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>thanks to the FBI
What did the russians do exactly? I thought the emails were relaesed by wikileaks.
Rig some debate polls?
he presumably means the statements from comey like a week before the election about reopening the email investigation
They was good boys. They dindu nuffin.
wikileaks does the releasing, the russians (allegedly) did the hacking and gave them to wikileaks
"Thanks Obama" was kind of humorous, "Thanks, Russia" is just kind of irritating
How did they get the emails? I tuned out of the election in june it was too much for me.
Regardless of who did it Is it really the fault of the hackers for uncovering treachery and corruption?
>How did they get the emails?
Are you talking about the (alleged) Russians? Most likely because of bad passwords and shitty cybersecurity at the DNC
>Comey literally tries to cover Clinton's ass as much as possible but pressure from below forced him to actually investigate a literal pedophile
>No definitive evidence that Russia did the hack but yeah let's just jump to conclusions and trigger war with the largest nuclear power for "reasons"
(((Krugman))) is a fucking moron, he should stick to writing textbooks for high school econ classes.
Comey totally works for Russia.
Very much so.
Comey is such a russia plant you have to water him with vodka.
Fascinating, why didnt they get any Trump enails?
Must be rough being Commey. Damned if you do damned if you dont.
Krugman has absolutely lost it
I fucking love it.
The popular vote is absolutely meaningless. It takes into account mass voter fraud, such as dead people voting, people registered in more than one state, people voting more than once, and the votes of the estimated 3 million illegal aliens that cast their vote for Hillary Clinton. 2% is an extremely narrow margin even without voter fraud, but when you remove the fraud from the equation, it's clear that Trump won not only the electoral college, but the popular vote as well.
I could be wrong but I remember someone saying he doesn't even use email, just phones
As for the rest of RNC, I guess the story that would fit the narrative is that Russians might have also hacked the RNC but they wanted Trump to win the election so nothing was released?
>Paul Krugman thinks he deserves respect
I remember one of his tweets during the election was something like "you step out side, the sun is shining, whats the big deal?". I can't wait for his enlightenment.
>Russia Hackers
>Fake News
the left are using Nazi tactics.
I seriously hope he gets prison time right along with clinton.
God damn, I hate this shill most of all.
>conspiracy theorist: the image
I can see you, my little jewish friend
> Complains about losing to Trump
> Has the ability to watch him fail over the next four years while his supporters commit suicide left and right
I just don't understand why anybody is complaining. Sit back and watch him flop hard.
Wow his election keeps on giving.
No end to the Liberal tears for 8 years? Love it.
Wikileaks leaks was begging for Trumps tax returns from what i remember.
Trump is probably smart though. No emails takes discipline. I try to make my work emails as bland as possible. DNC seems like morons. If the russians didnt do it then someone else could have done it.
>muh russia scapegoat
putin must be laughing his ass off right now
trump won by almost 100 electoral votes
eat a dick paul
I'm sure the RNC emails would show the rigged it for Trump. We all know Jeb couldn't have lost on his own.
please clap.
Its alsmost like nazis were socialists or somthing
when u at the dnc and connect to the dnc by a russian proxy and blame the russians for hacking your emails
Digits confirm.
You can accurately assess the value of a statement by whether it begins or ends with "Um."
Krugman is going to have an aneurysm when Obamacare morphs into a free market system.
>FBI is suddenly the bad guys
Right!? Like they were national socialists or something!
Just like they've (((respected))) every other republican president in the past. Empty words, not surprising.
>not knowing krugman
Shouldn't he be supporting Trumps ideal of dismantling Obamacare? I mean that way Trump can rebuild it and that will create more jobs and capital.
what a weak looking jew
Demoshits are just at the stage where they are desperately pointing the finger at anyone to justify their loss.
When in reality it's their fault.
the more i think about it,the more i wished hillary won.just so all of these people bitching about trump can watch as there sons and daughters end up dead when she would went to war with russia.and then the economy would of collapsed in the process because her mentally ill ass would of did something stupid like tried to fight against china
haha, what a cuck
i got paul krugman confused with ben bernanke
both of them should be tossed into a pit of scorpions
Protip guys, Paul Krugman is touted by liberal talking heads and writes for NYT.
He's been wrong about 90%+ of all of his predictions.
Say it with me:
so we're back to denial?
I feel like I'm being unraveled at an atomic level
Krugman. Ahahaahaha.
Thanks for restoring confidence in my choice, OP.
Also, don't forget: pizza, pizza, pizza. Can't make a slide thread without pizza.
That pic's old, around that stage.
>wait, how did we lose AGAIN!!!
>it's 2020 guys!
It seems more likely they're at bargaining.
>seeking in vain for a way out
Isn't krugman a federal reserve plant?
Trump doesn't use email. The RNC was at war with him until the last moment, so there was nothing pro-Trump to find there.
>not knowing Kurgman is a kike
Anyway, I find it funny people are still pushing the idea that the FBI's tepid acknowledgement of Hillary's crimes was a terrible injustice. Its almost enough to make you support Fascism, just to see these fucks lined up against a wall.
Frankly I'm surprised these people aren't genocided more often.
what do you expect by people who dont take responsibility for the things they have created
liberalism is a cancer to american society and america will never have enough balls to eradicate it
This man won a Nobel Prize in economics
>Wearing New Balance shoes
Is that picture from an alternate timeline?
Somehow I doubt jobs and capital are really his priorities.
>hurr stimulate the economy meme
>>'Kenynesian Economists'
>>'Mexican Intellectuals'
Romney won the popular vote.
Hillary won the popular vote in the democratic primary.
Thanks Obama was a joke. People blaming Obama for shit that he did not and could not have anything to do with.
Thanks Russia is meant seriously for shit they did not have anything to do with. Hence why it's annoying
>scheme against bernout
>pick unelectable candidate
>leaves bad impression on people
This is somehow the fault of the fbi along with everything else Hillary did wrong.
>Trump reich isn't going to video tape this kike's execution
Normie here
Is there any evidence at all of Russian involvement? I have yet to see anything besides "unnamed sources" and "it's true. Trust me"
Please provide a source either pro or against the Russian involvement claim.
So the divide continues deepening.
Oh wow, I thought my dislike of Krugs had leveled out years ago. But no, this idiotic, smug, kikey bastard had to go full Jew at some point didn't he?
>um achkshually
It was one Washington Post article that claimed without any evidence that Guccifer 2.0 doesn't exist because "reasons". It was some bullshit having to do with him fucking up Romanian. It is all bullshit, nothing definitively links Russia to the hacks; but hey let's just throw accusations at the largest nuclear power surely that won't backfire.
>free market
>government inflating sectors of business and causing a massive crash because of an inflation bubble
>pick one
Krugman is a retard.
there are some sources that they didn't release any of the hacks by the RNC. My theory is that it wouldn't have done anything because the RNC was trying it's best to beat trump. they might not have gone to the extreme measures the DNC did to get Hillary to win but there was some clear bias against trump during his run.
>Please provide a source either pro or against the Russian involvement claim.
The source of the DNC leaks was a DNC staffer named Seth Rich. He was shot, around 4am, multiple times in the back and head, his body was just a block away from his apartment. The police ruled his death a robbery, even though his wallet, phone, and credit cards were all on him.
If they thought he was a Russian spy he would've been captured and interrogated. Instead he got the Mob Hit treatment with the D.C. police playing along.
>it's not Hillary's fault for being corrupt, it's Russia and the FBI's fault for exposing her for it and holding her accountable for it
>liberal logic
If she wasn't a fucking crook it wouldn't have been an issue to begin with.
Is there any hard evidence that the russians somehow fixed the election? If so id like to see it before every (((journalist))) says so. As a jew im disgusted with the behavior of my own people
>but hey let's just throw accusations at the largest nuclear power surely that won't backfire
You had to look up if someone with the last name Krugman was jewish or not?
>Is there any evidence at all of Russian involvement?
did they finish the recount yet?
what were the results?
I am in J land and no one knows anything about the outside world here.
Holy shit is this real
Nope, not enough that we can justify our accusations and fear mongering.
recounts are dead pretty much. MI and WI are over. PA ruling on Monday.
they have anonymous sources and leads that don't have direct evidence. seems fishy to me
In the words of the illustrious Hillary Clinton, what difference does it make?
It's almost like the illuminati want another civil war.
If there was, we would be hearing about it every hour, plus specials would feature experts going over every detail.
(((paul))) can gofuckhimself in the dead sea with the rest of the jews
the democrats got caught rigging the primary for hillary. they dont even deny it. then they try to rig the general election and got caught again
we need to exterminate any faggots with a "im with her" bumper sticker or any black person ASAP. police do your fucking jobs
Also to ad to this, when the MSM was forced to cover it, this is how their coverage went. This quote is from Newsweek... fucking Newsweek is about to throw niggers under the bus hard in an attempt to give the Clintons some breaking room.
>Maybe it was the relative cool that prompted him to walk through several dark, dicey blocks to his apartment in Bloomingdale, a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood a mile away. Whatever the reason, Rich, 27, a normally upbeat computer-voting specialist at the DNC, would soon leave family and friends grieving. And his decision to walk that night would become part of a wild election-year conspiracy theory that once again portrays Hillary Clinton and the Democrats as murderous criminals.
I... You do know that's what they've been doing for literally decades? Right? How could anyone be at all surprised by this?
Are you 12??