 9 but you wouldn't read my post since you clearly didn't read page 9. What a faggot.
How do you feel about the fact that by those same statistics, Men are far more likely than Women to end up in the "retarded region?"
What I qouted is in the abstract you dumb 70 IQ jungle monkey.
> Rather than declining in salience, race and ethnicity are now more important than either family income or parental education in accounting for test score differences
>The Bell curve
It's a bell curve, applied to a deviated average. The IQ test didn't invent bell curves, you fucking tard.
>>thinks I'm being emotional
>>doesn't understand how projecting his insecurities about his own inferiority via stormfront isn't emotional
You literally can't be dumber
Those stats are easily explained by the fact that "community wealth" is higher in other races, so even with identical individual wealth, whites enjoy more community programs and targeted programs for success in testing.
Only Cletus could be so dumb to think that forcing people to be uneducated and poor for generations wouldn't explain them being less educated and poor.
>parish the thought
> parish
I understand exactly why its coming apart. A large part of the problem is that we have become a superpower. As a superpower that cannot be challenged openly, vast sums of money are funneled in to disrupt our internal politics.
We will break apart and sucumb to war soon enough. Ironically however, this will provide far more opportunity for me then most of the leaches that have embedded themselves into our society.
I'd suggest you significantly alter your tact in the future, if you want to maintain enlightenment ideals after the balkanization of America.
Do you know what the *abstract* is you dumb baboon?
I'm white you moose fucking leaf.
When did an SAT become an IQ test? Hmmmm, didn't realize it was. I must be dumb, never paid 350$ for some kike test to get into college. Still have my engineering degree
But user:
>research shows blacks are dumber
>Confucianism stifles innovation
>Jews tend to undermine the societies they inhabit
>hese ridiculous IQ memes are just the personification of people's own internal self hatred.
t never lived in da hood suburbs boi
>All races are genetically different and superior in their own way except whites who are trash and their race doesn't exist it's just a social construct like all race except blacks are superior genetically
SAT and IQ correlate. If you're not a nigger then you're a nigger apologist and equally brain dead.
america probably won't balkanize
people move form state to state all the time. there isn't enough continuity to simply break everything apart.
This. Knowing blacks irl will change your attitude about them right quick.
You must be trolling
There is a book, called THE BELL CURVE, wherein this picture originated. Fucking moron, you don't even know where your own statistic came from. What an emotional autist, some master race science right there.
Yeah... but the study you are pointing at didn't examine that aspect of racial economic impact.
Also, different guy from the one you were originally arguing with.
But The Bell Curve hasn't been discredited.
Implants are degenerate as fuck.
I don't care what you think it did or did not. All I did was quote the abstract which summarises their finding. In particular, * race and ethnicity *
are now more important than * family income or parental education in accounting for test score differences, *
I'm afraid that you are right about the US balkanizing. It's balkanizing because Conservatives see skin color/economic status before character and personal achievement just as much as liberals hate white men though. You and I don't see eye to eye but I think we can save the US by coming together as people under the constitution, you think whites should just form an imaginary ethnostate- this will never happen. Whites hate each other, especially poor or working class whites being absolutely detested by Wallstreet executives and muh libertarian/academic type. This is the problem, classism and illiberal values on all fronts from where I'm sitting.
>iq years are memes
Funny. So there is this exam, you have to take to get into college. It's called the SAT test. It is scored every year by race, and several other variables.
Blacks always avoid the lowest.
Now if your theory is correct, why does a group of people who went to school with the people who sit next to them to test, continually do worse? They do so bad, that the bar for them to enter college is based lower for them.
If your theory is true, please explain why black people do worse on the SAT test.
>we can save the US by coming together as people under the constitution
A million times THIS! The welfare system is set up for failure and will implode soon, or at least one day. Time to have a white baby explosion!
But user, when we proposed coming together as Americans under the Constitution you called us racist and ignored us.
Shills btfo
No degits= fug off
The statistics don't prove your point that this study implies "muh blacks are dumb cuz yea look at these fancy statistics" when page 9 discredits most of the report. This "report", if you can even call it that, was merely data collection for one school to use and you're implying that "therefore all blacks are dumb muh nigga". This just doesn't follow unless you're an autist.
Every bitch can't get enough of that white cock. All females crave it
But user, you're oversimplifying and misrepresenting his point.
Who is we?
...yeah, and I explained that individual income is still separate from community income, and that community income is a higher indicator of success in terms of programs available... and that whites enjoy higher community income.
It's not rocket science. Hell, the point is on page 10 of the paper you cited.
Abstracts leave out important subtleties that you seem to be too thick to grasp.
You dumb subhuman sloped headed air head, all I did was quote the fucking abstract, you goon, you troglodyte, you cave dweller. The abstract, you orc apologetics major, is the summary of their finding. Take it up with them.
Whites who don't identify as progressive.
I thought his point was pretty clear, blacks are dumb cuz muh Bell Curve therefore We Wuz Kangz.
Look, as I said before, we can all agree to hate ghetto thugs. But my workers in my factory who are black are some of my best employees, I just can't throw them out cuz "muh master race". The whites wouldn't even show up to work half the time.
>his point
It's the point of the PDF I'm quoting you monkey.
>Implying you can argue facts
No, his point was that research shows blacks are dumber. There is plenty of other research besides The Bell Curve - which hasn't really been discredited, like I said before - which supports the same point. You're harping on the validity of that one source to try and defeat his greater point.
Your anecdote about factory workers also proves little, even if it didn't run counter to the fact that blacks, in general, are lazier than whites.
It's true.
The black girl's name is Nyomi Banxxx.
She's pretty sexy desu.
I find black women repulsive both physically and personality wise.
I wish I had a black fuck slave that I can repeatedly rape as is my right as a plantation owner or driver.
it's an std ridden drug addicted jewish whore and a nigger, stop fapping you pathetic degenerate
>this is a complete coincidence goy!
>Blacks arent dumber than you anymore than Indians
I can't tell if this was written by a black or an Indian """""intellectual"""""
Anyways I will not concede whites as the world's smartest race to a people who shit in the street because they believe a witch lives in their toilets.
niggers and kikes go well together.. now why won't you go to africa and create your utopia there and leave us humans alone?
>Nyomi Banxxx
What are you doing in a white board, tyrone? KYS
I have some more but at this point I think OP is hopelessly btfo and I have better threads to read.