This is Europe on christianity
This is Europe on christianity
THIS is europe on paganism
What about roman and greek?
This post is more directed at germanic pagans
>look how decadent my urban city centers are where corrupt politicians fuck little boys in the ass
>this is Europe on paganism
They weren't white.
They were Mediterranean
This is Europe on christianity
>construction started 1732
modern Catholics are not christian
But mediterraneans are the master race, they don't need a good religion to be good at things.
> Rome isn't European
This is the historical seat of the Hapsburg Empire
It is a monument to paganism and Rome. Built by Christcucks :^)
Still built by christians
welp guess the muslims are right because they build pretty buildings :^)
>romanboos are this delusional
Rome was a decadent, degnerate empire, who cucked to middle easterns.
physician heal thyself
kike detected, still salty about muh temple I see
Anyone who dislikes Rome is a proven JIDF shill. Nothing angers Jews more than mentioning the empire that BTFO'd their shitty city and religion.
Honestly that looks like it was designed in a cad program.
So are you going to provide any proof of this pretty buildings claim of yours?
post it to /his/, nobody wants to read your shitposts.
So germanic pagans who pride themselves on never being conquered by romans are jidf shills
>germanic pagans
the yarns you kikes weave never cease to amuse me. YOU WISH we were so divided.
This is actual roman art
as is this
and these
looks much better than the early christfag art, before they started LARPing as classical Rome
>I don't an argument so i'll just call him a kike
well you're a (((jesus))) fag, so pretty much a proto-kike, it's close enough
>romaboo thinks gay porn is good art
Who called jews the synagouge of satan? that's right, it was Jesus
>a rebel jew who pisses off the jew establishment isn't a jew
>if you fight jews and invalidate their entire holy book you are a jew
>if you fight jews and invalidate their entire holy book you are totally and utterly removed from semitism
shouldn't you be screaming alleluja in front of a kippah imitation wearing pseudo-rabbi reading from the Torah?
Fight jews gwr called one to discredit yoir message
>kippa imitation
zucchettos were introduced in the early middle ages and were designed to keep priests head's warm
>pseudo rabbi
any religion with religious leaders is semetic?
>quoting from the torah
the old testament is mainly used for historical knowledge, moral lessons, and prophecies in Christianity. Jesus's sacrifice invalidates much of the semetic rules in it
haha, classic christfag "intepretation" of things
the old testament is part of your holy book, and your god is the same as jews and towelheads
crucify yourself
italians are not really romans giuseppe
you guys took a lot of arab dick in the middle ages, palestinians look whiter than you
I know it gets your dick hard thinking of racemixing, but we are trying to have a serious conversation.
Stay jelly.
"O.K, here's my idea. Let's take this dome and window, & repeat it 100 times."
>old testment is part of holy book
Yeah, that's i said. But the parts of the torah central to judaism, such as sacrifice and work to remove sin, and jews being god's chosen are invalidated in the new testament
>Same god as jews and muslims
Where in those religions did their gods send his son in flesh?
lol, why the fuck would I care, sandnigger religions aren't my thing, I'm not interested in your business (((Jeshua)))
>romans invented logic
also, take a look at this picture and tell me which is the average italian face
Wrong. The one on the right is lebanese and the one on the left is greek. This is the italian one
And the award for the most stupid comment on the internet goes to this guy
nice try, but I know the set you took it from
absolutely pathetic attempt user
>Published 2014
>trump elected 2016
the two towers look like mcdonalds ice cream cones ffs
uninspired architecture, hard to be original when your religion is a copy of christianity
>he thinks Trump is magically gonna revert things
Where you worship some old ass fucker who claims to be chosen by God.
Wall will be built and welfare will be ended.