Capitalism works guys
Capitalism works guys
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how bad are your hands shaking right now shill?
>pic of dumb rapper
>pic of starving vet
Are you literally incapable of looking around you and evaluating the way things are presently in reality?
>niggers are starving that means capitalism doesn't work
Looks fine to me.
My great grandfather had a farm and had to defend it against the fucking NKVD commies. I'm so glad you cumstains are still around, so I could follow his steps.
Strawman works guys
No, we just need to stop giving free food and medicine to African countries with unsustainable populations.
>implying I'm a communist
Why does being honest about capitalism make me a communist?
Niggers starving have more to do with them being worthless idiots that cant solve their countries problems without whites's help than capitalism
>capitalism caused this
> niggers efficiently allocating resources
she deserves whatever will hapen to her and worse
wtf is going on in this
>Implying Capitalism caused this.
>Implying Capitalism isn't creating companies that are actually helping those in need.
>What is the Gates Foundation.
>capitalism and socialism are the only options goy
>don't think for yourself
>don't innovate
>just let us win goyim
use an appeal to emotion when you have no argument. you shills are desperate
Niglets starve wherever they go. Unlike white man gives them gibs
The problem is because liberal whitey has been feeding them, this creates A dependency that keeps them from doing for themselves. Another cause is their tyrannical governments that takes much of the resources that they can better use to feed and house their families.
He actually tried to donate 2 million chickens to an African country because it would produce revenue and a stable food source, but they turned it down because that's too much work
I would like gates more if he wasn't a gun grabber
Who cares about niggers tho?
>this kills the leftypol
So long as all resources get allocated and none are left untapped it is done efficiently. Nowhere is it stated that they have to be allocated evenly among all citizens.
>niggers are starving
>this is somehow capitalisms fault
stop excusing your lack of ability with capitalism you stupid neet fuck
Don't have kids if you can't afford it or the free market will fix it...
Very much this. Pull the plug on Africa, let it collapse.
>implying that the worst famines in recent history weren't the result of socialist economies (USSR, Mao's China, DPRK).
The Ethiopian famine (probably OP pic related) was large in part caused by the commies in charge at the time (Google "Derg")
>Capitalism kill niggers
>While making whites prospare
Looks like you just proven that Capitalism works.
Also wbem related is nigger is seizing the means of production
Almost all afrcian countries markets are govt controlled. Some them were ok when they were price controlled.
communist logical
Oh it's our fault some half monkeys can't into farming. Well let's just keep them alive via welfare so they can breed more, then just keep sending more and more food over indefinitely as they keep breeding... Food aid is essentially life support. They can only live while they're on it and as soon as it's cut off their population is too high to sustain itself. Those who can't take care of themselves in their society need to die off so the natural process of evolution can occur as it did for everyone else. No one cared about our people when they were starving.
>liberals literally think this is equal to us
Maybe if we weren't dumping millions of tons of grain into Africa, allowing their birth rate to spiral out of control, there wouldn't be so many starving kids
It's like tourists feeding the birds. The birds breed, and then when the tourists leave and there's no one to feed them, there's a massive die-off
>Nigger parenting
She legit looks like an ape sitting on the ground with trash all around her
Why did that person have a child if they cannot support them? Also I'm pretty sure most African countries don't really work via a capitalist system. In fact most countries don't even use true capitalism.
Africans are too retarded to use any economic system
They are tribalists
>true capitalism.
This is as bad as "muh true socialism."
The reason niggers starve is because there is too many of them and they are too dumb to allocate resources. It's really as simple as that.
>too dumb to allocate resources
Too dumb and too lazy
That is frustrating to watch.
>implying MORE children weren't starving BEFORE capitalism.
You fucking retard.
Did her legs get hotter?
I remember her being a twig. Didn't like it.
Fuck, no matter niggers are so good in a fight. They start learning how to fight before they can even fucking crawl.
wealth created by Bernie Sanders since 1962: 0
works created by Bernie Sanders since 1962: 0
Donations to africa since 1962: 0
Donations to USA charities since 1962: 0
saved this under 'infographics'
I wasnt aware the poor parts of Africa were capitalist. I wasnt aware they had any form of economy.
>Country with capitalism
>Country without capitalism
What's the problem?
You expect me to give one single fuck about niggers?
Apparently telling the truth about a flawed system means you're either literally Stalin, a hipster student with no job, or a recipient of a free helicopter ride.
Source: shitposting encyclopedia of stupidity
>le nigger meme
Reverse image search on this yields Nazi concentration camps and the Russian Civil War. Not the Soviet famine of the early 1930s.
Nice meme, but you're an economically and historically illiterate shitposter.
Racism aside, you're expecting us to care about people who live on another continent about how poorly they live their lives while industrialized nations are full of people who have their own issues to deal with?
Were those kids okay?
>allocating resources
What resources do western countries steal from Africa exactly?
Where's the flaw? Be very specific and detailed, please.
Hard to find pictures. Soviet government was obsessed with propaganda, wouldn't allow
Ofc it works, see EU vs. USSR or Chile vs. Venezuela.
You can be left and not a socialist, you know?
looks about right what's the point?
Don't fall for it. He's just a commie baiting
Not fucking funny at all fag, If you're in highschool, i'm willing to put down money you have less than three friends, and you are bullied regularly. If you're an adult I'm willing to be you're a virgin.
If you're the thin kind of loser, why don't you start wearing some panties for me sweetie? You'll never be a man, and you'll attract nothing but failure and ass-kickings in life, but i'm willing to help you become a queen of sissies. I think it would really help your psyche to surrender the aspects of you that have failed and made you a bitter, shitty person. Let it go. Take a shower and carefully shave off your body hair, slip on a cute pair of panties and hose, lube your fingers up, and slide them inside your hole while watching some of the sissy hypno webms/gifs on this board.
ur a faget
that little nigger didn't earn it
he deserves to rot unless hes gunna work like us
People were not only starving under communism during the famous famines, m8. Those are Russian children circa 1921 or so.
>Russian Civil War
Aka the Soviet Revolution.
It's actually a tradition not only in Africa, but in older cultures of Eurasia as well.
It happened (and still happens) in traditional cultures worldwide. It's not just a black African thing.
And with socialism we can all be like the little nigger on the right.
The African birth rate is over 5 children per woman
Why is that if they all starve? Starving kid pics like this are mostly in brutal African dictatorships, or Afro-Marxist countries like Zimbabwe
Just means niggers don't work.
Those people live under different systems.
The problem with the society on the right is probably not enough free market capitalism.
Is this copypasta?
>doing it directly with your mouth and not using a tool for sanitary purpose and for higher air pressure
Fuck I know right imagine if the africans weren't under psychic attack by the racist liberals and they stopped and let us return capitalism back to them so they can continue to prosper instead of starving to death because of the communists collectivizing or the guys that went from the USA to fight african child soldiers in the jungle like it was a video game.
Partially caused by tyranny but also by severe droughts that regularly affect the region.
Capitalist regimes have seen horrible famines as well though. Look at Indochina under the French or Ireland or India under the British.
Let's buttrape his views then.
Commie trying to gain cred with copypasta bantz
Yeah because communist regimes are known for going out of their way to help starving Africans, right?
What does this "BUT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE STARVING!" bullshit have to do with any economic system being goor or bad?
How is this in any way related to the thread at hand? Are you the ones pushing sissy propaganda on Sup Forums?
No one can gain wealth anywhere, because there's always someone without as much
It's like, we can't start building a mountain because the minute we start piling up rocks, some areas are higher than others which is unequal
Africa is under communist rule right now, hence all the mass starvation.
I'm sure slave societies had rising living standards over time as well. That doesn't excuse what they did or the issues they caused.
It's almost uncanny how much they resemble gorillas.
Hey if Africans actually worked to pull themselves out of their desperate state, (which still isn't our fault and never will be) they'd be out of it in a few years, maybe a decade. They would literally be doing so much better for themselves. Africa has resources out the ass, they just don't do anything with those resources. Then they blame everyone else for their poverty. If they had any important exports that the rest of us REALLY cared about, we would buy them. Watch Empire of Dust. Get back to me on how oppressed Africans are. Maybe in their northern areas they are, but definitely not for the larger part of the land.
They're lazy, and everyone admits it except for leftists, who somehow believe that just because I or someone else is successful, that we should give to the less fortunate who aren't putting forth their own effort.
I worked for what I have. They're not working towards anything.
>going out of their way to help starving Africans, right?
To be fair, they did, provided those Africans adopted communism and became politically useful to the Soviets. That's why so many leftist regimes in Africa were funded by commies, and why Soviet military materiel is everywhere on the continent.
>wealth created since 1962: 0
>donations to any charity: 0
africans still practice slavery.
Rhodesia was the breadbasket of the entire continent when it was under white rule. Murder rate was low, government was well functioning
Whites built hospitals and schools, plumbing and modern infrastructure
And all that was torn down because some pantie wetters in Europe thought the government was racist
Now millions of people are starving to death
white devil magic
Feeding starving people creates a culture of dependence quite literally a form of slavery.
Corporations should be taxed 50% and the rich should be taxed 75%, with a 90% estate tax. That's the only way.
Hunger-Slavery its what BLM do at their marches.
"When we get here Ill hand out food"
Ethiopia is capitalist? I was fairly certain it is communist.
It causes a class divide between those who possess the means of wealth creation (and therefore claim by default all wealth created) and those who have to sell themselves as laborers while taking home only a fraction of the wealth they produce. Also, the class with the productive properties does everything they can to influence the government to remain on their side, creating oppressive structures to ensure that power remains in the hands of the upper class.
>white devil magic
No, white IQ levels are about 30 points higher than Africans
That means about 1/36 Africans surpasses the white mean
The African mean IQ is around 67, which is below the cutoff point for mental retardation.
Before whites came, they were living in huts