Will Trump Make it to Jan 20th?

I think a lot of people here are incredibly naive to the fact that the 2nd Civil War has already started. People think that only Clinton was corrupt, and not our entire Federal Government with the exception of a small pocket of the FBI. You should be terrified right now and praying to god that they aren't able to kill him before he gets into that white house. The establishment is a cornered beast, that already commits horrendous crimes against humanity behind the scenes on a regular basis. What do you think they're capable of when their control over the people is being threatened? Trump threatens their entire globalist agenda that has gone unopposed for decades.

>Fake news narrative immediately after election
>Propaganda accusing Russia of hacking voting booths
>Jill Stein's recount of the rust belt
>The past 1.5 years of mudslinging

Democracy means nothing to these people. They will probably stop Trump from helping save the U.S. if we let them. Wake up. We haven't won anything yet.

Why do you think Trump picked Mike Pence?
Pence is assassination insurance.

Id like To see some hard evidence that the russians influenced the election before i believe the msm narrative

They're trying to pull something. I think they're too incompetent and spread out to pull anything major off though. Also there's very little grounds for this dissent. There's no real evidence and people who aren't cognitively fucked can see that. The South actually had some legitimacy in their complaints in that Lincoln wasn't even on their ballots. This time it's just butthurt.

Hopefully Trump will be the next Lincoln. The Democrats called him an incompetent buffoon too.

>Trump gets killed
>President Pence
>All fags electrocuted to death
I'm okay with this

How so? He's business as usual.

You don't remember the American left's reaction to him picking Pence?
>he's gonna send all the gays to get electrocuted
>hes gonna kill all gays
blah blah that sort of stuff

He will make it to Jan 20th and Beyond ,BUT he will be left an empty soul, with no power or will for anything

The "establishment"/elites that you're thinking of don't play their hand like that.

They would much rather delegitimize Trump over 4 years and pick up the office in the next election. Mind you that many of their friends will be getting even richer under Trump.

This is far more favorable then dosing the US population with a huge redpill (that your entire government is corrupt). They would then truly lose all their power.

All this talk of "civil war" is also wrong. There will be no civil war. If anything LA riot level city burning would take place, redpilling all the moderate left to "right". Just like after Dallas.

This guy. Unless he gets too dangerous to the wrong people they're hoping 4 years of agitprop will scare off enough normies.

do you dumbasses remember Truman

they didn't tell him about the atomic bombs until they already went off

if Trump makes it to the whitehouse the government's just going to operate around him like the obstacle he is, just like Truman, and we'll all be better off for it

We know. We're ready. Thank you for your concern.

This, Pence is far more right than Trump is and seeing his actions of wanting to remove all lobbyists he's willing to do anything to get Trumps vision through. imagine his eternal rage after a Trump assassination.

Truman knew about the bombs. He was a retard at best, but he knew about the bombs.
His cabinet ran the government by advising his dumbass. They advised for the bomb as a show of strength against the soviets. He ran with it.
Trump is smarter than a dumb shit from Missouri. He will be advised by some, but not as easily controlled

The elite are nervous about Trump because he's unpredictable. They don't care about "muh globalization" or "Obama-care" They probably don't even care about trade deals or regulations.

What they DO care about is the grand chess board. Trump can't fuck up Syria for them and I expect the war will continue with US involvement well into Trump's presidency.

If Trump starts saying/investigating/leaking stuff like "9-11 was Saudi Arabia," CIA armed and trained Al-Queda to over throw Asad" or "there is a elite pedo-cabal"

Then yeah, he'll be JFK'd and there would be dozens of countries willing to do it. It probably wouldn't even have to be the elite that does it.

Damn. I could imagine Pence going absolutely ballistic on the gays and SJWs over a Trump assassination

55 million gun owners wielding over 300 million guns might have something to say about it if the rightfully elected President-Elect doesn't make it to January 20th.

Anons I honest to god woke up this morning from a dream where Trump was killed from a bombing at Trump tower.

Had to go online immediately to make sure I wasn't clairvoyant or some shit.

But I do think at some point during his presidency some libtard will definitely make a play for him.


I had a dream a few days ago.

It was profound. But I had a dream that I met a historic figure.

He was pointing towards the skyline, while everything was silent.

I think I had a dream of (((the moment))) happening in NYC

I will murder the people at CNN if ANYTHING happens to Trump or his family. There will be right wing death squads in the millions if they try and pull any shit

You ain't gonna do shit, you whiney little faggot.

>I think a lot of people here are incredibly naive to the fact that the 2nd Civil War has already started.
>2nd Civil War
You really think that this is like the civil war? In the civil war, state legislatures actually left the country itself. Now, no state is seriously going to leave the union. I know what you're thinking -- "What about Calexit?" Simply overgrown teenage rebel college students overreacting to the election. There is no organized opposition against the country itself, silly. The confederate states of America had their own army; crazy libtards have their petty riots. Remember, they are the minority. So please, stop overreacting. Thanks!

Be honest anons, how many race wars do you expect on 2017?

>save the USA


You don't seem to understand that Trump is as corrupt as Clinton, he's just horrible in a different way, and has different corporate sponsors. Just look at his fucking cabinet. Prepared to get raped again, prole.

Let's be honest: The only good thing about Trump is that he makes niggers and muzzies uncomfortable and nervous.

that blidn woman said theres prohpecy that there no 44 president so idk

And he would fast track TPP.

D_WAVE narratives have no purchase in these canyons,friendo...
This is the Organic Quantum Reality engine (((you)) are so desperately seeking to simulate.

(((You))) all hold on too tightly,
the chaos IS the pattern.

The unstumpable timeline will only grow more based.

We wetware now.


Remember when MSM and the intelligence services were going on about Russians hacking all the largest banks a couple of years ago? It turned out to be a group of Jews from the USA and Israel.

Didn't hear about that update though did you? I'm sure they just missed it...

Shalon, Orenstein, Aaron

Putin changes the dynamic, he kicked the shitbags out of Russia. I expect Trump to do that here.



The currency of the universe is novelty.

Reality is only a narrative.

Be the memes you want to see in the world.

D_wave is trying to collate and quantify
What the wetware of /pol is does naturally.
>Organize and weaponize the chaos of reality into a cogent "narrative."

Trumps assassination would be a death sentence to anyone with skittles colored hair.

They will if he's explicitly working to destroy them. From day 1 in the white house that's clearly his and bannon's goal. Trump discredits the CIA because he knows what they really are. The masses think he's crazy for it, when he really knows more than they could imagine as part of the elite.

Trump can't silence or murder political opponents like Putin