Get proud white nationalist haircut

>get proud white nationalist haircut
>pay $25 for haircut
>don't tip
>next time I show up
>process takes longer, barber let's people skip me, quality suffers

How is this legal? Unless i tip $6 I get put on a shit list when I get my hair done.

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Just buy a shaver and buzz it all off, fag.

Is the barber senile?

>white nationalist
>doesn't tip
if you like the cut, you tip.

if they did a shit job, you don't come back.

>paying $25 for a haircut

You deserved.

private business fuck head, nothing you can do.

You still get served right??

>Pay less
>Get worse service
>how is this legal
wtf are you even asking.

This right. Don't act like a nigger OP.

Sorry if I like getting good quality.

>25 dollars for a haircut
Where the fuck are you getting your haircut?

>pay $25 for haircut
>don't tip

since haircuts are $15, you tipped them $10, champ. congrats.


>claims to be white nationalist
doesnt just buz his own damn head with a hair buzzer thingy he bought from wallmart for like $10

i mean it takes little effort to get it done by yourself and worst case you didnt git it even in the back but its so fucking short that in 3 days nobody can notice

what are you a pussy

>likes nice hair
literally woman tier frame of mind there faggot, I went completely bald and havent given a single fuck about it, not even once

>You being this mentally challenged

You could probably buy some good quality shears for $50 and make back your money in 2 haircuts.
Serves you right for being a retarded consumer

Tipping culture is so fucking stupid.
>Want x in exchange for y
>charge 80% of x
>Get mad when you only get 80% of x.

>Sorry if I like getting good quality.
But you just created a thread to tell us you didn't.

Also this. Getting an appointment is much more of a hassle than just cutting it all off yourself.

Not cutting your own hair like a real man.
Whining about being cucked by a hairdresser.
Going on the internet for validation.

Where do I begin?

I'm sure there has to be cheaper places there. 15 dollars is the norm around here.

>barber is told to shave the head of this nazi
>secretly natsoc himself and gives him the best haircut he can offer because he knows proud aryans tip by the shitloads
>tfw the snow nigger didnt give you jack shit
>instantly blue pilled to the max and thinks these attention whoring lowlives expects everything for free
>memorized his face and treat him like the nigger he is next time he came back
no surprise here nigger. only blacks dont tip

I suspect the barber is a Russian Jew I will confirm this next time I go.

Silly amerifats with your tipping and sales tax excluded. Your entire system of commerce is designed to screw people out of money.

>$25 for a crew / buzz cut

you most live in goy central like San Francisco.

you can and should do it yourself

back/sides is the shortest setting (adapter)

top you can easily do yourself with a mirror and scissors

it's not that hard (don't be intimidated)

Yo, I have an undercut. Just get someone to do it for you. I bought a buzzer awhile ago and haven't paid for a haircut since.

don't get haircucked again

this. never understood that shit.

>tipping a hair cut

The fuck kind of shithole do you live in that you tip a barber?

>tfw you get your haircut by a cazy old chinese lady for 10 bucks and she always refuses tip

you received the haircut for the price both times

he owes you nothing more you self entitled faggot

Find a less shit barber

Don't like the service? Do it yourself or go to someone else. If he ends up alienating his own customers because of poor practices it'll hit em

Why is tipping barbers a thing? They don't make minimum? Fuck I hate fucking tipping so fucking much. "Give me 30% tip for pouring you a fucking beer or I give you shitty service wahhh."


I live in San Francisco and I pay $40 not including tip to get my hair cut and that is pretty cheap. I usually tip him $20 and he always pulls me in ahead of other people who are waiting, as soon as I walk in the door.

stop being a jew and tip him like he deserves.

i've been cutting my own hair for over a year now, maybe 1 visit to the barber during that time
it's pretty simple once you learn how to do it

Because a haircut is one of those things that can either be 7/10 passable, and you will probably still leave without complaint, or they can really take the extra 15 minutes and make it fucking perfect for you.

I always tip the barber unless I wasn't too happy with the haircut. Some smelly 80 year old asshole in the ghetto always cuts my hair, even if I tip 10$ its still only 30$, same price as a shitty chain shop, but it's an amazing job.

sucks to be you

I genuinely have no idea if Americans are serious when they talk about tipping their barber and needing an appointment or if it's a singles only policy cinemas-type of meme. I know they tip the garbage man so I guess it's possibly true.

"...I get my hair done."


tfw half bald and everyone is bitching about $5

I agree that tipping is cucked, but for now we have to play the game. Also like the other anons are telling you, it's simple to do it yourself. I buzzed my head for years until I got sick of the look. You'll save a lot of money.

Get some nice clippers. Don't get a shitty kind, because they're unreliable. Got some cheap brand in my late teens and ended up sperging out and stabbing it with a screwdriver, because it started breaking down in the middle of a haircut after only so many uses.

This. I don't understand why Americans do this.

0_o wtf what kinda hair cut do you get? mines $20-$25 for fade + trim in da hood

What the fuck is wrong America? Tipping culture is completely fucked.

>walk in to local barber in Australia
>write name on chalk board
>get complimentary beer from fridge
>wait with other civilised people
>name gets called
>get haircut
>pay price that is displayed on front of shop which includes all taxes.
>walk out without tipping because we don't tip here
>barber gets paid decent wage and everyone wins

yes we do loser

i cut my own hair and pay myself

Only niggers don't tip. Do you want to be like a nigger?

$40 for a haircut wtf? do you cut your hair in apple store or what?

Or we could just use our patronage as a system of rating service like we do with most other things. Like we're supposed to in a capitalist society

>not shaving your own head

What people from other countries don't understand is that in America we tip because we want special service. We want to be treated better than everyone else and if we have the money then we are treated better than everyone else.
So tipping is something we do so that we are treated better. We get better tables in restaurants if we tip the Maitre'D. If we want the doorman to ensure that we get all our packages and our late night visitors are not gossiped about then we tip the doorman (usually on a yearly basis around Christmas.)
If I want my barber to put me in a chair in the back and give me whiskey or champagne and change the channel to the one where my team is playing, then I tip him more than other people tip him. etc.
In America the class/caste system is based on money instead of who your ancestors were.
If you want people to know you are high class, you tip well. If you want them to think you are a lower class then you tip poorly or not at all.

>Get bad service
>Continue going to said venue

This is literally your fault, and nobody else.

>proud white nationalist
>falling for the haircutting Jew and their shekel shoah
>not just using pic related yourself
What is wrong with you?

Cut your own hair fagget
That style is super easy and clippers are like 15$

But rich people don't tip well. They hardly ever use public services. Upper middle class tip too much because they think they're hot shit and ruin things for everyone else. Also
>implying this is acceptable

what the fuck do you mean how is it legal? make your choice you jew.

also . Nor does TIP= TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE. You can pay and get the same treatment as everyone else. But there are such things as "preferred" customers, everywhere.

Neither does . Tipped employees are paid below minimun wage, allowing companies to charge less for service. If they were paid anything more, your beer would just cost more every single time.

And you are still getting your beer. But the tip isn't paying for the fucking beer, it's paying for the SERVICE you are provided. That's why it's a SERVICE industry.

why don't restaurant/barber shop owners enforce quality service from their employees? this reminds me of soviet era style bribes that have no place in the private sector.

also forgot, to all the Euros complaining, fuck off. Know what really is fucking retarded? In Europe you are expected to tip the dealer while gambling. So every time you win a hand, you are expected to toss him a chip or some shit.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I pay establishment, establishment pays employee. Why the fuck am I paying wages?

>I get put on a shit list when I get my hair done.
stfu faggot

>(((Proud White Nationalist)))

>customer pays extra for respect
>local neckbeard throws a fit HOW IS THIS LEGAL

Only Jews can cut the tip.

>Not just growing your hair out and selling it to folks in their mid-life crisis for hundreds of bucks

>I suspect the barber is a Russian Jew
I suspect you're a Jew.

where? never seen that happen. only guys we might tip here are the bouncers.

People going to shitty chain barbers instead of hitting up their local Dominican joint. I'm in NYC and you can get a perfect cut for a third of the price if you're not too pussy to visit an 'ethnic' barbershop.

Tipping culture is what white Americans use to separate themselves from niggers.

When Merkel finally achieves peak enrichment you'll understand.

I pay about the same, but it includes a glass of scotch, plus a shampoo, beard trim, etc.

I could go to cheaper places, but I like sipping scotch while having my hair cut.

Under rated.

then why the fuck would you pay a tip for a haircut when the haircut is the service?

>Using Walmart Hair Cutting machine.

Are you shitting me?

I promise you I can already tell you have a fucked up hair cut.

Haven't you ever heard of Oster Classic?

Time to upgrade faggot.

Sounds like they work magic if you aren't drinking scotch with hair in it.

this i can understand but not just for a haircut.

>tfw when the women I work with cut my hair at work free of charge

>paying 25 USD for another man to preen you

Exactly. Rich people don't piss their money away unnecessarily or they don't stay rich for long. Middle and working class try to look or feel richer than they are by tipping big, as if depriving themselves of more money makes them more like the rich people they aspire to become. Those getting tipped get spoiled by this, expect it to be the norm then punish everyone who doesn't tip or tips an undesirable amount.

Then wealthy bosses realize they don't need to pay actual wages because middle class regards just empty their wallet for basic services like pouring water or ferrying a plate of food from the kitchen to the table

The fuck?? $2-5 seems the standard reasonable, I'd only pay 10 if it's one of those old barbers shops that shaves you and uses warm towels and ointments.

>beer while waiting for haircut
>price displayed represents final total

If you want a good styled cut, go to a bro-tier barber shop or a good hipster place.
If you just wanna shave your head, just do it at home.

>be me
>go to barbershop downtown
>filled with bikers
>get into chair obese Italian cuts hair to perfection
>halfway thru tells black teen hanging around his door to fuck off
>mentions something about "niggers" under his breath
>charges 18 dollars
>throw a few extra for tip forces the change back to me
>tells me tip is included in price

What a fantastic place

If you cut your own hair and have an m shape neckline for fuck's sake have someone else do the back I made that mistake for too long

They're going to do a shit job if you don't tip them anyway, fag.

>pay $25 for a bold hair cut.


>not tipping
How can a nigger be a white nationalist?

That's because you live in Mexico where wages are shit, you dumbfuck.

In first world countries being a barber is a decent job and the pay requires a higher fee.

My haircuts are usually $20 bucks in Texas. It depends on where you live and what places you go to. I've had $80 haircuts before.

t. American on vacation

>he hasn't mastered the art of the flobee

My dad literally passed one of these fuckers down to me. That's how good they are. They can't do everything but they will give you a good Hitler cut every. single. time. If you can find one on ebay or something, go for it. You'll never pay for a haircut again. If you want to shave the sides just buy a buzzer too, but I keep sides around 1/2 inch.

pic related; certified flomaster

>12016 HE

>not cutting your own shit

Who the fuck tips for a haircut?

>new hairdressers opens up locally
>it's fetish themed
>they whip you while cutting your hair
>turns out no one wants any of that, lasts a few months before closing due to no customers
>meanwhile old Greek guy round the block is still going string after decades
Based wogs

wtf australia

but sadly a throwback barber shop opened in my town and flopped hard. Had the old chairs, poles out front and everything. People just didn't want it. I just don't think guys really give a shit about their appearance anymore. And if they do, they choose to look like faggots.

What the hell is a proud white nationalist haircut?
Are you autistic?

senpai you're supposed to tip for a haircut
sorry you had to find out this way

What was that place called? Sounds funny.

shaved head
bowl cut(new)

pick one and stick with it to be a proud white nationalist

Yeah. You're a fucking faggot.

Prove it and come suck this dick, leaf.