What's up Sup Forums?
>no webm
Poor white refugee trying to escape Trumps America. What a racist to shoot him
not surprised
And cucks let these niggers fuck their wives
America must die
Why do Brazilian guns always jam?
They buy the cheapest shit possible plus they don't know how to clean a gun.
Why did they have kill the only white man in town?
too depressing mang
Wow im so tirggered im shaking right now.
No sound?
Probably owed drug money is my only guess
Is that the reason for the title? Did he killed because he was "white"?
do you even have to ask this question
the media player for BestGore is so shitty. It doesn't let me skip time frame.
is he okay?
Don't be a faggot. OP provided a link rather than posting edgy webm without any back story nor source, and that should be encouraged.
Damn, hate when that happens
Jesse Pinkman?
>Phone pans away from the scene until the guy is on the ground dead
Stupid niggers want to film themselves shooting people but can't even fucking film it right,
Basically they keep on shooting even when he is already dead. I mean, what the fuck made them so damn angry.
>op links to bestgore
>but a webm would be "edgy"
Eat shit, Charlie.
Is life in Brazil more like GTA or Far Cry?
>huehues shooting fags
nothing much happening on Sup Forums today
They're not angry they just feel powerfull shooting some unarmed cuck. They're mostly all skinny faggots
with flip-flops
>Porto Alegre
There has been an increase of violence in this region
Translation: Niggers have come to the south
As if a nigger puerto rican wouldn't know their own kind's motivation, you're not fooling anyone.
whats surprising about this?
Its just a common everyday occurrence in HUEland
>his name was daniel gun
But you're all monkeys
How come Whites in the south aren't killing niggers when they venture into your White territory? Someone's going to be dead might as well be the niggers.
>what made them so angry
Their shit tinted skin
They were mad at the whiter person because of their shitskin
You cant have guns in Brazil bra, (until Bolsonaro2018 at least)
So what did these people have?
You mean law abiding people can't have guns.
i mean
>good people cant but guns, violent poor people are victims of society
Can one of you translate the whole video? I'm interested in what all was being said here.
why do all South Americans and Asians wear flipflops? I go to a state school with a large foreign population, I honestly get triggered at the sight of their stinky ass feet and the sound of flip flops.
BestGore has a lot of edgy people in their comment section but I don't care about their userbase, for me it is a website where they publish news story about murders and accidents with graphic footage and photos.
What cheap footwear do you use?
Not surprised.
No need for that brutality so theres no open casket at the funeral.
Oh wow isn't Porto Alegre one of the whitest cities in Brazil? White people still get killed? Shame
"Don't stop, fuck!"
"Easy, easy easy, calm down"
"Bullets for you, fucker!" (This is the moment he is shooting when he is already dead)
*Incomprehensible monkey words*
"Stop shouting!"
Porto Alegre is a white majority city, faggot
shoes. Fucking retard. If you can afford a school that is 50,000+ a year for foreign exchange students you can afford shoes.
They're being stupid letting niggers roam around in their city with unsurprising results.
i guess that explains why i can always find cheap high quality ammunition from brazillian manufacturers
Man I hate spics.
For example. Espadrilles are made of rope, foam and canvas. They will last longer than flip flops and are nearly as cheap.
I'm not even gonna watch videos of dead white ppl fuck that it makes me mad
>mfw self-identify as a white man
You are a white man, English teacher
just says random shit
chill chill chill, record it, get the bullets, then screams "its fucking V7, its V7" (gang name? idk)
what about ameriniggers in warm states like Florida? don't they wear flipflops?
"Hue hue hue hue hue hue"
We wear flip flops of course
>Sth America.
btw yes its "V7", a drug "cartel" from Porto Alegre
>Double tapping
>Missing from 2 feet away
we have strict gun controls here so its obviously fake
And you people wonder why spics want to come up here.
What's the point of blasting his brains out when he was already dead?
Can some edgyfags and OG niggas fill me in?
Not surprised
>keep shooting even after he's dead
Still not surprised
Been to Florida and Georgia a couple times. From what I remember, flip flops are common on the beach, but few people are retarded enough to wear them to a store or restaurant (That isn't near a beach).
It's an extra little "fuck you" for when you're really in the moment, chief.
>muhhh white brazilians
>muhhh germanic heritage
>muhh visit the south side we're white here and there's no crime its like a cozy bavarian village :^)
I hate southern Brazilians shilling for their shitty fucked up multicultural country. Supposed to be a white haven in the south yet you see people getting shot and recorded on camera like nothing bad will happen. At least here our niggers are contained in the inner cities and they're not monkey enough to record their killings.
We wear flip flops everywhere in florida retard.
I wore flip flops two days ago to school.
I live in Florida. I would say one out of every third person is wearing flip flops and sandals, at any given location. It has nothing to do with retardation.
Well that's why they wanna separate from the rest of Brazil and close the borders
>Implying that doesn't happen in your country
>kept shooting at him when he was clearly very dead
What the fuck did this guy do to them to piss them off??
holy shit
I guess its just the feeling of power they get
Makes it more intimidating for others who may be in trouble with them when they see his body I guess.
I doubt they plan that much though probably just coons on the loon.
he had lighter skin than they did
In the meantime you should be ignoring gun laws and killing niggers that enter your territory.
they seem to be 1000% butt pained about something, and then they saw the pink shirt. Would set me off too desu
do you mean sandals or flip flops? If it is flip flops I hope you realize how much females hat that shit. Nobody wants to see or smell your stinky ass feet in class.
Niggers are stupid and they kill indiscriminately but it is very, very rare to find them recording a killing FPS-style.
First of all that only happens when you know you aren't going to get caught, so you get brazen. Even the dumbest nigger here is smart enough to know recording that shit will put him away. I've only seen gunshot FPS executions coming out of your country, not a single one from mine.
thats the one nice area of brazil right?
sandals are okay. Flip flops are retarded. I guess I did go to wealthier areas though, so retarded flip flops would be less common.
bit of a lame recording, camera man was shitting himself, gun jamming, acted like a virgin seeing poontang for the first time, ran away scared, 2/10
Our criminals don't fucking record themsevles while they kill someone.
You only see that kind of stuff in shithole places like Brazil where they know they won't get caught.
Listen dude I don't know what fucking jungle you came out of that you have trench foot everywhere you go, but most people, yes that includes women, don't fucking care what footwear you have on
some niggers are like animals, if they just don't like you or you looked at them in the eyes for a momento its already a justification for violence
He made it with minor injuries.
Some Brazilian gangs make a point of shooting on the face to prevent an open casket funeral.
only women wear those around here
Ours know full well what kind of response they would receive for killing white people indiscriminately. Almost all of their violence is directed at each other in very few shit cities. And at least we have a way to legally defend ourselves if shit does happen.
It was nice, then they began voting for left-wing parties in the 1990s to be "progressive". It was all nice and fun for a while, and Porto Alegre hosted some "World Social Forums" in the early 2000s. But as it's said, socialism last until you run out of other people's money. These left-wing governments bankrupted the state and promoted violence in the lower-classes. Now everything is fucked.
Complete shithole. Brazil needs to start going Full-Duterte on these motherfuckers. Shoot them, shoot their accomplices, shoot the kids they hire to be spotters.
I know mindless violence follows poverty and the drug trade, but these kids are soulless fucks. It's the same with the mexicans.
are you a female? If not, I will base my beliefs off of what other females have told me. I was a lifeguard for 4 years and have had multiple conversations about this.
drug gang vs drug gang...
There is a reason why he's recording, he wanna look tough so he shoots him when he's dead. Then when police catches him he literally cries like a baby and begs for human rights orgs to save him from getting raped by a broom