Sup Forums ylyl

Lets get one of these going

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Red Panels has been BTFO of Sargon for a couple of days now.






Chink and Alex? Is this real?


Be sure to leave a dislike

HAHHAAHHAA!!! Holy fuck Alex Jones is hillarious!


Crime rates for urban whites would be very close to those of blacks. It's just that crime statistics for white people are diluted by tons of suburban and rural whites who live in areas where it's impossible to commit crimes because there's no one to commit crime against, so that comic is retarded and misleading.

>Crime rates for urban whites would be very close to those of blacks.
[Citation Needed]

Literally this happened to me yesterday.
There was some faggot nu-male asking for unbiased statistics because someone said blacks murder way more whites than whites murder blacks. The faggot said it was the opposite, i showed him FBI data and he ignored it, then he kept asking about, that he would "rightfully accept everyone's opinion and change his mind" if he received some good evidence about black crime statistics, i send the data again and he got pissed at me, called me racist and blocked me, fuck i hate leftists more and more each day.

This guy is outrageous, that fucking meltdown was great.


That's just racism, goy. Cops shouldn't be allowed to arrest blacks, even if they do commit crimes. Their crimes pale in comparison to the centuries of imperial colonization whites have imposed on all PoCs. It's probably because your ancestors enslaved them.




Ancap memes are god tier







>Adam Lanza's School of Fun










Such numbers. Kek wills this thread. It must reach post limit.













fucking gold

i need the original for research purposes


Do they allow open carry?

>John "Ooh Eee Ooh Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Banged some kids" Podesta

Good question.


They posted this on THEIR OWN channel? Are they trying to smear their image?

have a larger one??

>You Know It's True

Oh god it's like five times as fucked up as when I last saw it.


Just look up pomf pomf, Agrey

>implying niggers can read


>They subtitled Hillary for Prison with Hillary for President


He's right you know

Russia isnt communist you memeing faggot.

>he wasn't here back when youtube pseudo celebs would make loli jokes
>he never got to see nyanners go from playfully offensive to full tumblr
I can't figure out if you missed out or were spared a bunch of stupid drama.

holy shit why has this never been made into a sketch

Fucking holy kek

Seriously m8?

Bet he feels a bit silly now, huh?

Red panels is some Sup Forumsack who isn't funny and can't draw for shit.

Fucking Australians and their opinions.

I can't tell if this was ironic

God help us

I have many younger cousins who send me those shitty ragecomics.

Only ever seen one decent one the rest are on par or worse than this one.




>All those icons at the top

This is literally Grandma-tier comedy.

make it grow




audibly kekd




Check crime statistics for NYC dumbass.


So all of a sudden open borders and free flow of people and goods aren't that appealing ?

>Red Panels BTFO by Sargon
>not Sargon BTFO by Red Panels

Sargon has done nothing but sperg out for days.