>reminder that if you think richard spencer is too right wing, this isn't your board
>reminder that "alt-right" means nothing less than white nationalism
Reminder that if you think richard spencer is too right wing, this isn't your board
Other urls found in this thread:
The only idiots who hate him are r/thedonald fags and nu/pol/ cucks
alt right isn't even a real thing
where did it all go so wrong? Was it trump or did Sup Forums just get lazy
Is he very rightist at all actually
But Ben Carson is cool
I straight up respect him
he's completely right about the Pan-European model for our people
he destroyed that rabbi just by asking him the same question in reverse
he held his own against 300lbs shit talking sistas, white knights, antifa, thousand cuck hoard outside
fuck all you bitches talking shit about him
I don't hate him but his methods are fucking retarded, remember think as you wish but behave as others.
With must use subversion and dominate cultural forums
>destroyed that rabbi by asking the question in reverse
What link?
I think hes a faggot that needs public speaking coach.
>degenerate, low-effort discourse is unacceptable
>99% of Stormcuck arguments are "you're a nigger"
Tell me, which of his points do you disagree with? I'm actually interested to hear your answer.
he is not too right wing. he is an obvious reverse shill working for the government.
I don't think Dick Dispenser is too right wing. I think he's a dumb hipster like Lena Dunham.
it was milo and the other nu-right fags
Bump. Spencer is forever /ourguy/, there can be no doubt now.
>Reminder that if you fell for Richard Spencer you're a meme, and should probably off yourself
The man is a fucking disgrace to the right
why do people keep trying to claim us? are we really that cool?
Spencer is in it for the attention and money. Also, looking to ride Trumps coat tales by claiming Trump is a white nationalist like him to give fuel to the (((Liberal))) fires.
"alt-right" means nothing
it's nonsense contrived to group up and classify a diverse range of people that the users of the term dislike
White nationalism isn't right-wing. It's some tribalistic faggotry for poor people.
you're a disgrace to this country
(((you))) have to go back
I hate Spencer because he's a shitty speaker. He pretty much speaks like how newfags on Sup Forums do.
I don't see why he gets so much love here 2bh.
we can't all be as eloquent as you in front of rabbit hordes while the lawyers/police watch your every punctuation for a slip up
how's this for eloquence
hail trump
Can't the mods just put a sticky disavowing him at the top of the board?
>muh white identitarian safe space
I'm a classical liberal and I'm not going anywhere. Get bent.
you're going back muhammad
believe me
*stares into eyes
This is a shill
That's funny, I don't think about Richard Spencer (aka "literally who") at all.
Spotted the upper middle class classist cuck. Tell me more about how people should be ranked based off of their wallet size. You don't see race because you know a couple of niggers that have money right
There is a ton of speakers that get hounded by crowds and get harassed by the police and lawyers and still perform better than Spencer ever has. Spencer just doesn't have good public speaking skills.
>The only idiots who hate him are r/thedonald fags and nu/pol/ cucks
Pol is proof that immigration ruins societies.
i hate nu-pol shit just like everyone but those points are mostly terrible
1- true
2- shity comparison
3- true
4- caricatured to the point where it make no sense
5- no one says that
6- no one respect femanon posters here except if pointing out her vagina is important to the thread
7- wtf?
8- true
9- kind of hyperbolic
>Richard Spencer Al Jihadi Interview
The alt-right doesn't exist.
I'm part german part polish. Get fucked.
>inb4 slavs aren't white
Tribalism is part of human nature, idiot
He's pretty moderate in comparison to the natsocs and the jew obsessed crowd around here.
that's just what we told people during the election to make Hillary seem unhinged
rest assured the alt-right is real and growing
So is rape, that doesn't make it right however.
>alt right movement suddenly needs leaders instead of being an angry mob fucking up establishment shit simply because it's a hydra that will not die
>thinking these (((leaders))) aren't anything other than controlled opposition
user... (((they))) are doing it again, right under your nose
Fuck off. Alt right simply means ethno-nationalist, and has nothing to do with supremacy. Also in a later interview Spencer said what he was doing was akin to trolling.
kek agrees
One of those is forcing yourself on another human being
One is wanted to live your life with your own flesh and blood
Good job on the false equivalence Juden
>Spencer is controlled opp
Fuck off newfag. He's been around the scene longer than 99% of Sup Forums. Before the term "alt right" even existed he was out working for us and against (((them))). Stop spreading your disinfo horseshit.
muh great orators like obama reading a teleprompter and stuttering
muh Victorian upper crust pseudo intellectual gatherings
muh meaningless mental masturbation
muh stoic rhetorical skills
you're desperately grabbing at anything because you know he's effective
that fact that you're attacking his oratory skills and not his message proves he's effective ;)
He doesn't speak well, he sounds like a poof
Well look at this lads, so much for us "never being alt-right"
>implying spencer has ever called himself a/the leader
Sooo why are you making shit up?
Even Spencer would never say the Alt Right is nothing but "ethnic nationalism". For Spencer it's a Nietzschean hero morality and negation of liberal nihilism.
nice deflection, kike
Too bad nobody here ever heard of him until Trump won and the board got blasted with threads about him for the span of a week
your day will come you thieving heeb
shoo shill
Can't you just fuck off the board?
I re-identified as a moderate white nationalist the other day. Multiculturalism/etc. is a nice ideal, but whites have the right to lower immigration until the other races and media prove they can respect us. Fuck becoming a minority in our own countries.
then you half of you is still going back
>get fucked
luckily I'm safe enough from your friends the rapeugees
relax I'm joking (you're feeding me easy comebacks)
Shut up faggot. The only people who didn't know who Richard Spencer before all this were newcomer teenagers and plebbit refugees, in other words, newfags. Like you. The fact that you think I'm a paid Richard Spencer shill makes you look like a paranoid moron or some faggot from Leftypol who comes here to troll.
wait for the day of the rake.... patience brother
that's what i was thinking. i wish things went back to how they were before the election. i hate what this place has become.
fuck you altright dipshits.
First time I've actually listened to Spencer. Christ he's an awful public speaker. His voice sounds like that of a woman.
pol will never be the same guys. 2015-2016 RIP
jesus christ senpai
>too far right
It isn't even this. He is just a fucking idiot who ruined a chance to make a movement stick. Didn't you retards learn anything from feminism and islam? The key is define yourself in the best light possible and then pass laws and do actions opposite of that while constantly claiming the "no true Scotsman" argument.
You don't fucking start off by saying you are a white supremacist
That guy is fake like the term alt right made up by jews in the media like Blitzer and Maddow who spam this guy 24/7 but failed to make anyone believe it. Even all the people at this guys events are jewish confirmed by facebook so he is 100% not a nazi.
He is a joke.
Ctr still working overtime I see...
You must be either a fucking newfag or actual JIDF if you have never heard of him until Trump won.
>white supremacist
He has never
claimed to be a supremacist
Not only that but I can tell you're retarded because you use ISLAM as an example of movement that didn't stick.
Excuse me? It's been around for 1400 years you fucking retard.
Richard Spencer isn't articulate enough to push this white nationalist power fantasy.
The way to win the social war is by intelligent maneuvering and playing on nuance, especially in an environment of hyper-liberalism and hyper-communication.
He just doesn't have the mental fortitude to defend his opinions on a whim and in a way that persuades people.
That 'hail victory' frame alone deteriorated the freight-train that was the alt-right in one fell swoop, and he's the type of dumb-ass that's standing there wondering why everyone disassociated with him/his movement afterwards.
That's the fragility of politics.
Dat projecting holy fuck.
First of all I am critiquing the effectiveness of his message, I stated that there are others have done a better job at conveying a message than Spencer has and that's because Spencer doesn't have enough skill at public speaking to effectively convey a message to others. Not really grasping for straws here, just stating the obvious.
Then somehow you equate that with having a teleprompter and pretentiousness. There's still plenty of speakers who don't need either of these who still run circles around Spencer. Trump straight up never uses flowery language and he still conveys a message a billion times better than Spencer can. Trump does speak from a teleprompter from time to time but even when its off the cuff he still pulls it off.
Sorry m8, Spencer is a shitty speaker, that's just what it is. Stop riding his dick.
Shut the fuck up civic cuck.
Enjoy your multicultural rape fantasy
Try reading the post again Britbong. I was using both islam and feminism as examples of ideologies with very bad intentions that were able to stick around due to branding.
We can't copy their exact strategy because we're terrible at lying. It's just not what we do. We say what we believe. We can't just say one thing and then do something completely different.
>white nationalism is a bad intention
Time to leave, you're not welcome here any more.
CNN linked directly to Sup Forums on a front page article.
The bear leaves his cave, never to return.
t. Little T grime rapping legend
this is a SLIDE THREAD
shills are trying to DISTRACT YOU from our new weaponized meme
the shills are afraid
I mean, obviously it is if you are non white...
>people who attack someone who's defending their race in mainstream media without saying retarded shit for the first time in 50 years
So he does just need a public speaking coach.
>without saying retarded shit
He does better than the screaming leftist hordes at his college talks, which is a sad reflection of how smart we've become, but it's good enough for winning over normies (especially whites)
Absolutely horrible.
He just can't make himself like-able.
Well if you want an actual discussion about it, nobody said non-whites aren't allowed to have their own nations.
Don't you want your own nation, filled with your own people who share (generally) the same or very similar values? Having your own architecture and cultural symbolism and art? Your own leaders, your own system?
Oh you don't? Oh so I've gotta deal with people like you shitting my country up? yeah nah sorry I can't stand it.
What freight-train? The only people who left were never on board to begin with. White nationalism has more supporters post-salute than before.
He does do better than college liberals and SJWs true, but normies are used to one side of politics and not the other. It's the hand we're dealt with, we have to put far more effort in convincing a young populace about the virtue of our ideas.
I am just saying, from the viewpoint of minorities, that nations that were originally white are the most powerful in teh world. Why would they want to leave that? Especially when they think they can take it over by population numbers?
Well eating meat is morally wrong from the animals' perspective, but that's not how we make moral judgements.
>implying Sup Forums is Alt-Right
Nice jidf meme you got there, please go
implying pol is one being
He's more palatable then our better speakers like Mike Enoch, added is that his face is easy to look at
he could be worse m8