If you're a white male and you don't have one of these and use it every time you walk under the door jam to your bedroom then you belong on tumblr
If you're a white male and you don't have one of these and use it every time you walk under the door jam to your...
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Any adult male should be able to perform at least 10 dead hang pull-ups. If you can't do this you are either too weak, too fat or both
That's the most complicated dildo I've ever seen.
Counter-degeneracy. Thanks OP.
Thats how you fuck up the molding on your door frame. Just go to the damn gym.
Pull ups are the only exercise you need desu
I have a gym membership, faggot.
>Resistance training the same muscle group with the same weight every day
Come back when you know shit about fitness.
I you could only do one excersise, other than walking your fat ass, pull ups are it. Pull ups are the best excersise that there is.
Gtfo normie scum
neat, i'm going to buy one
>dude i love destroying my house xD
or you have a career and can afford not to live like a slobby dormfag college bro
put your gym shit in your gym room fagot
>Pull ups are the best excersise that there is.
>tfw terrified of working out at the gym
I'd rather build a metal support system and put it in the garage/backyard
Trying to help you fags. You put it in the closet. It doesn't destroy your house. It's the cheapest, easiest fasted most convenient that you can do to get results. It also makes sure you don't get too fat because you can't do them if you get at all fat. They fix up your upper body so it's not all overly husky. just listen to me now, hear me later.
I'd rather go to the fucking gym, and not destroy my fucking door frame.
A routine of pushups, pullups, and crunches every night before bed. Rep until your muscles are tired, switch exercises, repeat until you can't do anymore and your muscles feel like boiled noodles. Sleep it off and do it again. Don't fogret the red meat. Fuck exercise schedules, fuck gym memberships. Just work out and never stop. Do it ever day.
Gym takes too long. You could go to the gym. But, you build muscle when you rest. That's why 2 of these when you leave, 2 when you come back. 2 every time. Adds up through out the day.
Listen, if I look better than you just from doing this and I also had a 7 year period that I didn't do it and didn't look good then, maybe I am on to something.
If your door jam gets. A little messed up, add some screws in to it and then paint over them. Small price to pay to not look like the white nordstroms models like you guys probably do. Alright it's saturday night im out of here.
How many can you do of all three right now?
I have my own gym in my backyard.
Are you guys too fucking poor or something?
Eh. I have a gym on campus. I go there every day.
I do own one of these and I do use it ever time I walk under it. Works great and has never fucked up my door like some of these faggots are claiming.
>Using a chin-up bar instead of two hanging ropes
Enjoy your sickly forearms and lack of obliques
I have a doorway chin up bar and I love it.
and if you find yourself too gay for /lgbt/ then
>tfw rotator cuff issues so bad my shoulder dislocates while I'm sleeping
And I can still do 10 dead hang pull ups. If you can't, take a serious look in the mirror
>tfw I used to have one of those but I got tendonitis
Bodyweight exercises like chin ups and push ups are best for fighting.
>If you own a power rack, a gym membership, or a regular fucking pullup bar you belong on tumblr
ok cya
I have my own home gym in the spare bedroom. Fuck off with your fitness for niggers accessories.
I own the Irongym bar it's a cheaper version of op's
True aryans are capable of doing one arm pull ups, if you can't do this you're basically a nigger.
Good goyim, go to the gym where you're around other sweaty lunky men and feel the burn! Guns are for pussies, real men wrestle each other while covered in oil.
Are those even any good? Always looked like they were pieces of shit to me.
Also, you can't do the army's climbing drills with that kind of bar.
what the fuck is that?
They're good in that they sit in plain view and are a constant reminder to keep exercising. If you use it every time you walk under it like OP suggests you'll build up some arm strength.
It's not a substitute for a proper exercise, but it's cheap and easy.
Squats and deadlifts are best for fighting. Unless there is a huge disparity in training, being the bigger stronger guy is your best bet.
60 pushups, 30 pullups, and I really don't have limit for crunches. Usually until I'm bored.
>not squats
You're wrong.