Why the fuck did you guys vote for Conman Trump?
Bernie "BERSERK" Sanders vs Trump
If this happens it will make up for everything that happened over the next four years of drumpf.
Sanders wasn't running.
Anyone who voted for Hillary dissent understand corruption.
Not many choices outside of that. Green party an al eppo combined got five percent. I would of voted for Bernie over trump.
Why are you posting fake news? Why aren't you making threads about how fucked your country is? Just keep ignoring it, and focus on the other side of the earth to help you forget? A little boy had to have reconstructive surgery on his ass hole because of the "religion of peace" in your country this week.
Possibly your should worry about things you actually could affect.
>bernie sanders alive
He would be 80 when he's sworn in. People can live till they are 125. So it's not impossible to see him at the age of 100 still kicking strong.
Empire was the best one :)
>0.05$ was put into your account
>Trump wants to make our economy amaze-balls again
>Hires people who know how to make a shitload of dosh
>"But muh proletariat"
Fuck off, Commie scum.
fuck bernie sanders. yea he use to be cool and huff glue and tag billboards by the train tracks but now he sold out
all he cares about is putting a woman in the white house so nobody remembers he stole money from people with student loan debt
>drains the swamp by filling it so high it overflows
trump cucks are so fucking dumb. I almost feel sorry for anyone who legitimately hoped this very obvious conman would actually make america great again. this is the best timeline
Bernei could be much better than hillary, but he would never win, for 2 reasons.
No one will take a commie seriously on the us.
Bernie isnt a corrupt evil snake like hillary, therefore no ad hominen or fear mongering against trump
>bernie literally lobbied for goldman sachs: the candidate
>upset when Trump hires a goldman sachs banker
Totally cucked.
they gotta cut it out with this devil horns shit
Let me count the fucking ways.
>Bernie Sanders was a bum who didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was 40 years old. He was a slob who lived in a shack with a dirt floor. He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.
>anders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”
>He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.
>The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.
Meanwhile Donald Trump transformed Manhattan from a drug, gang, illegal dumping, and prostitution infested shit hole into the most prime real estate in America.
This faggot endorsed Hillary Clinton. He has no fucking right to say this.
He would have to restart an already destroyed SJW movement. Four years from now his potential voter base will have dwindled and found jobs and partial sanity.
Hard for someone like him to be "kicking strong" when he let his balls get kicked in by a grandma younger than him
Nice try kiddo.
The word cuck is reserved for you and your ilk, only. It isn't a two-way street.
I wonder who would be in Bernie's cabinet if he won. My guess would be a bunch of spics and dindus
Bernie Sanders is either a moron. Or he's jsut shining a light on what Goldman Sachs is attempting (and failing) to do.
Obama's Administration included ~30 Goldman Sachs Employees.
Trump has hired 2.
That's a 93% reduction of Goldman Sachs influence in our Presidential Cabinet.
Berserk? Someone post that picture of sanders being cucked by 2 black women and him looking like a little BITCH
>That's a 93% reduction of Goldman Sachs influence in our Presidential Cabinet.
He's still picking his cabinet faggot.
Also you are ignoring the rest.
says the kike that sold out to Hilary for shekels
Compare a picture of Obama in 2008 to now. He aged like 20 years in 8. Enough to kill Barney five times over
Ouch your trash info graphic needs updating user.
Last I heard a number of those individuals have no place in the cabinet and some were even fired.
But trump cucked you all
At least drumpfies can get the benefit of the doubt sometimes--Sanders fucking crawled into Hillary's camp like a beaten dog. He has no dignity or credibility left
>muh ebull banks
Gas this kike already.
>Sanders recently purchased a lake-front home in North Hero, Vt., his home state. The $575,000, four-bedroom home includes 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront on the east side of the island, according to the Vermont newspaper Seven Days.
lel. use college kids money to visit all the states and buy a new home with the unspent cash.