Political Cartoon by Norwegian artist Bloom

This shit popped up online recently. The thing I always love is that they never really show the side they're saying is the better one. So Sup Forums, what would Madame Presidents presidency look like in a political cartoon?




is that shit or blood

My favorite is the one where they show Trump as a dog who caught a car and is now saying, "Now what?"

If it's that fragile, it needs to come down anyway.

What is it with leftists that makes them turn art and self expression into ugly, degenerate, decadent garbage?

What's the Norwegian artist take on the pedo ring busted recently over there?

link to the artist though? i want to check his other stuff.

awesome, this will look good on dank maymays

looks like a dismembered head


Don't you get it? He's destroying a globe, aka, destroying GLOBALISM

Someone needs to turn this into pepe

>if America falls the entire Earth goes with it
Finally a European "artist" understands that the US of A is the greatest nation in the world

really makes me think

i-I'm gonna fart

Projection. Subconscious representation of their core beliefs and personality.

Even though it's bullshit I have to give it to the guy and say the globe/flag thing is actually pretty brilliant visually in terms of conveying a message....

Back to UFC...

its perfect actually, the angle lets you pop it onto another pic's neck.

Aren't political cartoons supposed to be somewhat substantive in their ridicule? This is just the equivalent of "trump is a stinky doo doo head!"