There is nothing wrong with race mixing, perma virgins and "The bell curve"/eternal Aryan posters get rekt

There is nothing wrong with race mixing, perma virgins and "The bell curve"/eternal Aryan posters get rekt

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That's a nice fucking ass.

i want to go to the zoo so bad

I'd race mix with her, if you catch my drift

black women like real men, which excludes white boys

IQ is real and if we don't keep it high, we will fall back into hell. intelligence is literally identical to standard of living and whites, asians, jews, and high-caste indians have it.

You are gay if you would pass up the chance to fuck her ass

Oh. So if I'm too beta for white women I am too for black ones.

This is true.
Everything gets hotter when bleached.

don't even try because you'll get rejected

black women respect masculinity, you whites don't have it

i want to see her being fucked

I promise I'll kill at least ten kikes within my life time.

>don't even try because you'll get rejected
way ahead of you

The issue is HOW does "IQ" develop. IQ tests from the 19th century showed Jews having an IQ of 90, now those same Jews test above avg. Clearly there is a genetic element to iq- but there also seems to be a high epigenetic element to iq as well. As the Chinese say, there is no word for "learn", rather the word for "teach" is "to cultivate". You cultivate culture, business accumen, trade knowledge, etc over generations. There is no reason to believe that blacks aren't as capable as whites if all variables were equally controlled, there is no study with controlled variables, they just don't exist.

IQ is junk science, it measures things based on western education and standards and does not take into account different methods of learning

There is nothing wrong with NOT race mixing.

You know what makes human beings superior to virtually every animal on the planet, including those far stronger than us? It wasn't how big we were, or how strong we were. It was how smart we were. Masculinity does not compare to intelligence. And as for niggers, they're dumb as rocks, and the statistics prove it.

the main reason whites are against race mixing is because if people race mixed, no one would ever date white guys again

Yeah I'd fuck a niggress with a big ass, no fucking way I'd want babies though

>if people race mixed

Uh, I don't understand this meme. Either of them.

True, but no one cares. The point is, why do you care who I marry? You talk about degeneracy, you talk about how supposedly whites are "master race", yet look around you, white women are brainwashed by feminism and a violent hatred for morality and their own kind. I just don't see the "white race" as save able since our culture has collapsed.

>black women respect masculinity, you whites don't have it

Then how come you were slaves to the white man?

It's like says. The distribution of low-IQs in Black communities is likely a result of their shitty environments.

Sure, the world is to blame for their position but only they are to blame for staying there

keyword WERE

Why don't americans celebrate Easter?

Nice "The bell curve" data you got there moron..... You don't even know what book that picture comes from yet you're here to tell me how you're master race , the irony.

pls make more qt quadroons like clip related.


Then got freed by whites with a savior complex

There really isn't. Not for you anyway.

But to subject your children to black existence when they are in fact half-wehite is selfish and cruel.

Go ahead and ask one if you don't believe me.

i was never a slave, i was born in 1990

most whites i know aren't masculine at all, i've been to democrat and republican conventions, most whites are either conservadad types or liberal numales

Thank Mr. Lincoln for that, not yourselves.


Still doesn't change the fact that your ancestors got manhandled by the whity like a rogue animal.

My children won't be losers who have a self hatred complex
I fucked a chick who looked just like that

Black women are thirsty for white cock. This is because they know nigher men are inferior mentally and physically. The only reason they don't abandon nigger men wholesale is because white men don't want them. Most nigger women are hideous, only a few, particularly the mixed ones who have significant white admixture, are fuckable.

Aside from her aboo-hair she's really hot.. damn!

Actually this graph is used in "A Question of Intelligence: The IQ Debate in America"

Here's a great quote from that book that I think you might enjoy:
"If you tell yourself that the top professional and managerial jobs in this country require an IQ of at least 115 or thereabouts, then you also have to tell yourself that only about 2.5 percent of blacks appear able to compete for those jobs. The comparable figure for whites would be about 16 percent. Total black population with IQs over 115: 800,000. Comparable figure for whites: about 30 million. If blacks had the same IQ distribution as whites, the black total would be over 5 million.

The data are even more depressing on the downside. An IQ in the 70-75 range, which many psychologists would label "borderline retarded," implies a life that is guaranteed to be short of opportunities. Very few students in that range will absorb much of what elementary schools teach, and virtually none will graduate from high school; few will succeed in finding and keeping good jobs."

And one of my favorites:
"The bad news is that a substantial minority -- apparently more than one in five -- of American blacks have IQs below 75. Around one in twenty whites are below 75"

1990 white Texan, non animals reporting.

Do you hate when whites have sex with blacks? I know some blacks get touchy about "dem uncle tom hoes"

Wrong. Outbreeding Depression

The funny thing is that if that were true, the groups that have historically done worse on IQ tests should do better on the more abstract performance related tests with shapes and patterns. What actually happens is that, africans for example, actually do better on the part of the IQ test that relates to verbal/language. I've heard this cop-out theory over and over but its a load of shit.

>My children won't be losers who have a self hatred complex

Simply saying as much virtually guarantees they will. You need a plan, not an assertion.

oh please, white whores take our dick far more than you "bleach" black women. like i said, black girls want real men, not numales or conservadads.

Someone dropped an Obamaphone in the monkey pen again tonight.

Chase that nigger bitch back up a tree before she stinks shit up more.


well I wouldn't make babies with her. But I'd butt hump her for sure.

whites having sex with blacks is usually one sided, white girl with black guy probably 90% of the time. not saying i support that but i know that's how it works.

black girls generally don't go for white guys, the few that do are the nerdy types who we could care less about anyway

she's pretty cute . . . you know, considering . . .

They've done adoption studies that show little to no effect of parental guardians on adult IQ. There is some effect from environment but it doesn't even come close to matching the disparity between blacks and any other group(other than aborigines).

Which is the follow up to "the bell curve" and equally discredited,. If I go to a trailer park and run IQ tests on all the hillbillies on welfare, then use this to extrapolate all white IQ, you would call bullshit. When white "researchers" do the same thing for blacks, you hoot and jear at your confirmation bias. Such a double standard yet you pretend to sit here and educate me. The irony

My parent has a PhD and spent her entire career researching poverty, education and the correlation with IQ. I have an entire library with stacks of books that all discredit this stormfront tier researcher. Go read a book

I've said it before but, when you get it just right, negresses make the best white women


Come on, black females only preference is a black man and/or Latinos. They don't find white men attractive at all but the few.

Now let's flip the script, black men are starting to not find black women attractive since a beyonce level female won't date a scrub. So too much work for a black man while it's so easy to find an 8/9 white girl with minimal work.

oh and you know what they do in bed that a black woman won't.

you know i'm right...

fuckin gross



Lol true that, my wife is a med nerd



>implying you still aren't slaves

Would you give your seed to this negro female?

I agree, but bestiality is wrong.

Idk what you're talking about
It's way easier to fuck a nigger bitch in the ass

And those big old monkey lips are hideous but ideal for giving top


Someone post the online dating race matrix

i don't know what your point was, i'm not dating white girls, i just said white girl/black guy happens more often than the other

well good for you faggot

so why the fuck aren't Nigeria, Somalia, Rwanda, the Congo, etc. as nice as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, or any white European country? There is no reason whatsoever to believe that all groups of people would be equal in any regard really, we know that biological evolution leads to groups in different geographical regions develop different aggregate genesets and phenotypes, so why would we NOT expect the races to be behaviorally different in terms of intelligence?


because w/o reading those 'studies' I could point out the flaw that it depends on where that adopted kid came from. The parents may have been drug addicts and affected the kid that way.
Or, the kid could 'rebel against "whiteness"', as dictated by our marxist society, and turned 'nigger-ish' as a result

Now i know you've never been with a black woman before.

I'd give it to her face tbqwyfampai

Honestly, I was expecting a tucked in dick

See! Finally one with human hair!

No kidding, cause of women and niggers are fucking stupid so they match up better

Brazil. The world needs another one?


I see nothing wrong with fucking other ethnic groups
>multi-racial =/= multiculturalism
that said,
I'd never procreate outside my ethnicity

You're telling these white bois that they aren't man enough for a black woman when they never had a chance in the first place.

Now i'm suspect that you aren't black.

>the few that do are the nerdy types who we could care less about anyway
yes.. give us your autistic qts...

race traitors will hang on DOTR. always kill a traitor before an enemy

Do black women like white men? I never actually fuck one before

>h please, white whores take our dick far more than you "bleach" black women

Nope. That's just propaganda pushed by your kike masters through porn. I've never seen a white girl with a nigger who didn't look disgusted or like she wasn't interested. Niggers hound and harass white women because they are desperate. But only the really low grade whores will even waste a moment with them.

Hell, even a lot of the whores, literal hookers on backpage flat out say 'no black men' in their ads. On the other hand I always see black skanks grinding on white dudes all the time, lots of them even take their cuck black boyfriends and make them stand around and buy them drinks while they're dancing and hooking up with a white bull. I can see why you'd be so upset, probably because a white dude is fucking your gf while you're being assmad on Sup Forums

>implying they only run IQ tests on niggers living in the projects

Sorry to break your bubble.

>Majority of women of all races prefer white men the most while women of all races prefer black men the least.

Why? White men are perceived as heroes, saviors, hunks, studs, brains and muscle with overwhelming positive stereotypes by everyone while black men are perceived as thugs,criminals, violent, poor, illiterate, insecure, egotistic..etc... all negative traits.

why does your country have so many traps?

Start with a mixed one since they are used to your kind.

do white people actually find this type of thing attractive? she doesnt even look like a real person. why would you do that

She's Latina senpai

did you even read the results? or what the findings concluded?


>My parent has a PhD
>somehow this translates into giving you the authority on what is right and what isn't

well of course black women don't want them? why would they?

my kike masters? lmao you whites have voted jews into power on your own. last i checked every black district in america has a black representative. my rep in atlanta is john lewis, certainly not a jew.

I bet I've fucked more assholes than you've fucked pussies fag
The two black girls I fucked didn't even argue when I brought up anal

Asians girls are hella resistant to it though, I can see why since their they're proportionally smaller
White girls have way tighter butthole than black girls though famb

all four deserve death. race traitors are not worthy of good land that our ancestors fought for

Uh yeah, obviously, the IQ of children resembled that of their aggregate racial group much more than it did that of their adoptive parents.

It's almost as if IQ is a heritable trait, passed down genetically like other traits such as skin color

all nonwhites are niggers

>There is nothing wrong with race mixing

True, but only White-Asian mixing is acceptable

Menlows hierarchy, there's no reason to bother with higher learning when you live on shit and dirt, there are no jobs, everyone is unemployed and alcoholism is the past ti!e. Further, the African culture's, like most tribal culture's, don't have much appreciation for work ethic (why work when you get paid shit and only need money for bullets or beer?) Africa encourages anti-intellectualism much like hillbillies in Appalachia and trailer parks. It's literally the same shit. Thomas Sowell wrote volumes on the subject

like 1 in a google maybe, ye.