Has Sup Forums ever been so BTFO?
Has Sup Forums ever been so BTFO?
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She forgot that the Jews helped kill Jesus.
He was armed with FAITH.
woah cool it with the anti semetism
Jokes on her I'm Jewish
Peter was armed with a sword.
And he used it.
>unarmed man of color
that only works with niggers,Jesus was not black
Jesus was white. You revisionist kikes will not win.
Uh, yeah that's kind of the basis of Christianity for 2000 years? Also Christmas is the celebration of his birth, the celebration of his death and resurrection is Easter. You're either 6 months late or 6 months early to the holiday.
>militarized state
she has no clue what she's talking about.
And the whole point of Jesus is that he HAD to die since he sacrificed himself so the sins of humanity could be redeemed.
I love it when athiests try to use the bible against us while simultaneously mocking our faith.
>when he LITERALLY had the power of God at his fingertips
Spare me.
Of course. Sup Forums's Jesus was the original cuck: show the other cheek, kiss foreigner feet, love outsiders are all important tenant of his philosophy. He was executed publicly for his degeneracy, which makes judas the original Sup Forumsack.
It was also the best possible thing that could have happened to him, since he was reunited with God.
Really fires up your neurons...
>jesus was white
no he wasnt,he resembled more of a modern day arab then a white guy
>Militarized state
>"Man of color"
niggers trying to claim arabs are black
to be honest,95 percent of people in america dont even associate christmas with Jesus.they think some fat white guy named santa claus is the meaning of the holiday
No, he was white.
Judas killed himself. Follow the leader, as they say.
I guess pol isn't racist? she blew herself out. :^)
How many times are you going to make this thread?
The pursuit of policy that will make every day life more and more difficult for non-citizens so that they will decide to leave on their own accord, or become legal taxpaying citizens like the rest of us.
I would suggest things like making basics like renting any sort of property or the purchase of gas unavailable without showing id. Simple things like that may be a pain for the citizens, but would be very worth it in the long run.
So did hitler. Coincidence?
no he didn't .
Levantine Semites( Israelites, Phenocians) were a lot whiter than southern semites which arabs come from since they were trading and intermingling with Europeans for thousands of years. Hell an entire nation of greeks were assimulated by force into the Ancient Israelite nation.
Oops, wrong thread.
>95% of America is not Christian
let's play spot the out of touch bicoastal elite
Which is where the large noses come from: it's a characteristically greek trait.
>comparing Michael Brown to Jesus
Are they even trying any more?
>Hitler drank water
>So did Donald trump
wasn't jesus a jew?
>Hitler drank water
We don't know that.
Nag Hammadi and Qumran scholars have demonstrated Jesus Christ (Christ: 'bathed-in-semen', or 'covered-in-oil' in Greek; what an unusual epithet for a person!) was actually a psychedelic mushroom, making early Christianity (40BC-120AD) akin to the Mystery Schools of the Mediterranean. A fusion of Judaism and Eleusis, if you will.
It explains EVERYTHING: from the Resurrection myth (akin to the Demeter-Persephone, Mithraeic and Dyonisiac schools of the Mysteries), as well as the influence of Jewish scholarship / moral influence, only filtered down with a touch of Ancient Greek philosophical systems.
The man on the picture you posted is Cesare Borgia.
He was literally the son of God. how was he not privileged?
Isreal had pretty high level of autonomy though, the romans were just there to police and collect taxes.
>unjust militarized state
Just like the US, dumb cunts like this owe everything they have in life to the legacy of Rome.
That was easy. He probably thinks Hillary has a 99% chance of being President.
Did donald trump kill himself? If he is indeed a follower of judas as hitler was, like you suggest, it is his destiny.
your mohammed was a lazy desert bandit, who was a pedophile had hallucinations,married a rich MILF and ran away from mecca .
Do you realize that living by the sword and dying by it is an aspect of being a soldier? Do you understand that in the context of which Jesus taught them there is no sin in defending ones self if they must take a life to defend their own. Isn't it more of a metaphor to implicate that PTSD or dread from combat was what he was referring to, carrying it for the rest of your life?
>Hitler never drank water in his entire life
For one thing, if you're serious, capitalize 'He'. For another, paintings aren't pictures so you do no man of faith any favors by portending artistic renditions of Christ are at all relevant.
These are sinners and nonbelievers who will one day, far too late mind you, realize that they were wrong.
Stay strong in your faith and don't feed the trolls. Sage.
1. Religion is a scam.
2. Pic related, just an unarmed black man. As if not having a weapon somehow means you're innocent of strong armed robbery, violent assault and attempted murder.
This is cancer
He was armed, though.
All of the Apostles had swords when Jesus was arrested at Gethsemane.
One of them even attacked one of the Roman's slaves and cut his ear off.
Are liberals illiterate?
Peter was armed with a sword and cut a soldiers ear off with it.
yet a group of nig nogs would cheer if they saw obama drink a glass of water
this is how retarded the left are,hitler wasnt as bad as history made him out to be anyway
>he thinks that's water
>thinking you're redpilled by going with the mainstream jesus was a nigger myth
Good, Christianity is cancer
jesus may not have been a nigger,but he wasnt white either
>Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?
Matthew 26:53
You brought Hitler into this. I was saying that you were pointing out irrelevant similarities.
No, he was white.
he was a semite
maybe an aryan
Jews are modern day arabs
Jesus was white.
jesus actually was white, stop with the WE WUZ KINGS N SHIT NIGGA tier nonsense
I am pleased that Sup Forums is finally beginning to think about Jesus Christ in terms of race.
Next step is to redpill yourself on the historicity of said character. Pic related
>militarized state
You're god damned right.
Can I get sauce on that?
Was the mom alright?
We don't know, he may have been lighter. We do know for sure he was no nig though
Good thing he wasn't real
Even jews and mudslimes accept he's real though. There also appears to be enough evidence to conclude he was real.
It's time they learned the true story of Christ.
Jesus was a Levantine Jew, he was not a nigger. He technically wasn't wrongfully charged, Peter was armed, and many people were executed in a brutal fashion.
There is more evidence that Jesus existed than there is for many "historical" figures. The Romans even admitted that they had him executed. Even atheists will admit the physical person of Jesus existed, they only deny his divinity.
fucking moron.
jesus himself said he laid down his life and that pilate had no power except that given to him form above. all power lies in christ. its like she doesn't even believe in the divinity and omnipotency of jesus christ. its like she thinks he was just a man.
>pol/ is always right.
im not saying i believe he was a nig,im just saying i dont believe he was a white man
people can post all the pictures they want,but those pictures arent even the real Jesus,they are what people think he looked like.your never going to see a real picture of Jesus christ
>its like she doesn't even believe in the divinity and omnipotency of jesus christ. its like she thinks he was just a man.
Correct! She is a nigger!
Low energy
>your never going to see a picture of a man who died before photography
I mean, he could technically whip something up as he is God, but yeah, duh.
I... I just... this is heresy on a level that makes Arius look like a baby...
By 'Romans', I will assume you refer to Flavius Josephus, Jewish-Roman historian, whose mentions of Jesus in his Antiquities of the Jews were proven to be interpollations.
Early Christian History is being revolutionized these days folks, and you don't even know.
>Sup Forums won't even consider Italians white
>yet claims a Middle Eastern man is pure Aryan
Thine Holy Digits!
The Jews didn't want to acknowledge a saviour for all of man kind who would willingly overcome death for the sake of both jews and gentiles.
>Your Jesus was a 33-year-old
not during his whole life but at time of death sure
not always unarmed or peaceful
>man of color
where is proofs
>wrongfully charged
yep, by the jewish priesthood. Though it was a tense time and anyone who said anything that disturbed the peace was arrested
>executed publicly
>by an unjust militarized state
the romans did carry out the sentence but they were all about justice and law, the people who demanded his execution where the jewish priesthood
>Your Jesus
missed the key point
Jesus wasnt doing anything wrong
It's been strongly supported and holds a legitimate position in scholarship, but it's hardly been "proven" (to my knowledge at least, happy to be proved wrong)
This is true yet most people from the Levant are white.
That's literally wrong. Have you ever seen a Levantine person?
>Jesu kiri
>Jesu Chri
>Sup Forums is one person
>South Africans are black cause they live in Africa
>Achmed is white cause he live in Sweden
If I took a group of Lebanese people and Southern European people, dressed them in normal clothes and told you to identify which ones were Lebanese and which ones were European you couldn't do it.
Turkey and the Levant were essentially extensions of Europe prior to the Arabic and later Turkish conquests.
That fucking "realistic depiction of what Jesus *actually* looked like" is such a dishonest piece of shit. Go to the Middle East and look at the people. They don't look like that. That picture deliberately made Jesus look way darker and with less pronounced Caucasian features than what Arabs even have.
So leftists finally admit jews aren't white.
>implying Jesus isn't just an allegory for Saturn
He's the fun thing though. Most of the criminal scum blm supports were RIGHTFULLY charged. They will never admit it.
It does not get more edgy and despicable than using people's religious beliefs to put down their spirits and make them feel bad about themselves on a holiday in which they are supposed to feel cheer and love.
>Let me guess a black person with no agenda wrote this.
If you don't realize this you are a gigantic part of your own problem. Fuck you cuntbag.
Tfw every single person I know irl regularly attends church
Feels very good. Who /south/ here?
That fugin hat maine
He wasn't even real, so he be whatever fucking race you like