So Sup Forums what is your goal in life?
Other urls found in this thread:
white children
be happy
Kill on non-Whites.
Especially spics.
I guess East Asians can live if they go back to their own countries.
> the lulz
Help save Western civilization and raise a beautiful White family.
>Not using systems
I want to be.
>graduate with CS degree
>work at various companies making enough capital to start a business
>own multiple successful, original businesses
>white kids OR stay single and fuck sluts
>start white nation
participate in the downfall of the Cabal and join the impending planetary ascension into the higher vibratory plane
ain't got none.
If I get to see the cunts and cucks suffer a little before I invariably top myself, then that's some icing on the shit cake that is life.
Achieve enlightenment and free myself from the endless cycle of reincarnation
Marry with a redpill white qt and have redpill white kids.
who /dixie/ pepe here?
A white ethnostate free of degeneracy for my wife and I to raise our children
I just want a house and a gf and a job that I don't fucking hate
That's it.
Yet, I have not a single one of those
To kill niggers
My goal is to have the best ideas. To sharpen my intellect and mind so that I can live my life based soulely on correct information. Then based on my better understanding of life spread my ideas to other people and convince the to think as I do. By doing this I believe that I can have a positive impact on the whole of humanity and live on forever as a result. For those who truly have power are those who love the world different from the way they found it. I believe that the best way I can go about changing the world is through the ideas I express and spread to others.
Bottom left, botton middle-right
nice narcissism
to buy Sup Forums, delete all boards, except Sup Forums and Sup Forums (because it's already Sup Forums-lite).
What does the original Pepe think of his cousins?
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums-lite
Please link me to this board, I have never seen it.
My qt muscle bottom Asian boyfriend and I share a downtown condo with a great view. We have stable, decent careers that complement each other for conversational purposes. Our place is all white and has a beach motif. On weekends we do brunch with friends and go kayaking or hiking. Our sometimes hobby is helping to organize murder mysteries. We also film the odd indi horror movie.
do you worry about spreading imperfect ideas?
I am the only person whom I have total control over. I am my own tool that I use to impact the world. Just as you are your own. Narcacism is the true redpill. Only by turning to yourself can you truly make your life better for those around you.
Yeah that's a pretty typical viewpoint. I am sorry you had this handicap in your emotional development, not that you are capable of feeling empathy towards others anyway
to make 100 million dollars
Cash in on the SJW phenomenon, it's like stealing candies to kid and selling them back to their parents for a premium.
Honestly I want to get married and have kids. Unfortunately most if the women i meet aren't really marriage material.
Constantly, but that is why I am constantly trying to absorb as much information as I possibly can to improve my ideas. At the same time though I accept the fact that I will never know everything so my ideas will always be fallible. My goal is to make the best of what I've got and make my ideas the best they possibly can be.
Have like 7 pure Irish Children and become the Patriarch of my Family.
to help others and the environment
To the contrary my friend. I empathize with everyone I come in to contact with. I try to understand what makes this them and why they think what they think. By first understanding that I can help them be the best they can be. Only through first developing yourself can you truly develop those around you.
Become POTUS
I've been taking detailed notes on Trump this whole campaign.
Western Civilization will need a hero in 40 years.
I just want to have a normal family, but being dead would be fine too.
all they do is complain about sjws, forced female protagonists in games, and niggers.
universal debt jubilee
Get rich, have a white family, and make them super redpilled for when the world gets painted white
Red-pill at least 50 people throughout my life, and have lots of red-pilled children.
My plan for rn:
Enlist in Air Force
Use GI Bill to study Computer Engineering
Get married
Have children
Raise them to love America and serve the country and God
Retire and become a private school teacher for a while
Eventually take investments for a year long trip across Europe (if it's not a fucking shithole by then) from Spain to Russia
It's the dream for now but hopefully I can make it happen
Not to die. I know the meat I inhabit will die, I don't care about that, the meat is not my self. My culture carries most of my will, most of my self was already there before this meat vessel was born and will outlive it.
>have redpill white kids.
Adoption is breddy expensive m8
total aryan victory
If you do that try to get a afsc that is similar to what you want. Your recruiter will tell you its a long wait but security forces is open. Wait it out unless you really want to join SF.
to live a comfy life and raise a family of 12.
Have 12 kids and go to Heaven.
To crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Exterminate Jews.
Achieve national greatness.
To getting my body ripped
To getting a nice job
To marry qt white wife and have children
To buy a comfy house
To improve Nationalism in Europe
To get rid of jude, niggers, sand niggers and muslims out of europe.
To make europe an Ethno state.
This is my dream Goal i already finished first two.
But it's unlikely i will finish the rest.
I will probably die in European Civil/Race War.
Would proudly give up my life for a better great Europe.