How do we get women to be stay at home mothers again?

Pic related. I said that since she's going to college, she's obligated to work and won't be able to stay at home with the children. She said that I'm looking for a more unsuccessful woman, and I said that there is nothing unsuccessful about caring for your children.

You don't do that anymore.

>muh stronk independent womyn

Pair that with a crumbling economy that dictates you need two parents working and you have a carefully designed situation that is hard to recover from. I'll leave you to guess who's behind it.

Average annual household income is $50,000 in America. A husband and father can easily exceed that amount on his own. That said, it's nothing like the '60s where you could make $200,000/year ($30,000 then) in numerous careers.

>Average annual household income is $50,000 in America

Except raising kids on a 50k year budget is almost poverty tier child abuse tier for the majority of people.

remove them from the work force. Raise mens' wages to pre-1970s levels to compensate.

Behind every Jew there is a Svede.

you're a fucking autist holy shit.

what app is that

why the fuck would you say that as your first words to a women.

jesus christ were you listening to ben shapiro last week? that autistic fuck said the same thing, to immediately tell girls you are looking for marriage and kids

>pro tip: it doesnt work

You're an idiot, I've got two kids and one on the way and support them perfectly well with 25k.

they'd be quite defenseless if their husbands divorce them, or die, or are generally assholeish is one way or the other. I wouldn't ever wish that for a daughter

Also, you're a huge autist

>1 - You must have no idea how the female mind works, you don't just open up with "I AM LOOKING FOR WIFE AND CHILD"

>2 - You immediately destroy any confident stride you could have had by excluding her from what you were looking for, you didn't even give her a chance to respond

You have to actually be compatible with someone before you get married you know; relationships and marriage are funny in that once they become a goal they become nearly impossible to obtain in the way you want it to be.

Yeah, but you're also not living in a white enclave and likely don't have enough useless shit to keep your wife preoccupied and off her boyfriend's dick.

Three kids on 25k a year? Good luck, but man can I ever see the future for your kids.

>pro tip: it doesnt work

If you're a Jew giving dating advice to goyim, it has the desired effect.

I live in a town that is 93.75% white people. I don't think you really know what it costs to raise a kid.

I don't think OP was serious. But yeah you don't open up with that.

women don't know what they want. this guy is right to do what he did.

Autism the post. Like omg his kids wont have all designer things. His kids lives must really suck !!!

More than than your shitty job can afford my man. You're literal poverty level poor, so good luck giving the kind of life a kid should be having in the 21st century.

Haha, make a real point. Tell me how much you think it costs to raise kids? What is it you think my kids are lacking?

That is my real point, you're physically not going to be able to make enough money to comfortably live and fly by during the upcoming recession/depression.

The cost of raising a child to age 18 can be upwards of $400,000, and that's just in Canada.

Calm down kids, the cost of living has a pretty big variance, especially between two different countries! 25K a year for 3 kids is pretty damn difficult I would think, but with proper budgeting anything is possible.

What's your state? I'm interested in low cost of living.

That's well within the range to get free school lunches due to poverty.

How's living off of rich daddy going?

That's not a real point, you have to actually explain the real details of your argument. What do you think could possibly cost $400,000 dollars raising a kid? I would just love to hear what you imagine it costs in month to take care of a couple of kids.

I am living very comfortably right now actually, and my kids have more than everything that they need.

Get rid of (((corporate CEOs)))

Oh it's at the poverty level exactly I think (which is why it makes me laugh that the leaf thinks twice that much is near poverty at all), but my kids wouldn't need free lunches, they aren't in school right now and I feed them just fine, and I spend a bit of money eating out every week so I could easily redirect that money to their hot lunches.

Oregon, I live on the coast so it's not even super cheap here, but I could lay out my monthly expenses if you're interested.

It'd be great if he was alive senpai.

It IS a real point. This is not going to be a comfortable existence for very long. Fuck man, it isn't going to be for anyone.

Inheritance money, should have known. You probably grew up some spoiled brat with no siblings who got everything he wanted.

Come on dude, answer the questions, how do you imagine you'd end up spending 400,000 on a kid? How much do you actually think a parent spends in a month on their kid?

Why would my expenses go up? If anything they'll become more manageable as my kids stop needing things like diapers, wipes and new clothing due to how rapidly babies grow.


>This is not going to be a comfortable existence for very long. Fuck man, it isn't going to be for anyone.

Unless you're pulling in at least six figures a year, that's not gonna happen.

Also Jesus Christ, that's literally how you opened the conversation?


What's Housing+Bills and Food like for a single guy?

I'm not sure, I married my partner straight out of high school so I never had a chance to be on my own. When we first moved here to Oregon, while pregnant with our first, we lived with a roommate and our monthly expenses were like $450 for rent, water, electric, internet, and cable, and then we spent about $300 a month on food, but that was two of us and we were young so we sucked at efficient grocery shopping and meal planning.

I'm not sure about car insurance prices but the town we live in is so small we can get by on one or two tanks of gas a month so that's not too bad either.

it's such a giant meme. The main driving factor behind men working is so that ultimately they can get a job that gives them resources to use to impress women. No man is impressed by a woman's personal possessions or job description from the standpoint of reproduction. They want a woman who looks good, caring, basically the qualities of a good mother with good genetics. Women who go hard for the career are really shooting themselves in the foot, in terms of having a successful child.

I'm flattered I got someone riled up this much.

Kids are expensive as fuck, especially if you want your kids to grow up happy. I really just don't think you're taking into account how much they really do cost.

It varies widely, but listen here: you are living in a terrible time to be making poverty bucks when we have a global financial meltdown on the horizon. Nobody should even need this explained to them, especially not on here.

>if anything my kids will stop needing things like new clothing

This has to be bait.

>pro tip: it doesnt work

It doesn't work for any girl that isn't looking for that, so it's an effective way of weeding them out.

In today's society that might mean you're rejected by at least 95% of girls because they don't want marriage/kids.

Being rejected is proof that it's working.

That's poverty tier my man. I couldn't imagined being raised on that. My parents made 50k and we were poverty tier then. Of course my parents had 4 kids but still.

(((Feminism))) ruined women.

Sorry, it's too late.

You're obviously not paying attention. I didn't say they won't need new clothes but you probably don't realize how often small babies need new clothes, they grow into new sizes in a matter of months whereas my three year old is finally starting to fit into things for more like 6-12 months.

I don't know how much kids really cost? I've been raising two for four years now, I'm well aware. Do you have kids? Just give me some example of what specific things you think you have to spend money on for your kids? Give me a couple of examples of what my kids are going to be lacking?

Lmao no you don't. You're probably just used to living in poverty.

>Pair that with a crumbling economy that dictates you need two parents working and you have a carefully designed situation that is hard to recover from. I'll leave you to guess who's behind it.


Its so fucking obvious why they have done this.

They have put women off having families from 20 to 35.


Whats the solution to the fertility issues? REPLACEMENT POPULATIONS OF BROWN PEOPLE.

Yet we somehow make it work and I can't think of anything that we're lacking, except for luxury/fun items for myself and my spouse.

I'm 34, married, I make 65k a year. My wife is a stay at home mom, we have 2 children, 8 and 5. We rent, have 2 cars. We live in NC. We live fairly comfortable on my salary, not much debt, and Christmas gifts already bought, including gifts between me and my wife. We live within our means, we still go on 4-5 day Vacation every year. We are happy, and my wife lets me blow my load on her face whenever I want, I have no complaints with the life that I have, only wishful thinking, because I really want a Carolina Skiff (boat)

>Lmao no you don't.
Proof? Explain yourself.

Fuck you and your goddamn examples you half witted simpleton. You're building an impoverished family and I could give a fuck at this point.

Fuck people like you. Might have good intentions and sweet kids, but fuck are you people ever goddamn retarded.

You mean you can't prove your point? You obviously don't have kids and have no idea what they cost.

How did you find a traditional woman?

How much do you lose for taxes? I cannot imagine having that much money! What do you spend it all on?!

Seems like you're the riled up one, friend.

Atleast you can still rile up your emotions unlike your father who is dead in the ground.

Neat, I could do that. Cost of living sucks in Hawaii but I have my business here.

You already proved your own point when you said you were only making $25,000 a year.

You're right, I don't have kids because I'm not financially secure enough to have them and would never think about having them until I was making at least 80-100K.

>can't imagine having that much money

Gee, I wonder why that is.

I make 75k a year with no overtime and I currently pay around 33% in taxes, so like 25k.

When I get overtime I can get into the 150k a year range and then taxes really start hurting.

Yeah, having kids when you're poor as fuck is kind of child abuse. Something I find horribly immoral. But people can go ahead and raise their poor kids for all I care, the government's only going to swoop in for the rescue if you don't improve yourself.

I have a soft spot for kids.

We have been together since 6th grade, she is how she is. Most white women around 30-40 around here have the same attitude, traditional as you say. She used to work, but it makes more sense financially, for her to NOT work, and not pay for child care and other things, so she could work. People on here bitching about people having kids and not being able to afford them, well, if its not money problems, it will always be something else. No one is ever ready to raise kids, you just do it. Unless you a black male.

don't be a pussy faggot and run the show

You sound so retarded, I said prove YOUR point, not prove my point. My point is that it's easy to raise children on 25k, are you saying that I proved my point?

Prove your point that it's not, by explaining what you think a kid costs or what my kids could be lacking. It should be easy based on how confident you sound.

We actually got around $1200 refund last tax season. Probably more this year.

Alliance Ohio? Do you go to mount union?

And that's why whites are falling behind compared to the other races of the world.

I don't think you understand. I don't need to prove anything since you've already proven your shitty situation by explaining to us all how little you make in addition to having three kids.

And it's a carefully planned execution, wake the fuck up.

Most women think like that until they meet the right guy. It totally changes them.

Yes, I'm sure you do. I'm sure you also spend your spare time at children's hospitals, serve homeless families at the soup kitchen on thanksgiving and chritmas.

Friend, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. My mom raised me and my brother on a 40k salary for 14 years in southern california. You're a retard, stop posting, dipshit.

So you take home about $4100 a month? If it's not too rude of me to ask, how do you spend that? I truly do feel like I'm missing something.

Has she looked into any type of freelance work? That's what I do while my husband is at work to help supplement our income and still be able to be a home maker and full time mom.

You gotta lighten up, leaf. If his cost of living is 1/5th of mine then 25k is enough for a modest family.

>make just over 50K a year
>own my own house and maintain a budget that's roughly 1/2 of my income on life
>marrying a filipina this year and planning to have kids
>will easily be able to do this while still having atleast 20% of my earnings saved

Something is wrong with people these days. I could literally live on $13 an hour but make almost twice that.

It took me a long time to realize that there is a big lie we're all told when we're young, and the lie is that kids cost an insane amount to have an raise. It's a fucking disgrace and just one more reason to be angry at the boomer/genx fags have been shitting up our planet and society.

>marrying a filipina this year and planning to have kids
the next generation of school shooters is on their way I see

>moms browse Sup Forums

Post breasts please.

go ahead and prove your point when ever you can actually come up with some sort of compelling argument. It would be really easy to just give a single example of one thing my kids might be lacking because of our income.

Usually people who are right don't struggle to come up with at least one point to support their argument.

>My mom raised me and my brother on a 40k salary for 14 years in southern california

Nah, seems right. Maybe you've been insulting my father just because you never had one. That's what single mothering will do to a kid I guess, fuck them right up.

Nah, I don't get lightened up often.

You're in poverty.

Point proven

That is exactly what I've been trying to tell this dumb leaf. Kids are not expensive at all, that's just a kike lie.

I don't believe you.

>there is nothing unsuccessful about caring for your children

We just need this to be pushed more. I'm fine with girls that do want to get an education and then proper jobs but we live in times in which those who want to be house wives are shamed and told they are stupid and that somehow raising children and keeping a family running smoothly is an unimportant and degrading task.

>seems about right
>said earlier you need 80-100k to raise a family

Kek kid, you have no idea what you're talking about.

She does make some money, last year, we had about 3k from her flipping on etsy / ebay / some other phone app. That 3k she made was split between Christmas gifts and going to Cherokee NC, to visit the mountains. This year, I would have to ask her what she has put back, 1100 went to our dog in Sept, when we found out he was diabetic, ER vet bills are pricey.

My fiancee's parents are ultra-leftist Jews from LA, but she rejected Judaism, embraces traditional gender roles and was a virgin when I met her.

How is that a point proven? Can you even explain what the implications of that "poverty" status are? Apparently not, since you can't think of anything that I can't afford.

Fuck me, I understand why you're so fucking retarded now.

>That's what I do while my husband

You're a goddamn woman.

I said I would need 80-100K to raise a family, try and keep up.



>That is exactly what I've been trying to tell this dumb leaf. Kids are not expensive at all, that's just a kike lie.

No female talks like this, you're not a mom.

And why would you need 80-100K to raise a family?

Yeah we don't plan to raise them through the shitty education system in north america. Also i'm not american...

This is very correct. There's a reason why all these poor people can shit out kids. Kids are cheap to raise, a kid doesn't eat $25 in food a week, and kid clothes are cheap as fuck, especially if you have relatives with kids that can pass along the hand me downs. I don't know if it's jew shit though, i always suspected it's our parents just afraid we'll have them too young and end up in poverty rather than finish school and get a decent job.

I was going to say with your level of income she could definitely make a nice little gift/vacation budget, I know a lot of work at home moms who do just that. I work on crowd sourcing websites like Amazon Mturk and can make about 400-600 with very little time or effort.

Because I want to have a comfortable existence while I'm raising two money pits.

This user's posts are right. I was raised in a double income 6-figure household with two kids, and now that I'm seeing examples of other kids being raised on other salaries, my parents could have easily afforded 6~8 children with the money they made. I wouldn't call us rich or upper-class, but we were definitely always comfortable and had some nice luxuries.

Nothing can make those kike genes okay though.

I'm retarded but you can't even think of one example of a child care expense that can't be afforded on 25k. Okay...

ITT: reasons to justify why white people aren't having kids

hurr durr durr you have to make at least 80k a year

You fucking led with
>wife to have children with
on an internet dating site

Jesus christ you literal retard

You're either just a retarded woman or a shitposting faggot at this point, doesn't really matter though does it?

It's if true, enjoy your poverty. If not, enjoy the (You)s.

You should be making at least 50k.

My mom raised two kids on 40k salary and we had plenty in southern California.

Just admit it, you don't know what you're talking about dude. You look foolish.

50k is like 35k USD, and they pay less tax so have more disposable income.

You're confusing things because you're a leaf.

It depends on where you live. If you're in some small as town where houses are still under 100K you don't need an income over 30K to have children. If you live in Toronto you should be socking money away to get out because who would want to raise their kids in that shithole anyway?

I'm speaking in US dollaroos you retarded leaf.

That's fantastic to hear.

You are certainly upper-class you spoiled faggot. Literally close to being in the top 1% and you don't think you're upper-class.

Do you know how everyone else lives outside your upper-class suburb?



Is this how you spend all of your Saturday nights?

tell that to this user
RIP white race