Sup Forums, pls. What ethnicity or ethnicities am I? I can't put myself into any one category and it's killing me...

Sup Forums, pls. What ethnicity or ethnicities am I? I can't put myself into any one category and it's killing me. My mom has the exact same killer brow and I dunno where it comes from. My dad's side is straight Germanic: Dutch, Austrian, Danish. My mom's, I never got a straight
answer other than English. I look like my mom from the side but my dad from the front (Teddy bear cheeks and stuff).

tl;dr should I breed or not. wat do


No "am I white" threads?

That browline is called the Cantonese Can-opener, so Finngolian is the whitest rating I can give you.


Dik pix?

show us your tits

then we can be sure

My mom was married to a Korean before my dad, and the local nail salon gooks thought I was chinky. But my sister is ugly like me, so maybe Teutons and anglos shouldn't mix.

I don't know


You're fine, dont worry.

du i luk liek dis

Nose looks white to me, ears and hair also.

Hair colour looks slavic.

What's your eye colour though?

If your mom says she is English, and has that brow, it is likely that she has quite a bit of celtic blood. Celts have that prominent cromagnon brow.

Not too many people in the USA can put themselves in "one category".
Should you breed? If your man's European, I would say breed as often as possible!

Be careful, though. "Never got a straight answer" COULD mean Jewish. Wait for the 23andme. Then go crazy.

That honestly looks like fat.

Everyone has different genetics where they store fat. You just happen to have some of it stored above your brow.

Shame about the adams apple though.

My biggest fear is that my (((English))) mom is too (((English))). If you get my drift amirite.


They have these things called DNA tests.

Fucking attention whores, show your tits or get the fuck on.

You. Are a dumb women. Do not post this type of shit.

But since you did, you appear to be polish based on your wide chipmunk cheeks and low IQ.

Eyes are blue af. Often described as electric blue, they have a white halo around them.

Pretty, but you're still a whore.

Back to /soc/ with you

I'm thinking, based on her family I've seen, she has Irish and Scottish she may be too ashamed to admit.

I'm pretty thin, actually. My brow, and my sister and mom's, is just stupid big.

So you're saying I'm a Soviet rape baby?

>implying /soc/ gives a shit about racial purity
I'm concerned with mating with gorillas, I just have questions about my heritage

Well, you just gotta bit the bullet and order the 23andme. Look, if you find out your part kikeish, keep in mind that you're also half germanic. And keep in mind, you can still go full Ben Freedman.

The way I always thought of it: there is a difference between Hebrew and Jew. Somebody with Hebrew blood can renounce talmudism and the words and ways of the rabbis, and in my mind wouldnt be "jewish". Also keep in mind that hebrew genes are essentially a genetic expression of psychopathy. So the more Hebrew genes you claim, the less any gentile will trust you. But being 10% is not the end of the world.

I think people with 20% or less Ashkenazi genes (who are not talmudically Jewish and renounce the Talmud) should be able to breed, but only with with full blooded gentiles. Let's breed this problem out!

That's a pretty great eye colour. You're probably soviet rape baby based on the description of your cheeks. It's something I've seen over here in eastern Germany quite often.

are you maisie?

>What ethnicity or ethnicities am I?

please look at me im a woman: the thread

U r pretty.
U have a boy friend?