In all serious, has Stefan Molyneux come up with a near-perfect philosophy? He has taken the great aspects of libertarianism (free-market economics, high social freedom, respect for individual ability) and fused it with racial realism and nationalist protection.
In all serious, has Stefan Molyneux come up with a near-perfect philosophy...
> Implying he's the first person to do this
Literally tons of other, better Libertarian philosophers have come to the same conclusions earlier without having access to the stuff Molymeme has to look at already. Hans Hermann Hoppe and Murray Rothbard ended up becoming essentially Neo-Fascist Race Realists way before Molyneux ever did.
That's basically Colbertism. Well I guess it's impressing for americans since you guys don't really have a sense of history.
Wow, don't you wish they had the audience that Stefan has? I guess that's where his value of being more important than those people comes from.
Who is more valuable for getting things done, Donald Trump or Ron Paul?
I honestly do appreciate this insight, I like to know any other thinkers like this. But I think it's important because Stefan is contemporary. He may be the most visible person displaying this great fusion of libertarianism and nationalism.
But nobody has ever heard of those people.
Molymeme has actually been successful in spreading a message.
I could think of the most brilliant shit ever right now but if no one hears it it doesn't matter
>racial realism
Is this what you guys call racism in your circles? lmao
Go be a nigger somewhere else
fuck off nigger
t. gook
In all seriousness, if you can't create your own personal ethos based off your experiences, but instead rely on a hack 'philosopher' you are an idiot.
Pls kys asap
I've only watched one of his arguments and he was completely retarded, so that was enough for me.
fuck off gook
t. jap
without the unsupported negative connotation. lmao
>his island nation never had a globetrotting empire
>his island nation was cucked to yanks before anyone else
>his island nation got itself fucking nuked as punishment for trying to bite the hand that feeds
UK best island nation ever japs eternally jealous copycats
Shit I know that Rothbard started to lean that way near the end of his days but I had never read that essay or his later works. Good shit
He's a wanna be political L.Ron Hubbard for all the bastard sons of the millennials.
Anything thing he has to teach you can find elsewhere.
>inb4 nod an arg00mint
Don't be stupid u guize.
In all fairness we cucked you back in 1776 and Commodore Perry didn't spread the silky soft legs of grorious Nippon until 1852.
Yeah but we were only officially cucked by you after our empire actually fell.
For Japan you just showed up with the advantage right off the bat and gave them no choice but to take the red white and blue dick from day 1.
You can claim our legacy too.
claim it you cunt
Not an argument.
Dugin did this in his book Fourth Political Theory, accept he did it way better, with more traditionalism and without Stefan's degenerate individualism and anarchy.
I honestly know nothing about him besides those two Ben Garrison cartoons he commissioned about himself that make him sound like a huge faggot.
Fuck off jap
t. chink
Stefan's philosophy is an evolution of Ayn Rand's Objectivism updated for and targeted at modern issues.
It is interesting to find that he began a four part series on "The Truth About Ayn Rand" and was unable to finish the fourth part which meant to be his personal critique.
>Nobody has ever heard of Murray Rothbard
Translation: I'm a fat burgertard who projects his intellectual inadequacies onto others
Not an argument