They seem to be out of control ...
Your thoughts on /r/the_donald?
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> thoughts on /r/the_donald?
fuck off you goddamn faggots
/r/the_donald is the leftists' plant.
It's a concern to say at least to any of the other 'right wing' platforms.
But I guess that's the plan eventually, to eradicate any kind of right wing ideas.
Wheels are in motion.
its like the cancer somehow changed directions and metastasized itself in reddit
I hope it continues to fuck up their terrible website
They're good as a reactionary movement to SJW's as well as a decent first redpill for normies. Still a semi-normie movement,
but it's a first lesson at challenging the mainstream brainwashing.
I definitely wouldn't have accepted Sup Forums or any race realism without being brought to reality of *something* happening behind the scenes by /r/The_Donald first.
It's Sup Forums watered down for normies. It's also our normie front to dose out redpills, and a convenient cover for anything that might attract attention to us.
Unfortunately, they seem to legitimately think they belong here and are part of us, when they're just getting jewed.
This desu senpai
Reddit is aspie central. The alt-righters at The_Donald make Trump supporters look far worse than they are. It's easy for the left to think all Trump supporters are racist, bigot, meme spouting misogynist morons when they visit that sub.
I don't have a Reddit account or go to any subs because every sub is a bunch of pseudo intellectuals who circle jerk each other with upvotes and everyone thinks they're a detective.
I do like when people post cool pictures or historic photos that make it to /r/all though. Other than that, literally the most aspie ridden site on the internet.
your opinions hurt us
They're doing gods work. Made the CEO of reddit and their admins a fool of themselves, to the point where they fucked up big, made one of the best places to support trump when everybody else was against him which allows for access for most normal people.
our reddit colony that do some good
>They seem to be out of control ...
what do you mean? I thought the cuck ceo had already reined them in.
>leftist plant
>likely largely responsible for giving trump the presidency
>second most trafficked subreddit
This backfired horribly for them.
mods have turned into full on cucks, just got banned for no reason.
They are basically just regular SJW mods with a power trip.
The meme magic is dead, the memes there suck now.
Honestly the_Donald are all cucks in themselves its a giant fucking Hugbox.
The_Donald is some real cringey shit. Im not surprised reddit admins hate them. If they posted good stuff and stop massively upboating shit posts people might take them seriously.
They helped win the election, but holy fuck are they gullible. Any doubt of conspiracy theories is seen as concern trolling. Sup Forums are the community organizers and plebbit are the useful idiots.
It served it's purpose during the election, now it's just garbage virtue signalling, they are indistinguishable from the SJW subreddits at this point.
What's with all the reddit hate? At the end of the day we have a common goal: to make dank ass memes and redpill the normies. The power of Sup Forums and reddit is uniting everyone, regardless of race, culture, religion etc in a common enemy. In this case, that enemy is globalism. So let's stick it to that globalist George Soros and team up! HOO RAH!
in fighting a common enemy*
Their memes aren't dank, all the dank memes happened here and then got posted there.
Just look at how cringe normies are at trying to emulate Sup Forums culture. It's pathetic.
>leftist plant
I don't like /r/The_Donald but denying that we're the ones who created them is stupid
I've been spending time helping people on another subreddit, my first real experience with the site,
and all of the hate is justified. I've been browsing the donald, and half of it is...cancerous. there's just no other way to describe the bottom feeding "humanity" that post shit like that.
My brother... can't you see? It's the GLOBALIST SHILLS that are trying to tear us apart. We can team up and take down the globalist cucks with our dank memes! With Sup Forums's autism and Reddit's more diverse audience we can fuck these CTR shills
What are they doing? I refuse to go on leddit to find out so tell me and enjoy this trump rally qt 3.14
It's just a sanitized hugbox they are just as politically correct as every other subreddit.
They have removed the Sup Forums and alt-right element.
Fuck em, glad I don't have any reason to visit reddit anymore.
They mostly just post facebook-tier memes these days...
>"Upboat this if you MAGA lets show these admins the uptrumps TO THE FRONT PAGE xDDD"
Basically a coven of attention whores with one or two actual posts worthy of attention each week
Those fucks banned me for being natsoc
I also got banned from r/alt_right for calling a mod a Jew
Also got banned from
Fuck leddit
It's standard reddit cancer, but they are the largest righwing forum there, pumping redpills to the front page so much that reddit admins showed their true colors
they're the zealots.
This isn't even reddit tier, this is some hardcore 9gag cancer, fuck off to whatever hole you crawled out from.
Their mods are no different though.
Now after they have been cucked they are kowtowing to the SJWs.
That's as cucked as can be, the fun and magic of fighting reddit is long gone.
fuckoff /leftypol/
Everyone's shitting on them but to be honest we should love them.
They're both a minor red pill factory and a containment board. They have a base of 300k, and they reach millions daily. They're not full on gas the kikes race war now, so they're more palatable to normies than we are and resonate better with them. So in their own way they're indoctrinating people who will continue down the rabbit hole and eventually become full blown racists. And most importantly the sub keeps all of those faggots from coming here and shitting up our board.
>reddit Trump supporters
I got banned for telling OP to stop acting like such an SJW pussy.
Also, forgot to add what Juan said. They're our scapegoat. I've seen tons of articles written about them and accusing them of propagating shit we've created. They took the heat for Pizzagate and many other things, while Sup Forums remains the Jew behind the curtain.
They're a valuable tool, desu.
I believe they were enthusiastic about Donald as the other side was enthusiastic about Bernard. I really don't see a problem with that.
They're not trying to emulate Sup Forums style.
They're using a common reddit style using some Sup Forums memes.
Many of them are complete faggots, but I've seen blatant racism there that was upvoted. You don't become radicalized in one step, it's a process that takes time. Right now they're turning normies and libs a little more ring wing than they once were. Those people will see a funny Trump video on the sub, and visit that person's channels or Youtube's recommended videos. Slowly they'll view and absorb more extreme shit, and it'll happen at such a slow rate that they won't even realize they've become the "bigot" they used to look down on.
Obviously this won't happen to everyone there, or even the majority, but it happens. And that's what matters.
Personally, I'm glad they ban overtly racist shit, it keeps the average person more open to their views.
What said. They're the buffer between here and the real world.
Since the election's over they're mostly pointless now, and I'm sure the reddit cucks will kill them off eventually. But Spez is flushing reddit's reputation down the shitter in the process, so they're still accomplishing things.
You've never been to T_D if you're calling it racist and whatever-elseist. Especially after being on Sup Forums for more than ten seconds.
your criticizing people for being normal...
Just like SJW's
fake and gay
I don't reveal my power level outside of Sup Forums, I just call out people when they are acting like childish pussies.
Link to one thread from the last year with >1k upvotes that's "racist".
If you have a superiority complex based on what websites you use, you are a pathetic fucking faggot.
It's a Sup Forums colony to subvert the indoctrination on leddit. There's still many differences but we shared a common goal for a while.
back to plebbit, you're not ready yet
Not your maid, friendo. But I've seen tons of "racist" comments well over a few hundred.
Election may be over but SJWs are not.
TD is useful in the fight against the left.
Oh well I'm convinced then.
/r/the_donald needs us but we don't need them
>Mexicans defending Reddit
Have you seen Sup Forums lately? It's nothing but reddit concern trolls.
We need a good happening because this place is shit as well.
We're not admonishing them for it. We're just not like them.
They're almost red pilled but for the wrong reasons, and they're still blue pilled faggots on race