How do we fix Detroit realistically: hard mode no mentioning race
Get the democrats out
remove the individuals who carry sickle cell anemia genes
thinking race is only skin deep
A nuke
Let the free market fix it
by bringing back manufacturing jobs, obviously.
Burn it to the ground and let the forest grow back.
the old free (((market))) "solution"
Nuke it
Give it to Canada and take Vancouver in exchange
Nuke it.
Let the gays give it a make over
>How do we fix Detroit realistically
Well that's pretty straight forward really...
>no mentioning race
Now you're just trolling.
Wasn't Detroit built on salt?
make it a staging ground for some new industry like biotech
gentrification will follow
Make a crime fighting cyborg of some sort.
more like a cursed indian burial ground
sterilize anyone with an IQ below 100 in detroit
BAM the fucking situation will be fixed in a few
beef up police force, elect a republican who'll lower tax & regulatory burdens for businesses and tell the unions to shut the fuck up.
Perhaps. We'd have to start simply with large entirely mechanical and electronic units but we would eventually need to have a biologic component, one able to make decisions like a human. There certainly are some available resources in the region in the form of technical specialists in making machines, but I'm skeptical if anyone can come up with a vision of how the project could go forward.
Bring in factory jobs to mass produce goods others want.
More like one or two generations.
>Give tax breaks to land developers
>Offer incentives/more tax breaks to companies in order to bring them into Detroit
>Slowly gentrify the city until it's livable again.
Unfortunately, gentrification means the black community will be displaced, but that kind of shit happens when you try to turn a shithole into a decent community.
muh conservative principles
While I'm no expert on the subject, might I suggest a drug addict? Their dependency on narcotics both make use of seized contraband and ensure loyal servitude.
Why haven't they tried that before?
Take the whole city private
Bring back the factories
Winner winner chicken dinner
There are several salt mines in the Detroit area
t. Detroiter
Whoa there Dr. Mengela we can't go straight into human testing. Even so, a drug addict wouldn't be a good candidate since they have poor behavior patters and the addiction can be used against them. We would do better to choose a subject with pre-existing aptitudes toward law enforcement and maintaining order. But where could we find such a candidate?
All the businesses / rich people left because the taxes were insane. The only ones who live in detroit are the ones too poor to get out and are exempt from the high taxes.
>Live in Southfield
Bomb it like Syria.
Not enough. You have to address the problem of existing people in the community. Otherwise it wouldn't be better than Mexico which isn't much of an improvement and a far cry from what it was before the "community" problems developed.
kill all niggers
>left because the taxes were insane
Yeah, I'm sure that was the "only" reason.
Also this.
Its not as bad as people think. We aren't as bad as Chicago. Our downtown area is much better than 15 years ago. Some neighborhoods are super sketchy (Del Ray, Brightmoor, and like half of the east side).
I have never had a problem in Detroit. The dindus really just sell drugs, with an occasional run to the suburbs for robben whitey. They are cool as fuck though, pretty much just stay in their lane.
Would much rather live here than Chicago or Jew York.
I'd be willing to relocate to a nigger neighborhood in Detroit if a large group of whites would with me.
Christianity. Prove me wrong
>just sell drugs, with an occasional run to the suburbs for robben whitey
And you're okay with this as a norm?
>large group
I assume with guns and the ability to enact martial law?
With current tax rates and regulations it's almost impossible to start manufacturing anywhere in the US.
Too bad salt prices have plummeted after Trump victory
Well if it was old school Christianity where they would push out the infidels and you enacted a very "novel" definition of infidel this could work.
Nuke it from orbit.
Not going to happen Mexibro. The factories that were closed due to outsourcing are already mostly demolished. Hope they pay you fair down there.
Not arguing the tax rates, but its a bit more than just taxes that are the problem.
Because chinks do if for much less
supply and demand, not much can be do with all the constant winning
I've always wanted to gear up and go full stalker mode in detroit.
If I didnt have a family I would do it, for some reason every black person I ever met has loved me. Got invited to a few weddings, black weddings are the shit if everyone is cool with you.
That is a pretty broad statement, but the taxes on real estate are a very real issue in Detroit. There are lots of buildings that the banks are ready to drop for a dime, but the city has boosted property tax rates to absurd levels, and is unwilling to offer tax forgiveness to buyers. So all of this seemingly cheap real estate has years and years of taxes outstanding on it, usually well in excuse of the market value of the property.
No. But it could be (and has been) way worse. Aside from a race war cleansing they need to get democrats out of office and fix DDOS.Their school system is atrocious.
would allow for a clean start, but would lose all the historical connections
I see what you did
Centralize the remaining population near downtown. Detroit is fucking huge and there's way too much infrastructure for its population, so strategic abandonment would be a good way to save cash. The freed up space can then be used for farming to supply local food and generate some property tax. Next, deregulate as much of the city as possible to make it friendly to business. Suspend all zoning laws in parts of the city. Let artists or bohemians take over warehouses and do what they will there. It's not like the city has money for code enforcement anyways. There might be another fire like in Oakland, but also entrepreneurs will be attracted to dirt cheap anything goes types spaces. Metro Detroit has one of the largest numbers of engineers in the county, so cheap spaces and business incubators could be a big key for starting new businesses. The city could gift 2 years of free rent to start up companies willing to operate in tax foreclosed buildings.
Schools should be switched over to charters or a voucher system because the Detroit school system is a failure. It's not like charters or private schools can do any worse. The federal government could also try to get more research funding into Wayne State University to help buoy the local economy. UAB and Johns Hopkins are big factors that keep Birmingham and Baltimore afloat.
More grey area options would be to decriminalize or legalize the vice industry. Prostitution, marijuana and gambling could bring money into the city. The city could try to figure out how to privatize as many services as possible to save money. Public private partnerships could be an option to operate the bus system, collect the garbage, repair roads, etc.
They already are. Midtown is now hipster heaven. Gentrification at its finest.
Invalidate all land and property titles. Effectively, make Detroit and its surrounding areas a new Territory. Start over, pioneer-style. If you can get there, tear down the crackhouse on your plot, and establish a homestead, the land is yours. It'll be a renaissance the likes of which the city hasn't seen since the invention of muscle cars.
This 1000x. If I am not mistaken we are top 5 in property tax rates nationwide. Oh and the schools are shit and there are "no go" zones for cops (or there were on the east side, not sure anymore)
High taxes and no city services. Kek.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you have libertarian leanings.
The Quicken Loans owner apparently runs downtown with an iron fist. I've heard he has his own private police force that monitors everything in downtown. Maybe Detroit could be the ancap utopia since the government has failed so miserably.
I heard about a really good officer in the anti-drug unit they have in Detroit.
Murdock, Murkowski, Murphy... somethin' like that. Can't quite remember.
Word is he got shot on the job and needs bionics anyway.
Was supposed to be DPS. Not DDOS.
Exterminate the trouble makers.
Tear down ALL the old shit. It's an eye sore that scares away people and attracts denizens. I hate how much the city is proud of "its image". The fuck is there to be proud of? I mean this as somebody who lives just two cities over in the 'burbs.
Cities naturally expand and then shrink. Detroit manufactured something ridiculous like 90-93% of the world's cars at one point. That's the only reason a metropolis sprouted up there. When the industry left, so did much of the populations. Those buildings will rot to the ground and the forest will retake the land. And then someday someone may come and build something else.
we dont,let it be an example of the end result of letting democrats control things
And supporters of Urban Art need to just buy some fucking canvas or art pads
Oh, and actually FINISH projects when they're started
>eye sore that scares away people
democratic policys is what scares people away from detroit
>trouble makers
People have already started snatching up property for urban farming away from the city center. Where I live (Brightmoor) there are probably 20 or so.
They decriminalized marijuana in like 2012 or so.
I like your ideas overall.
Massive work-for-welfare programs. Basically chain gangs without the the chain. Breaking down old houses, and flattening out land.
It's a fucking hideous city, I had to drive though it on a bus to Canada.
blessed be mother Gaia!
the wheel turns and we must be one with the turning and the wheel
There is actually some pretty great architecture rotting away. It would be wonderful to see the Packard Factory, the Fischer Body plant, and some of their grand churches restored.
Well, I was going for hardmode, so..
There is old beauty there, but it was lost long ago if you ask me. It's just a reminder of how far the city has fallen more than anything
oh right i forgot,lets blame the republican governer on you libtards love to do,even though chicago and california are the same fucking way and have been ran by democrats for how long now
>without the the chain
I'd be in favor of keeping the chains. Lots and lots of chains.
I work in economic development. Much of what I've said is taken from the Lean Urbanists and Strong Towns. Andres Duany has written a good bit on what to do about Detroit. At this point, Detroit doesn't have the money to invest in transformative projects, so it pretty much can only deregulate and privatize as a way to attract businesses and save money. The parts about the schools, vices, and P3s are desperation moves because shit is fucked and, at this point, they might as well throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.
Dude, the party is over. Major manufacturers have absolutely no reason to open up shop in a crime-ridden Michigan city. No, nostalgia is not an incentive.
I was just being a dick with the mother Gaia thing. Read your first post again and see how that tone could come up.
Really, the city should shrink. Demolish buildings and turn old paved roads into gravel ones then into dirt and then abandon. The abandonment should be done so as to minimize public hazards of letting wrecked buildings become crime dens and then such. As far as farming I think they might have some environmental issues to address since it was a major industrial center.
Wishful thinking unfortunately. We have a great "hippie" community in the metro area, they are the ones doing the urban farming and shit.
Good people, I know a few of them. Hopefully it keeps moving forward.
We do have 3 casinos as well, but I lean libertarian and would like to see less government involvement.
Raze the entire thing top to bottom and return to 18th century ribbon farms
The first post happens to be the best post.
That won't be enough. There's still too many sickle cell carriers.
Hey! I flew a drone in that building. There were turds everywhere.
>sickle cell carriers
>turds everywhere
not surprised
I didn't realize y'all already had casinos. You must have been tired of everybody going to Windsor to gamble. It's good to know that the farming is working out. Local farming won't make anybody rich, but it's a great way to keep money in the community.
Weird coincidence, but I've been working on a hierarchical clustering model for urban economies that breaks up American metropolitan statistical areas into groups based the types of industries in the MSAs. The Detroit MSA isn't even in the heavy manufacturing cluster. People who think manufacturing will save Detroit are delusional.