If Arabs are stupid then how was one of the smartest men ever an Arab?
If Arabs are stupid then how was one of the smartest men ever an Arab?
Syrians aren't Arab.
Racially no but they are ethnically hence the Arab rapists in Germany.
>CEO of the richest company on earth
>not smart
He was Syrian and most importantly, not raised in a mudslime environmt
There's a difference between Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs,
Its true he probably wouldn't have been successful if he was but his intelligence shouldn't have differed.
They are genetically the same.
Also his father was Muslim.
Smart people don't have a curable form of cancer and use alternative medicine as the sole way to treat it.
Sure user, he was so smart he died of an easily treatable cancer.
All he was was a decent marketer.
Not culturally. He was raised as a Christian. I come from Latin America. We got a lot of Christian Arab immigrants and a ton of them are rich now. Just look Brasil or Mexico as examples, if they're raised right they do very well as immigrants.
>Letting refugees into country
>Talking about people making smart decisions
You are confusing the greatest salesman with smartest man ever
The exception proved the rule
He was a good businessman
He was simply eccentric. Tesla did crazy things too.
Maybe one of them can be the next Steve Jobs.
>Not culturally
Doesn't matter. A nigger cannot be a Christian.
lazy leafposting
Dude he had cancer and tried to treat it by eating nothing but fruit smoothies.
Shrewd is more like it considering he conned most of his businesses partners in the 80s and 90s
Carlos Slim is also very smart and was once the richest man on earth. Zaha Hadid was a famous architect.
You have to be smart to be a good salesman.
The middle east was the intellectual capital of the world until the sub Saharan African infested the place.
I swear everything niggers touch goes to shit.
An estimated 65% of Syrian migrants can't read or write in their native language.
Carlos slim is corrupt faggot.
>get the nationalized telecommunication company of an entire country cause you know the dude.
>run a virtual monopoly for like 30 years
>some how smart he diversified his funding
He was a good businessman but his personal life was a fucking tragedy. He was an asshole OP.
Eccentric? Not wearing shoes or showering is eccentric, literally commiting suicide does not fit that term.
smart guy but most of all marketing genius
You're retarded aren't you? Christian Arabs are the oldest Christians on Earth probably. They're more Christian than Catholics and Protestants arguably, although Jobs himself was raised Protestant.
>lost company for being a fucking retard
Baseless claim. Less than 10 percent of Syrians were illiterate and those were mostly old people and villagers.
Then he got it back and it became the richest company on earth.
Fucking retard had treatable cancer
>muh holistic medicine.
Oh look, a Southerner
>He was a good businessman
he was a good con artist i bet he had some kike blood
>Shat on other peoples' ideas, only to steal them later
He was a colossal faggot. I bet you think Einstein was smart too, and not just a faggot who stole other peoples' work.
At stealing maybe. What exactly did he invent and not redesign into a luxury brand? The tablet afaict were made by Microsoft back in 2003, and a few years later Jobs releases a more dumbed down version of them and the world loses its shit
He was smart, but he gets WAAYYY too much credit by the apple zealots
Those in Germany are mostly Afghan and Somalian, less than 10% are Syrian
I dunno if you really mean Einstein on that one. I think you meant to say "Edison".
The theory is that someone was trying to patent the theory of relativity, because that's a good thing to patent and all and since Einstein was working there at the time he stole the theory and assassinated the guy.
So, I've linked to an article that cites a study to support the 65% illiteracy figure. Now it's your turn to provide a source to back up your counter-claim. That's how these things work.
Yes they are
he did have aids tho
He's defs smart, but he died because he did stupid shit, he didn't have to die.
His death directly relates to his ignorance
Are you sure that comes from people's suspicions rather than that Family Guy scene where exactly that happened?
>Steve Jobs's biological father, Abdulfattah "John" Jandali (b. 1931), was born into a Muslim household and grew up in Homs, Syria.[13] Jandali is the son of a self-made millionaire who did not go to college and a mother who was a traditional housewife.[13]
holy shit genetic determinism is the truth
Smart? Not really. Savvy? Cunning? Probably. Unless you mean smart like Mark Fuckerberg, got rich stealing (and admittedly then buying) other peoples smart ideas.
There are exceptions
an exception does not change the reality of arabs are dumb but vicious and violent
That's a lot coming from an Indian.