Daily reminder, these belong to Argentina.
Limey fucks get out
Daily reminder, these belong to Argentina.
Limey fucks get out
if they belong to Argentina then why aren't they governed by Argentina?
If you want them, invade them. Simple really.
>Still butthurt
Amerifat fux off
We will again faggot
Hue nigger subhuman
>replies to everyone except me showing the facts that we would rape you
Lmao fag
Not welcome here mohammed
>When argentina calls you a nigger
They belong to the UK, even people living in the Falklands themselves consider themselves British.
Using a picture of anime equals massive Faggot
No faggot they belong to Serbia
Hey Manuel, you forgot your battleship. Think Thatcher left it at the bottom of the South Atlantic for you to collect later.
>want to get shithole placed 500km from the coast
>get gangbanged by ppl with bad teeth from the other side of the globe
>MFW we took our island back from the dutch and from the french
Stay mad and cucked Argetina.
ive actually been to the falklands AMA
Did you touch any penguins?
Why don't y'all just split them? Look, there's a left chunk and a right chunk, so it should turn out pretty even.
Where are you really from?
This gets posted every week without fail.
>t. negro
Is it full of lonely women?
Stop embarrassing us you autistic faggot don't you have some campora gathering to go to?
Did you see the minefield full of penguins?
sadly didnt get to see any, i was in east cove and the penguins are at berthas beach and since i was working and it was middle of winter it was pitch black and freezing when i could go see them
Is there anything there other than frozen mud?
Really made me think
Argentinian APC drives by British children in the Falklands
Le u le mad?? XDDD
theyre all inbred
only went to the bar didnt see much
Dis gon be good.
MALVINAS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> falklands
Those kids are white. Therefore they are from Argentina
fuck all except sheep and the military base tbqhwyf
Just do what the sandniggers are doing with the UK, colonize by out-breeding them.
10 years from now half of the UK will be under sharia law.
fix ur flag
Okay, whatever you say. You are gay.
Jeez, Argies are on a shitposting streak today
This is what the Argentinians on the Falklands look like
You make me laugh, nigger boy.
Reminder: We'll fucking bomb you to shit if you even dare step one foot on our rightful clay.
Is he "your guy"?
/fucking thread
You couldn't take them back in 1982 when they were undefended and our military was weak.
You have no chance of ever reclaiming them now.
Argentians deserve to be gassed just for forcing this meme.
you need to be more hostile, the thread is turning against you
I already won it and it's all thanks to you brit. Argentina literally can't get over the high quality cuckoldry based Thatcher gave them
wonderful landscapes
Daily Reminder
Like clockwork
I just leave this here. Stay buttmad, OP.
He might be gay but not wrong
nobody lived there before the brits colonised it however many hundred years ago
argies claiming the falklands is as laughable as turkey claiming them
but because a load of you died trying to invade a foreign country youre embarrassed to admit otherwise..
nippon tier revisionism
>We will again faggot
Do it
The mayor of your FUCKING CAPITAL CITY is called صادق امان خان, he is muslim, he removed women in bikinis from advertising and he looks like this.
Your island is beyond salvation, the sandniggers know the oil money will run out and they need a new country away from the sand to call home, they chose UK and you let them take it from you.
How many empires have you had?
How many countries have you colonised?
What language are you reading?
I think we're done here.
Try it bitch boy
Only thing you'll get is a bullet on the brain
Daily reminder. You're black.
Oil and gas worth billions just next to the island. Do you think we would care about a piece of shit island if it weren't for all the oil and gas under it?
I wonder if Argentina is bigger than the red spots
Britain has this and it's fukkin great. Does Argentina have a song about the Falklands?
>tfw we threatened to nuke you and you did nothing
Argentina has no legitimate claim to the Falklands, everyone knows that except the Argentinians. The government just uses the Falklands as a political tool to keep the people from focusing on real issues, and also because they want the oil there.
You both have the misfortune of being corrupt third world shitholes AND as cucked as northern europe. Have you no shame? Chile is the master race of south America.
I wonder if Argentina is anywhere as influential, wealthy or militarily capable as the red spots.
What a nice chart Argentina
>being this assblasted
Why are you so upset Ahmed? did i hurt your prophet fees fees?
>According to Transparency International’s 2015 ranking regarding the classification of a total of 168 countries by perceived corruption, Uruguay outranks Chile as the least corrupt Latin American country, with Venezuela allegedly the region’s most corrupt country.
Ya ok nigger go chimp out elsewhere
malvinas sounds better than falks lands
And by "diverse" they mean niggers and sandniggers outnumbering whites 3 to 1.
>least corrupt latin american country
Isn't that like being the most moderate member of ISIS?
Or the whitest man in Argentina :^)
they know what it means
Why don't you stop being jelly and butthurt about Chile and work on your corrupt shitholes or "Countries".
If Ahmed took your girlfriend that is no reason to take it out on me.
Solar Inca-Aryan Reich deep in the Andes already waging metaphysical warfare; conducting astral assault on British forces.
Pictured: side effect of alpha-testing attack on frontal lobe a few years ago. Completely unfocused, yet tremendous success! Airforce and navy will soon start transitioning and converting to islam en masse, making military invasion unnecesary.
The Falklands will be turned over without a single bullet fired within the next 10 years.
We can play this game forever
They obviously belong to Eritrea.
>sees proof that retarded claim is false
>repeats false claim to prove false point
>jelly and butthurt about chile
Indio detected
who let /lat/ loose
Remember that time you guys got triggered by a license plate
This is what argies actually believe.
Quints confirm these lands for Eritrea.
Chile>>>>>>Your shitholes. Not even a Chilean. They just saw what a fucking wreck you continent was and bettered themselves compared to you sub human monkeys.
Never really understood why the British government wanted to go to war. Obviously fish and petrol are more important than the wasteland rocks but so what. The only thing the war gave the UK was more years under a shitty Thatcherite government. She won and we all lost because of it. Thanks Argentina for not doing a better job with your invasion.
Seriously though island disputes are just war games for the higher-ups and could easily be solved if they wanted. So many times I have been tempted to row out to some rock in the East Sea and plant an St George flag on it and claim it to be mine.
Fuck N.Korea,S.Korea,China, Japan the island now belongs to St Joan.
there's two BIG differences though
1- You can see the end of it, in Brazil slums you can't, they go well past the horizon line
2- Its WAY less concentrated, lots of open patches, Brazil slums occupy all space and even grow one above the other
well, can't argue with those numerals
i guess as long as those argentinian niggers don't get them i'm fine with it
We do. Here is the story.
First the falklands were discovered by the british, but they had made a Treaty with Spain that stated the territory belonged to them.
Luis Vernet took over the place but then he wanted to LARP a pirate and fucked up. Some irrelevant guy took over but then the british invaded because why the fuck not. After some pretty fucking long time we remembered the islands existed and kicked the shit out of the small force they had left. The rest is history.
We have a valid claim since the islands were property of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata (now us) but at this point it isn't worth the trouble.
Because if you let people walk all over you to avoid trouble, you will never be without trouble again.
Hello Septic Tank.