>Europe on the brink: Streets 'will become war zones' as continent descends into crisis
EUROPEAN leaders are said to be preparing for mass civil unrest as multiple catastrophic problems engulf the continent.

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They're racist pricks who can't handle a few refugees trying to make a better life for themselves.

Maybe they should go to Australia.

What, no eurofags want to tell us what is going on.

There's nothing new in that article.

Honestly, I would like for there to be unrest on the streets. Maybe that would effect policy changes.

Europe is fucked anyway. I'm glad we decided to get off that sinking ship. Now we need to sort out our own problems...

At any give time, there were not more than a few hundred IRA fighters.

Multiply this time maybe 1000 fold or more, and this is the future of Europe.

Blame your local SJW.

What happens when the free checks stop coming and the Muslim have to emerge from their No-Go zones?


>There's nothing new in that article.
True. But I want to hear what euros have to say. How do they feel?
Are they "tribing up" for protection?
Are they arming themselves?

>Multiply this time maybe 1000 fold or more, and this is the future of Europe.
>Blame your local SJW.

>Europe is fucked anyway. I'm glad we decided to get off that sinking ship. Now we need to sort out our own problems...
How are u guys handling the muslims and the no go zones?

oi fuck off

No room unfortunately.

That streets ice cream umbrella stolen from a shop. Jesus. It's like a pedo flag.

Maybe Sup Forums will finally realize that the "breding out whites" was never the actual endgame, but another great European war for the next generation of globalists to profit off of, just like WW1 & 2. Why else would they specifically import just military grade young men, instead of focusing on bringing children as well to displace the natives?

>oi fuck off
i understand

>original "you only had to listen" happening jpg

yeah yeah yeah europe aint taking shit for refugees in comparison to other middle east countries. lebanon,turkey,jordan have taken in millions (this doesnt include iraqi refuees)

aside from that there were ten of more millions during ww1 and ww2

>yeah yeah yeah europe aint taking shit for refugees in comparison to other middle east countries. lebanon,turkey,jordan have taken in millions (this doesnt include iraqi refuees)
if we didn't destabilize middle eastern countries, this shit wouldn't be happening.
Ron Paul was right.

>Why do you call them rapefugees?

anybody have the German map of 2016 crimes committed by immigrants?

>Are they "tribing up" for protection?
>Are they arming themselves?
No. Things aren't that bad. Yet.

>How are u guys handling the muslims and the no go zones?
There's no such thing.

You really need to stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums.

Of course they're currently on track to breed whites out of existence, but the powers that be only wanted a war. They never dreamed Europe would be this submissive. It's a bit awkward for them.


No, but I have this.


For people who are trying to get a war going, they are trying extremely hard to suppress any kind of retaliation from the native populace; even vocalized dissent is outlawed.

>>How are u guys handling the muslims and the no go zones?
>There's no such thing.
>You really need to stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums.
I heard it on our MSM, and that was a couple years ago.
Aren't there some places in London where there are Sharia Patrols? Yes there are, right?

id pay to see a monster truck run all those shitskins over.

They need to install Sharia law first before the war can start. It has to be yuuuuge.

Hillary and Huma are getting paid to move Islamic invaders into position.

No. There aren't. You are quite misinformed.

I live in London btw.

I'm not saying we don't have a problem with muslims and niggers but there's no such thing as "no go zones".

>1 in 20,000 will be raped
>1 in 4 will be raped

Well, which is it?


Fuck off, we are full.

>there's no such thing as "no go zones".
That may be, but there are Sharia Patrols in some parts of London.

and may more websites...just google it.

>no go zones".

They exist in France and Germany. Surprised that they don't exist in London. I don't mean anything official. Just those areas which are unsafe for non-Muslims to enter, so much so that even the police are reluctant to go.

There was a few guys videoing themselves walking around harassing people, for example telling them that they can't drink because it's a "sharia zone", and I believe they also harassed some women for being "dressed like whores". This was going back about 5 years now so it was either an isolated incident or it is now being swept under the carpet and ignored by MSM, which would not surprise me at all.


>trump wins

>liberal support in canada is plummeting

the world is changing for the better, lads

Astronauts take new crystal clear picture of modern day Germany.

Those are just idiots that go around harassing other muslims to make sure they don't drink or eat during ramadan etc...

Religious nutcases sure. But they're harmless.

There's absolutely no such thing in London.

Even Edgware Road (the most muslim area in London) is perfectly safe. I've been there several times myself.

I'd say police are more reluctant to go to places like Tottenham where black gangs operate.

London is not Paris or Malmo. Those places are truly fucked.

My grotesquely enlarged jaded, cynical side says that it is too little, too late. What's left of my optimistic senses, does view it as a source of hope, however.

>Religious nutcases sure. But they're harmless.
a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).


-le pen

-even germany is fed up with merkel

trump is a catalyst for change: the US can reshape the world, as the most powerful country on earth.

>Those are just idiots that go around harassing other muslims to make sure they don't drink or eat during ramadan etc...

>Religious nutcases sure. But they're harmless.
Yeah see how harmless it is when they completely outnumber and outbreed all of you and then they'll takeove through sheer numbers and they'll enforce sharia on everyone. You are like a frog being slowly boiled alive in water and you don't see the danger untill it's too late.

Wake up you twat.

Stop them before their numbers grow even larger and they will if you let them.

Look at all the work they go to, to not say "refugees."

I've seen videos of cops driving through while their vehicles get pelted with bricks. When they say no go they mean no go without weapons user.

Also Paris had massive riots before this shitil migration kicked off. Euros problems are real shill.

can't post honest opinion, will be classed as a hate crime & wrongthink.

What do you want us to do exactly? I agree that there are too many immigrants in this country which is why I voted for Brexit.

I'm not going to go and buy a kalashnikov and start gunning down brown people.

Show me a video of police vehicles getting pelted by rocks when driving through London.

The only time I've seen rocks thrown at cops was during the riots in 2011 which had nothing to do with mudslimes.

>What do you want us to do exactly?
Start by trying to get people from UKIP elected.
Find like minded people among those living close to you.
And, NO, don't start violence.

>What do you want us to do exactly?
The first thing you must do is start redpilling everyone you can so that they can redpill others and so on and it will multiply , the more people that wake up and see what is going on the more people will be on your side ready to fight in the street when the day eventually comes and to be honest if things keep going the way they are and big brother 1984 becomes more real everyday then there will be no other choice but to stand and fight at some point.

So go out and try your best to wake people up even if you only play a small part it still counts every bit counts. If we all do our part then we will win this fight.

oh man it's gonna be so great when trump sends them all to Kazakstan

I've already redpilled family members and friends. Some of them are too far gone and bluepilled though. I've given up on them.

I'm reluctant to talk about politics at work since I don't want to piss off the wrong people.

I'm more optimistic than most though. I think we will win. The tides are already turning. What really needs to happen is for LePen to get elected...

If you are white, find a white girl and have kids. Lots of kids. Milk the system if you have to, there's no shame in it at this point. If it collapses, all the better. But we need all the numbers we can get. Literally having kids is the most positive thing you can do right now.

>I've already redpilled family members and friends.

That's good to hear that may seem like a small part but you've made a difference every bit counts and hopefully your friends will go on to red pill others. I agree as well we are turning the tide and we have a good change of winning but we cannot rest on our lorals we must be relentless if we are to win the fight for freedom will never be over even when we have won it still won't be over we will have to fight to maintain it.

Good work user.

Your who country is just full of refugees.

We can just send more to you and it wouldn't make a difference.

>I'm reluctant to talk about politics at work since I don't want to piss off the wrong people.
got to watch that
>I'm more optimistic than most though. I think we will win. The tides are already turning.
the tides do seem to be turning, but watch out for election fraud.

Fuckin hell

>Your who country is just full of refugees.
>We can just send more to you and it wouldn't make a difference.
OK ALREADY AUSTRALIA BROS! It was in jest, and i'm sorry i said it.....ok?

we're full unfortunately sorry guys

This is our policy it's a nice way of saying fuck off shitskins we'll shoot yo before you get anywhere near the shore.

Heh, as much as I enjoy the thought of Jews panicking over the fall of Europe, I don't believe for a second the goal was anything less then the complete destruction of Western civilization.