Christians believe this cures cancer and disease

>Christians believe this cures cancer and disease

Christians are bad for Western society. Almost as bad as the Jews.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't blame the believer, a person who is about to die is going to try everything, no matter how unlikely to work.
Blame the scammers profiting from it and giving false hope.

I doubt anyone there truly believes that it cures cancer. It's all a charade between a conman and a desperate man.

Christians don't harm anyone in the name of God, but Jews and Mudslimes do it all the time

I met a liberal that thought a vegan diet could cure HIV.

Was his name Steve Jobs?

It's religion as a whole that causes these problems. There is no 'right' religion. god isn't real, everybody dies, and nothing really matters. just be nice to people and try to do good.

vegan diet cannot cure HIV but can alleviate the symptoms

this isn't called Christianity this is just autism

One in the same!! You must be autistic to follow any religion. WAKE UP

>Christians don't harm anyone in the name of God

You're literally denying a thousand years of European History.

*A few crazy Christians believe that it can cure cancer

The rest get cancer treatment.

No they fucking don't. If I had to guess I'd say those are baptists.

You're fucking retarded, OP. Christianity is ingrained in Western society. Without it, the modern world wouldn't exist.


Christians are jews. They worship a Jewish king, who worshipped a Jewish God.

"This thing has existed for a really long time" =/= "This thing needs to continue existing forever".

>attacking pagans and slaughtering heretics
>don't harm anyone

is it me or is Sup Forums becoming easier and easier to troll?

is r/atheism getting stale?

You're absolutely right. The modern world would be a much better place. Christianity has done nothing in the last 100 years but hijack and handcuff science.
Fucking christcucks

When dumb people have too much money, scam industries fill a niche.


Apples from the same tree user.

Christians are colonial collaborators.

stfu kike

I met a thousand atheist that believe in ghosts. Some people have incompatible beliefs. That man in OP pic is not a true Christian but a Satan lover and a conman.

What kind of blasphemy is this!!!!
Moses go banished from the Holy Land for this type of shit haven't any of these idiots read the bible.

What are you talking about. Benny Hinn is a major cult leader and considers himself the second coming of Christ. He's a charlatan. You post that shit and you don't even know what it is.

You must have gotten an A in your cognitive dissonance class.

Enjoy hell faggot. You've been brainwashed.

>all religions are the same meme
Atheist propaganda designed to get people away from Christianity.


Heretics deserved it.

They are clearly the same fruit. #nofruitexists

american christians are pure cringe

Cortez did nothing wrong.

>You must be autistic to follow any religion

Ahh the irony of this statement. How have I been brainwashed? Please explain

Is that Rich flair

First time i've heard that one. Nice.

thats not christianity, thats a con.
When the politics of your entire country is based upon a lie, and constant twisting, omitted, bending and fabrication of the truth is required to keep the illusion intact, phenomenons such as this seem secondary. The politics and media of the united states is practically in a state of hysteria

>there is no such thing as borders!

Yeah I guess the crusades never happened.

Fucking idiot.

Why are Christians so weird and degenerate

Heathen scum deserved it.

You dont know shit op. First off the gif you linked is a televangelist, which is a subset of evangelicals. Like it or not, Christians built this nation.

>How have I been brainwashed? Please explain
thats the thing about being brainwashed, goy.
It can't be explained to you.
Actually it probably can but its not really worth the effort at this point in time. There's also a good chance you're just a shill, role playing

>the democratic peoples republic of North Korea is democratic because they said so
>Achmed is Swedish because he said so
>Banana with Apple written on it
>Not knowing what heresy is


Not a shill.

Not the one who was brainwashed. -actually that's not true. I was like you until my late teens when i threw off the yoke of religion and woke the fuck up.

>What is Muslim aggression
Jesus himself was not too happy with his followers taking up the sword. These Christians picked up the sword to protect their lands from muslin conquest.

>I doubt anyone there truly believes it cures cancer

I grew up in a pentecostal church and can guarantee you that people are this stupid and do believe this shit.

And these people vote more fervently than any other group...

no, you're just a self righteous fool that thinks you found a savior in your own vapid 8oz of universe in between your ears

Millions of people even in the US (E.G. Evagnicalics Who make up the majority if US christains) go to churchs
that do this
Just watch pastors curing all those diseases on youtube

The difference between you and I is that I don't need a 'savior' to make life worth living

This thread turned out much better than I had anticipated.

It's interesting how you know what the difference is between us without knowing anything about who I am. Wonder where you get that ((idea)) from


Please help me understand who you are.

Which religion do you subscribe to?


Not at all.

You wanted to say non-denominational pagan shitheads.

no offense but its really not worth it to me to have this conversation with you.
you need jesus in your life.


Look, faggot.

It was the combination of Roman-Catholic morality and Greek influence in philosophy and reasoning that made Western civilization great.

You're an ignorant edgy fuck. You don't have to believe in God in the slightest to recognize Christianity's current merits and past contributions to society.

Make no mistake, without Christianity we wouldn't be an Atheist nation, we would be fucking Muslims living in a third world America.

You're likely a secular Christian and you don't even fucking know it. You're a fag.

Not true Christianismâ„¢

right back at ya bud.

>You're likely a secular Christian
>You're a fag
You're right, being a "Christian" does make you a fag

But user, they are the jews.

Yeah religion has done good things for the world. That doesn't mean any of it is true. How is that a hard concept?

the new wave of fags

You mean Christian history


Muh Sky Fairy can grant magic wishes if we all gang up on him.

Come on folks. Hold hands and project your wishes onto him. We can make him listen.

>past contributions
that would be a terrifying list indeed, if I felt it was worth compiling it.

What's annoying about Christianity and getting sick is that it makes people say "prayers this" and "prayers that".

It's so fucking annoying. "We're praying for you!" It's such a stupid thing to say. Prayer does jack motherfucking shit. What's God supposed to do...come down and cure this one person out of billions? So fuckin' stupid.

There's nothing really you can say that doesn't invoke religion. "Best wishes" sounds too informal, like the ending of an e-mail.

I knew a lot of people who went to his church when he was in Orlando. They all had a similar, brainwashed quality that was genuinely sad because most of them were very good people.

They would donate large portions of their salary and time.

Most memorably, Channel 9 news once had a reporter and cameraman ambush him one day when leaving his religious facility (I refuse to call it a church) and asked him why he drives a $60,000 Lexus. His reply was basically "What am I supposed to drive, a Honda Accord?"

Just keep god out of it.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you" is usually enough.

Not all Christians believe that nonsense.
Stop grouping one system of belief into one stereo typed group.

Weird that pol does that to Muslims

Pretty sure christians do the same thing with muzzys


You type like a teenage girl

You're conflating Christian values with religious beliefs. How hard is the concept of morality?

Again, you live in a Christian society.

>Le Western civilization thrived in spite of Christianity as opposed to because of it

Greco-Roman Christianity = Western Morality
Greco-Roman Philosophy = Western Reasoning

I blame literally everyone in that room, everyone who gives a single penny to Benny Hinn, everyone who watches TBN, even all the cable network executives for putting it on television. They're all equally responsible.

Same old christian 'claim' on morality. Nothing to see here, move along.

Atheist propoganda. Christianity May not have been organized like it is today but God still existed way before "terry" and pretty much everything. And people worshipped him. Indo-Europeans had a figure called "sky-father" at least 6,000 years ago. That predates the invention of writing. Jesus Christ was born 2,000 years ago. God existed long before that.

I pray that you will be punished for this heresy. Go to hell fag.

God existed billions of years ago fag. The bible literally says he existed long before humans.

>God still existed way before "terry"
>God existed long before that
Are you claiming to KNOW a god existed or are you merely claiming there were humans who worshiped a god - be it real or imaginary

>lalala I can't here you!
Denial will get you nowhere.

God did exist. And still does today. Are you claiming to KNOW that he didn't?

What exactly am I denying? That christianity is the basis of human morality. How can you possibly posit proof of this?

thanks achmed, here's .2 dinars for your goatlube.


Nope, not claiming to KNOW he didn't. Just claiming to know there's an excellent chance that a god never did and does not exist. you know, regular old reasonable atheist here...

No dumbass, it's the basis of Western morality.

Fuck. I'm outta here, read a fucking book.

Read a different book.