Why are teachers so liberal?
Teachers now have an upside down American flag as their avi
If they weren't the jews can't indocrinate the youth
I thought an upside down flag meant youre in distress?
What pet issues does she speak of?
Well poll? Shall we spam this cuck?
Why is /pol so triggered? Who cares. Let her or him do whatever. Elections are over.
Fuck off CTR shill
CTR spotted
We're not triggered, we're laughing at you.
>dire distress
what did she mean by this?
>Mfw Trump puts liberals in distress
>mfw they ask Russia for help
"Teachers" in this context does not mean classroom teachers - people who read out of the algebra book then cry a little on the inside because they're the only one looking at the damn thing.
"Teachers," in this context, means public school district administrators. These people are basically mafia dons; they hold the police and the judges and the legislators in their pockets.
Taxpayers fund a 7% cost of living adjustment to match inflation, and then staff pay is frozen because "enrollment is down." Then the school year starts and enrollment is way the flaming fuck up (guess why?) Pay stays frozen.
Where does the missing money go? Nobody is allowed to ask that question.
For people who don't have this system: over here, there's a thing called ASB aka student government which has its own money and DECIDES HOW TO SPEND THAT MONEY. Students elect their own student officials, who debate and vote on matters of importance to the students.
When the varsity athletes need a new van for away games, the school buys it. When the academic classes need a new van for educational trips, the ASB buys it. But in California these people are fucked, because district administrators are laundering the money effectively into their own pockets.
t. former lawscrub who tried unsuccessfully to help students and parents then got btfo the galaxy by their tax-funded armada
Because they don't spend all day with their head up their ass.
Why are all public school admins in California the same short haired, carpet munching, 50s-60s aged women?
It's sad that teachers like this have the opportunity to impact thousands of children. This is straight Stalin brainwashing that our public schools put out
They're not dykes; they're beards. A beard is a woman who marries an openly gay man (and usually hyphenates her name) and proceeds to not give a fuck in the world while he continues being openly gay because she gets all the benefits of being legally married to a man. As a law person, I feel bothered and worried that gay men would sign up for this massive hazard.
But the 50s-60s:
They've reached the near-top of the ladder for "public service" aka bureaucracy. When you're in your 30s, you start out at the post office or the DMV. Some time in your 40s you finish your Bachelor's degree and become a classroom teacher. The backstabbingest teachers become principals, then the slimiest principals become district administrators.
>Why are teachers so liberal?
They indoctrinate young minds with jewish propaganda.
Front line soldiers, in any profession, just do what they're told.
Bill Gates and Barack Obama did a federal hijacking of neighborhood-level school districts, and told them to start grading mathematically-precise math answers as wrong. All Trump has to do is trash Obama's orders, and he's going to do a shitload more than that by the looks of his cabinet appointments.
As for corrupt district admins: that's why the RICO act exists. These people are mob bosses and the only way to solve them is the same as busting crime families. A large part of me believes the reason why Rudy Giuliani is because he's training a new jedi prosecutor to become the Rudy Giuliani of this generation.
Those who can't do, teach.
Teachers today are the original "special snowflakes" who just plain sucked at life but needed a job.
>frustrated women dealing with shitty kids
this too
disgusting, looks like some half breed fat whale liberal
anyway we can contact a conservative member of that school district and have this fat bitch fired?
i'll bet my bottom dollar she's pushing her marxist agenda on young impressionable minds
Why can't these people just move out of the country if they hate it so much?
Oh wait, they need something to bitch about. That's why.
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[ ] not added to the list
>Why are teachers so liberal?
teachers are the most entitled beings in the world. For example if one of their pupils becomes a doctor and cures some disease, the teacher will believe they were directly responsible for their success. Teachers believe they are very important people who possess skills that no one else have despite in reality anyone can do a teachers job. this is literally the embodiment of the liberal mindset.
t. close friends with someone who is studying to become a teacher who preaches this bullshit as well as all her friends.
This bitch looks like Mick Jagger
>not understanding that the only way they can get the pays they have is through the government, otherwise the teaching field would be too competitive if left to private schools
Gold mine
Trust me bro, being a teacher fucking sucks. My mother was a teacher and my grandmother was a teacher.
My mother was a teacher at a white trash hick town, you have no idea the kinda shit they have to go though. How would you like a job baby sitting pissed off teen agers?
My grandmother taught closer to the city, she is racist as fuck now.
I'm guessing you haven't seen anything on Yuri Bezmenov?
that sounds like the perfect position for me
So bad she wanted to blame it on the government she works for and put her nation's flag upside down?
Teachers were traditionally people who lived dangerous lives and reached old age.
US public school teachers were originally conscripted housewives pressed into service conditioning their neighborhood's children according to government standards. That's basically what the word 'public' means in newspeak.
Bleh. More kikery I didn't need but since you bothered to post, have a bump.
Fuck academia!
>Fuck academia!
quads of truth
It's simple: the federal government is anti-American.
I go to a shitty community college after my enlistment and I was continuously amazed walking in to her class each day and shamelessly parroting the EXACT talking points of the liberal media that I would laugh about the day before on here
she's talking to a bunch of immigrant students in los angeles and forcing shit like "fake news" and the safety pin thing
literally the only white kids in the class are slavs with thick accents that are female, and i tell everyone i'm native american so I don't even know who the fuck she's preaching to with her white man hating
It says she's from KY?
>tfw gonna be a teacher
>class only has 4 other guys in it
>the rest are very liberal girls
>2 of the men openly talk about trump positively
>1 of them even openly wears a confederate flag shirt
It's so, so much worse in higher academia. The professors are being phased out by retirement; new hires are adjuncts mostly, getting nothing for doing the same work that professors used to do. Even new tenure-track hires (like me) get salaries far below what the private sector earns. Administrators, however… admins keep growing (every "diversity officer" is an admin) and in many colleges outnumber teaching faculty 1.5 to 1 on average (for more, see eye.necir.org
t. professor
Back to Sup Forums, retard
"Unions" in this context doesn't mean a village of coal miners who threaten to stop mining.
Public service unions have their special own courts and their own laws, with the same power as any other courts and laws. Officially, they're by for and in the hands of the public. But as I said earlier: "public" is newspeak for appointed bureaucrats.
Already posted you fucking mongoloid. Do your homework for a change CTR fag
because they have brains.
it takes brains to be a teacher, which alot of alt right nazi dont have
>1 post by this ID
I have faith that these people are going to get busted basically the same way the mafia commission got busted, just updated for modern technology and tactics.
Worth mentioning: the prosecutor of the mafia commission says he has better stuff to do than join Trump's executive cabinet.
Choose one
I don't mean individual fucktards, I mean mean entire organizations consisting of several different uppermost-tier bosses.
AKA the commission trials, brought to you by Rudy Giuliani.