Why has heroin suddenly become so deadly?
Why has heroin suddenly become so deadly?
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It's Fentanyl that's killing people, sold as "heroin." I really don't have a problem with Heroin users dying, they should know what they are getting into.
Allbthe people who know how to donit eventually ovrrdose anyway so knowledge is lost
>Heroin deaths surpass gun deaths
Ban all assault narcotics
Who cares, it's cleaning the gene pool.
it's not. It's working as intended.
the digits dont lie
no one except politicians and charities care about substance abusers.
>Why has heroin suddenly become so deadly?
After the FDA cracked down on prescribed opiates, it caused a huge uptick on the amount of people taking heroine. This increased demand forced producers to start using analogues. However, since they're retarded druggies, they don't realize or don't care that the analogues are 100x 1000x stronger. People then OD because they don't realize what they're actually injecting.
It goes hand in hand with depression and suicide. At least they go out feeling euphoric
Because someone finally figured out that switching fentanyl with heroin was more likely to get rid of degenerate drug users.
>that BLM spike in gun homicides
Why does the press make it sound like drug overdose deaths is a problem?
It's good for society that drug addicts die.
>Tips syringe
DIY drug dens
OP is never not a faggot
answer me this for the usa
deaths from....
Heart Disease
Lung Cancer from Smoking
just curious
Turn 12,989 heroin deaths and 12,979 gun homicides into 25,968 gun homicides?
Herman Cain trips
Easily googleable, but road deaths outnumber every other sort of unnatural death in America. Heart disease and cancer and the two largest killers, though.
>Heart Disease
>Lung Cancer
It's always been deadly, but you have to understand the situation here is one of greatly increasing numbers of people using than just the drug becoming deadly.
Cause people are dumb
Now that all the whitebois are hooked the reptillian and kike overlords are lacing it with fentanyl and other deadly substances.
cause it's cheaper than the prescription drugs your doc got you addicted to
Post ID: ohaDL3cl
Drop in price and cutting it with other bullshit.
Variable purity and side effects from the other shit mean that one time the addict shoots up too much of something and then they're dead.
Use is up because of that price drop.
Crack cocaine killed poor blacks in the 80's
Heroin is killing poor whites today
Drug epidemic or CIA-backed black ops?
>be drug company, have doctors shill pills for cash
>soccer mom hurts her ankle, gets subscription for Oxycontin
>drugged out moms stop paying attention to kids
>kids start taking and selling oxy's from their parents
>kids now addicts
>oxy get banned and supply cut off
>kids now junkies looking for a fix
>start taking heroin
thats what happened.
In addition to the rest of the posts in this thread Hydrocodone recently became a schedule 2 medication.
We aren't killing nearly enough citizens
Government being niggers and making it incredibly hard for pill addicts to get their fix. People who have been addicted to vicodin for years find their supply drying up as doctors are less likely to give out prescriptions due to DEA meddling and pressure. Rather than going through withdrawal, these people switch to heroin which is cheap and readily available, and eventually overdose because street heroin varies massively in strength.
It only take 50 ppm of fentanyl in your herion doseage to kill you. And quite frankly, people are probably getting tired of 'living'.
workworkworkwork two days off that fly by so fucking fast workworkworkworkworkworkworkwork Pay bills, be broke, workworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkwork pay bill, be brokeworkworkworkworkworkworkworkwork FUCK this > heroin
>gene pool
It's not a racial issue, it's class. Upper-lower and lower-middle class is hooked as fuck on being retarded.
i wouldn't be surprised if all these fucked up prescriptions are just written-off as ODs rather than medical errors
What percentage of those gun homicides were committed in Chiraq? Don't answer that. I'll look it up.
All about Chicago
because a ton more people use it now
Bingo. You can also order derivatives online from china with even more potency than regular fentanyl.
kek, based dutdut knows the answer
>December to date
>91 people shot
Sure looks like gun control works well
american education
they fuck up the dosing and cutting
wagecucks are such sad people living sad cyclic lives
Welcome to Chicago, friend.
I've done a lot of fentanyl and it's perfectly safe if you know what you are doing. Drugs don't kill people, their own idiocy does.
Same goes with cars, knives, guns, stones and water. None of them are dangerous per se, it all depends on how they're being used, by people.
I don't bloody think Sharia allows it, mate.
I wonder how much narcan has affected the death rate, maybe users are being riskier knowing that they have a literal stimpack that can revive them from an OD.
>13K people die from heroin
>13K people die from guns
More like Chicongo
>At least they go out feeling euphoric
They should have just become atheists
>None of them are dangerous
However, only one is highly addictive and consumed by mentally ill people to self-medicate.
Welll the problem is they don't, since they're being given heroin cut with fentanyl
Dude I've done loads of patches and shit, and that withdrawl is a biiiitttchh. far worse than heroin. Doesn't last as long but holy hel it hits you like a train. It was like I had to dose every 2 hours or so.
Yeah, if you know what you're doing it's okay, but a small slip up and you have to go through hell. I fell asleep with a patch in my mouth and that was it. Withdrawls.Did that shit for like 3 years. It's pretty bad. Worse than heroin.
You are mentally ill if you don't like fent man. That shit is fantastic. The side effects are shit.
most the Fent analogs are shit tho
no euphoria at all.
i haven't read anything this dumb since.....since...since....fucking ever
Doctors were prescribing pain killers left and right just to shut up every fat-ass 9-5 office worker who was too lazy to go exercise once and while, then realized that it was unethical and dangerous and stopped, and said trashy people went on to do heroin because they got addicted to those pills because they were filthy degenerates.
This is leftist propaganda, the deaths from heroin are more than double that of gun related deaths in fact car deaths are double that of gun deaths and less than heroin deaths which is funny how they choose to compare it to guns and not cars. Really made me think
The thing about the mom selling it is bullshit, but most people transition from pills to heroin
Yes. And we don't have to worry about mentally sane people, because they don't shoot, stab or stone innocent people to death. And mentally sane people doesn't have to fear fentanyl because they can handle it if they choose to do it, which most probably don't do to begin with since there probably is no need for it.
I know, I kept at it for about 3-4 years as well.
If you research the drug you're using and learn how it affects you, take it slowly and notice how you respond to it, nothing can go wrong. Sleep doesn't hit you like a lightning bolt, it comes gradually and you have time to remove the patch before it. That's just ignorance to leave it in.
i myself transitioned from pills to heroin, clean again, its a battle...been on and off. Currently working construction. I would seriously love to meet one of these bitch boys on this website. you people know nothing about substance abuse...it has nothing to do with morals, do your homework you niggers. You dont know shit about the stuggle
I highly doubt that, since your posting reeks of reddit.
Stay strong brother
i dont browse reddit bitch boy...Ive been going to AA NA on and off for years, nicest people ive ever met, they do much more to add value to this life than your punk ass talking shit about sick people. Lets meet up, ill make you my bitch ive been horny as hell since i got off the junk little boy
There's usually an underlining mental illness at play that goes with addiction. That was the case for me, anyway. I self medicated
>nicest people ive ever met
>Lets meet up, ill make you my bitch ive been horny as hell since i got off the junk little boy
Why don't you learn from them then?
you 2 brother dont listen to these punks, judgement is an invitation to fate, i gaurentee all these faggots calling drug addicts degenerate will experience an addiction on day, jokes on them
I don't believe you.
aww you feel scared when someone you talk shit about gets mad at you? poor thing
I actually had a substance abuse problem, and overcame it on my own. Sounds like you're just weak :^)
I dont know, but I dont care. it sounds like a good thing
It's obvious that you've got mental problems unless you're trolling right now. I feel scared for humanity with people like you getting emotional over nothing.
your mother sucks cocks in hell
People get hooked on opioid pain medication like oxycodon.
They're cut off when their money runs out or cut off.
Heroine is the next closest and cheapest alternative to alleviate the withdrawal.
Its fentanyl.
Im glad its happening
Fuck i think we should legalize all drugs and decrease the degenerate population
dont you have a black dick to suck sweden? its 18 minutes past the top of the hour, your late
What are you gonna do about it, tough guy? I'd beat the shit out of you. I'd fuck your wife in front of you and bust my nut on your face. Keep fucking around and I'd slip my cock up your ass unlubed and take your manhood. Watch who the fuck you talk to, bitch.
Man I was smoking a cig out my window and passed right out. For 14+ hours. My legs were sat so funny they didn't come back right. I've known people that had to have shit amputated because of passing out high. It happens.
I mean... I still do opiates sometimes. and passing out like that isn't a totally common thing, but it does happen. and you can just lose it and go out - burned myself so many times passing out with a cig.
I never wore patches though, smoked the gel or squirted it on snus.. held the straight up plastic ones in my mouth like snus.
The fact you had the propensity to be addicted is the issue. Stop trying to be a special snowflake
The heart disease lung cancer and car deaths couldve been productive members of society. These opioid addicted fags are not.
Passed out with that shit in my mouth too. Which caused to first withdrawal. The rest were just from doing it too much.
its not more deadly, more people are using it
what do you think about people who call weed addictive?
most of these heroin over doses are actually fentanyl, because they appear similar. fentanyl is the new trend and its way more addictive and potent than heroin. which is a dangerous mix
Over regulation of prescription narcotics. People are switching from hydrocodone and oxycodone to heroin now that the DEA is cracking down.
Only 91 shot in December? Seems low
If a person OD's its good for business. They do it on purpose. Its like advertisement.
Chicongo is better, it emphasizes that its all due to chimpery
The month is still young
They don't know shit. Opiate withdrawal is hell on earth. Not smoking pot after doing it a long time is just annoying at most.
This is a plan to eventually legalize synthetic heroin, open gov't funded clinics so that junkies can get a fix in a 'safe' environment. Big Pharma profits and the population is drugged and easy to control. Why do you think Soros has put big bucks into legalizing drugs?
Went to AA for a while. No more booze.
We should let the heroine addicts die.
From a guy thats been to AA and NA youre wrong.
Libshits forcing marijuana on kids because dude weed lmao was the gateway drug needed to lower their willpower and get them hooked on heroin.