>found something in antartica
>world leaders going there
>rift opens up in antartica
>chills in the US
>washpost shills denying it
>what the fuck is going on?
pic related, another thread on this that I didnt get to see cause of browser issues (me and my shitty luck)
Found something in antartica
Other urls found in this thread:
also found out that a 14 mile long object was found there??
This documentary has the answers.
you guys can't be fucking serious about this
Connect the dots bruh
Best. Tuesday. Ever.
The Annunaki awaken.
spoopy, getting trips on this
kek has spoken
guess it's time to get some million SPF sunblock for the coming fire
how difficult would it be to make a heavy duty vehicle that could be manned for antarctic exploration?
It would be rather nice to have some type of EOD-style bot with active satellite connection/feed to be able to remotely view and access those caves on our own.
We need to meme a Sup Forums exploration bot
who's with me
any rich fags around
I am convinced Antartica = Atlantis before the continental displacement that shifted it to the south pole. The civilization there was pretty advanced and was the first aryan peoples.
Do the Turehu have triangle spaceships like this?
Where the hell are all the Antarctica posters at, this is literally the new thread unless people sperged out and can't find it due to OP's vague picture.
Pulling this from the last bread:
So as a timeline goes...
9/11/15- construction workers discover something buried near the Kaaba in Mecca. They try to remove it. 107 people die, 250+ wounded, a crane topples over. Blamed on crane falling.
9/24/15- try to remove the artifact again. It kills 2,000+ pilgrims during the Hajj. News chalk it up to a stampede or a crush. Survivors say people were running from something, but never knew what it was.
(Unidentified date)- Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill are contacted regarding the matter.
9/27/16- President Put in immediately assembles a cargo ship, a tanker and two warships to the Port of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and charters a course for Antarctica.
2/2/16- Pope and Patriarch meet in Havana, Cuba. This ends a near 1,000 year span of the two positions never meeting.
2/18/16- Patriarch Kirill goes to Antarctica.
11/8/16- God Emperor Trump elected to throne.
11/10/16- John Kerry arrives in Antarctica.
11/29/16- Astronaut Buzz Aldrin departs for Antarctica. He sends a nefarious tweet with a picture of a snow-capped pyramid, which is soon deleted. He is airlifted to a NZ hospital with fluid in his lungs.
12/5/16- John Key, NZ Prime Minister, steps down mysteriously and falls off the face of the earth.
They used to live in NZ. They are extinct there now. The Maori/Carthaginians/Jews hunted and ate them. So the survivors fled to Antarctica. The Nazis discovered them. The rest is history.
Oh that's cool then. So am I contacted because I am Aryan as fuck and support the ice nazis?
Confirmed with trips
oi bro do u know ur blood type by any chance? i've seen these triangle things and shit flying around in the sky i swear (I live in Tasmania btw)
Confirmed with doubles!
I'm B-.
He is with us!
O- here
Hey thanks for keeping that alive fellow burger
I think the focus really should be on Buzz's IG.
That shit is deff man made.
Uh, I'm sure that Dr. Goldstein said that it was global warming, er, climate change
Fuck what is it.
A 3,000-year-old mine and harbour discovered on the coast of central Queensland may change Australian, if not world history. Remaining structures have been determined by a resident to trace back to early mining by Phoenicians around 1000 BC. A closely guarded secret, the discovery was made four years ago. The area's rich mineral deposits may have attracted the Phoenicians to the northern Australian coast more than 2,700 years before Captain Cook. World scientific attention is focusing on the discovery at Freshwater Point, near the big coal ports south of Mackay. There are huge sea walls which appear to be designed to allow exporting by sea. One at Sarina is some 800 metres long. It is huge. The harbour wall and the boulders are polished granite set in place with iron slag cement and copper slags. It is so monstrous three, 200 foot ships could be moored alongside, end to end. The harbour is as calm as a mill pond and beautifully engineered. When archaeologists visit Sarina the structures can be dated more accurately. There is a typical Phoenician temple to their god Baal, and also a cemetery. No detailed excavations have yet proceeded until the archaeologists arrive. Various academics from around the world are intensely interested in it and whatever is disclosed could change world history, let alone our understanding of Australasian history and exploration
>no archive link
You expect to believe in Photoshop familia?
I had seen dozens of polar mirages during the preceding weeks, some of them quite as uncanny and fantastically vivid as the present sample; but this one had a wholly novel and obscure quality of menacing symbolism, and I shuddered as the seething labyrinth of fabulous walls and towers and minarets loomed out of the troubled ice-vapours above our heads.
The effect was that of a Cyclopean city of no architecture known to man or to human imagination, with vast aggregations of night-black masonry embodying monstrous perversions of geometrical laws and attaining the most grotesque extremes of sinister bizarrerie. There were truncated cones, sometimes terraced or fluted, surmounted by tall cylindrical shafts here and there bulbously enlarged and often capped with tiers of thinnish scalloped discs; and strange, beetling, table-like constructions suggesting piles of multitudinous rectangular slabs or circular plates or five-pointed stars with each one overlapping the one beneath. There were composite cones and pyramids either alone or surmounting cylinders or cubes or flatter truncated cones and pyramids, and occasional needle-like spires in curious clusters of five. All of these febrile structures seemed knit together by tubular bridges crossing from one to the other at various dizzy heights, and the implied scale of the whole was terrifying and oppressive in its sheer giganticism.
That's really fucking interesting. Did tall whites run this mine and harbour?
Is there an accessible archive of his twitter page? That is horrendously photoshopped.
>crane topples over
>blamed on crane falling
What does it all mean?
Doubles confirm!
can you idiots stop copy and pasting random shit with no context?
this isn't /x/
we have standards here.
fuck, all this is true , is this real life?
gabriell actually gave mohamed a plasma weapon and told him this for god's use only? really , to a fucking muslim?
It begins again.
>President Put in
>Put in
>Put in
A crane that falls can only fall in one direction. I find it hard to believe that this many would be killed or injured. Plus, many survivors said pic related was the cause of the crane fall, despite the official cause being "high wind"
I think the last user was on his phone when he typed it.
>rift opens in antartica
>temperature drops
Obviously it's letting all the cold out and everyone is scrambling to close it again
the x-files is real. black oil eyes incoming
i am inclined to believe that this is true
>explain what happened to Buzz Aldrin a couple of weeks ago
You can't.
end of the world in 3..2..
Is this what Obama told Trump at their meeting that fucked him up so bad? Are we about to go to war with the Ancient Ones? I was skeptical until I did a google search and saw how many MSM sites were shilling calling it a conspiracy theory--- Now I'm fucking concerned.
This is just all the stuff found by lightly scratching the surface. I imagine more can be found by digging. Sadly, there isn't much news coming into or out of Antarctica- it's pretty controlled, if there is any at all
source on the pope and patriarch meeting? if so, it's gotta be aliens or second jesus
He sure was
Source: me, still on said phone
Cant find archive for Buzz tweet, but it was legitimate.
Still looking
Where is the archive link for buzz aldrinse tweet you niggers?
jews don't fuckup this bad. so easy to see in retrospect.
>smash the patriarchy
>top russian church guy is named patriarch kirill
>top usa curch guy = pope
russia did you grammar wrong again? this time while setting up a cultural marxism psyop?
women are going to learn of this subversion. and they will remember the cuck subversion. hah. bitche's guna redpill themselves. and to think, white men will be sitting here masturbating to fake news while our future/xwives are out using our guns to murder everyone who can't pass a dna test.
>Possibly lost by "diving accident"
The second post is from Lovecraft's writing.
How about a tl;dr instead of 5 million links you fucking autist?
>he hasn't read mountains of madness
Maximum pleb
kek, was still a quality post.
Could this artifact be distorting our reality? 2016 has been fucked up.
Check the timeline to see if it's something you're interested in the thread! Damn it's like you're having trouble opening your eyes
If you want to be spoonfed, go play somewhere else.
So which world leader has been replaced by The Thing?
he does, he's a gook
If theres anyone here with Type Negative blood I recommend all of you get some Iodine and clear the buildup from your pineal glan
are there any darkies in the hollow earth?
What's going on here senpaitachi
this is a SLIDE THREAD
shills are trying to DISTRACT YOU from our new weaponized meme
the shills are afraid
All ITT should research the works of Rene Guenon and the theories of Wirth, especially as they relate to Hyperboria, Lemuria, Atlantis, and the polar shift which occurred in the distant past. The ruins are ancient, and they have nothing to do with "aliens" (though this will likely be the cover story we're fed).
Ask Loki. He knows.
Ever read "At the Mountains of Madness"?
Aldrin was trying to make a cthulhu reference that dumbass Millennials largely would never understand.
A®k of gab®iel heading here
>not reading mountains of madness
just get a Ford raptor
last night's adventure into agharta and dubious, suspiciously schizoid claims was a lot of fun
are we in for more of the same?
an extraordinary amount of repeating integers there too
Who knows, maybe. It distorted 2500 people in 2015.
Why they'd entrust the russians to bring this potentially holy/occult relic to New Swabia I'll never know
Good job spotting the joke nigger retard
Bit of overkill on an escort for a research vessel
fuck off kike
It looks more like a rendering error than a actual object.
This is some shitty attempt to make Sup Forums and pizzagate look like a bunch of conspiracy theorist lunatics, isn't it?
>oh you're concerned about pizzagate? Well look at the people who are investigating it! They're crazy!
"Research" vessels are always SIGINT spy ships.
>mpg 11 city 16 hwy
>manufacturer estimate
>under conservative driving
Although I agree it would be an all out blast
This one just left Saudi waters.
Sailed on the 6th, heading south.
Kek I thought this too. But to be fair my brain hurts from researching pizzagate for some weeks and this was a nice reprieve. You have to admit, it's a little fucked up
Dont worry. Browser has BOTH threads open.
Gotta discuss Alien structures and fake news
I absolutely guarantee you there will be a CNN story on this to try and delegitimize pizzagate at some point
if someone can, im sure it's Sup Forums
It's late.
9/11/15- construction workers discover something buried near the Kaaba in Mecca. They try to remove it. 107 people die, 250+ wounded, a crane topples over. Blamed on crane falling.
9/24/15- try to remove the artifact again. It kills 2,000+ pilgrims during the Hajj. News chalk it up to a stampede or a crush. Survivors say people were running from something, but never knew what it was.
less than 10 days after Gabriel awoke @ Hajj - Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill are contacted regarding the matter.
9/27/16- President Put in immediately assembles a cargo ship, a tanker and two warships to the Port of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and charters a course for Antarctica.
2/2/16- Pope and Patriarch meet in Havana, Cuba. This ends a near 1,000 year span of the two positions never meeting.
2/18/16- Patriarch Kirill goes to Antarctica.
11/8/16- God Emperor Trump elected to throne.
11/10/16- John Kerry arrives in Antarctica.
>also to find answers about the man eating squid.
11/29/16- Astronaut Buzz Aldrin departs for Antarctica. He sends a nefarious tweet with a picture of a snow-capped pyramid, which is soon deleted. He is airlifted to a NZ hospital with fluid in his lungs.
There are massive structures frozen beneath miles of ice in Antarctica, though some have been visible for centuries or more recently decades.
These structures exist because the southern pole is the most potent nexus of ley lines on planet. These structures used to house gigantic quantities of quartz, this allowed mother Earth herself to bring online a type of "consciousness" and serve as a beacon to other life forms in the galaxy and likely entire Laniakea Supercluster, in which our own Milky Way belongs.
Funny enough, the movie Total Recall was an allegory to this. Ice caps at a pole of Mars are melted and a planet becomes hospitable to life. We could do something similar on Earth by bringing the planet itself back to life, and touch the rest of the life harboring planets in this system.
the covenant of the ark?!