I don't get it
They have great histoy, great people, great everything. They may be less relevant than other Euro countries but being irelevant is nothing bad, it's comfy.
>They are not white
They are, most of them. Mixed Meds are a minority.
I don't get it
They have great histoy, great people, great everything. They may be less relevant than other Euro countries but being irelevant is nothing bad, it's comfy.
>They are not white
They are, most of them. Mixed Meds are a minority.
Other urls found in this thread:
>spic defending other spics
gee what a surprise
Italy is not white, get over yourself.
itt: snowgoblins perform mental gymnastics to convince themselves that romans were in fact, germanic.
I can understand why some say Greece is not white, but any fags on here saying that Italy, Spain or Portugal aren't white, are either trolls or totally delusional.
Spaniards are an important part of Europe and no, I'm not defending them
How they aren't?
I'm against divide and conquer tactics, you are not helping
This is how the average non-mixed med looks like
no you fucking dumbass. go be a commie someplace else
damn why am I so bitter
No sane person wants to be associated with Rome. They were not Germanic, but Romans of old are not "modern Italians" in terms of genetics. Not to mention that Italy occupies Südtirol and floods it with Terrones.
>LARPing as Romans
Reminder Romans willingly intermixed out of existence. Rome allowed scum from Asia Minor, Judea and North Africa to freely travel and settle. You know the drill. The Mediterraneans are dead. It's anthropoligal fact. Meds were glorious with exception for Rome. I mean, Romans got B L A C K E D in brothels and watched gory spectacles in the Colosseum. The "barbarians" being savage were a victor's meme. Just like the "muh ebul" Nazis today.
>Ritualistic and very spiritual occasional post-battle cannibalism/head decor innawoods.
>Blood for sport and animal cruelty followed up by some nigger dick in the brothel.
>LAPRing as Nazis
Nazis considered 1/2 and 1/4 jews to be Germans. Nazis were racemixing cucks
You forgot to include the south of France on that map there.
More like average Med mixed with Germanic.
>non-mixed Med
To answer your question... For starters, Italians are pieces of shit, Attila would have sacked Rome, if not for some stupid slave whore that poisoned him. They are the original cucks, letting niggers into the Roman Empire, and crash it. Let a foreign religion take over, and let it form a state inside your capitol. Let jewish maffia run all your businesses and industries, killing the competition freely. They lost more lands even than we did, being the stinky loud midgets they are, and now they are bracing their anuses for another nigger invasion. They are fishing drowning niggers out of the sea to fill their womens wombs, they should not have a country. Then Iberia got muhdicked by moors, arabs and other mena scum. Then there are fucking balkanniggers+greeks that spent centuries in slavery to turks and got mongrelised. Poles were the next to follow with constructing four hundred mosques and inviting half a million of subhuman tatars back in 16th century(just google lipka untermenschen in polish lithuanian commonwealth).
All your (((based races))) are already muhdicked out of existence in their pure once European form.
No one cares what you think, gook.
>tfw your blood line dates back to the roman empire.
People who wants Europeans to mix
see thats the thing with you people
your ancestors 2000 years ago were great but then you got raped by muslims for many centuries and now you are the result of diversity enrichment, nothing alike your ancestors, just a bunch of rape babies with shitty genes
great post, full of redpills
Meds being rape babies is a fucking meme
Stop spreading this fake shit mother fucker. Mixed Meds, the ones that look like Arabs are a minority.
This man is white though.
been to both spain and italy and you are wrong
the most northern parts of italy are fine but everything else is rape babies and spain does not even have a good part
just look at their shitty economies, greece italy spain, reveals how shitty their population is that they managed to turn their wealth into recession and debt
I think they're based. I'm thankful to them for keeping my NW European genes pure.
They kept the invaders out much like the east. We should be thankful.
how come south europe is 10 times richer than the blue eyed and blonde east europeans?
stormweenies btfo once again
>med and nordic lineage
>watch people tear themselves apart over which slice of apple is better and not join against the real threat
life is suffering
I am half Italian and I can confirm that all my Italian family members are in fact not white or human for that matter and they are from Rome.
kikes trying to make us hate eachother
This man is clearly indistinguishable from an Arab.
I have been to Spain and Italy too
Even though we may can agree if Greece is brown or not because they are the darker of the bunch I don't agree with your statement that Spain and Italy are "not white".
Maybe South Spain has some rape babies, but they are a minority, maybe a large minority. Same happens with Italy.
They economies are not shit, they have been through hard times, like everyone else
>using American classification
If you so really on American classification, they already showed you how White you really are back in 1924
if by "white" you mean fully European, then the answer is certainly no
Reminder that Steve King being considered for Donald Trump cabinet position says in this recent interview that modern Greeks are not European and real Greeks no longer exist.
At 5:26
Italy is absolutely white.
But nice try shill.
German money vs communism. Yall welfare niggers
hahahahaha! Thank you for this post user, couldn't be more true.
Because communism. You see, Eastern Europe can claim to have historical reasons for fucking up their economy, but Southern Europe can't, even though Greece, Portugal and Spain all had democracies well into the 70's and 80's.
It's fine till rome, tuscany and central is not mongrelized
>da poor blonde slav ppl dindu nuffin, it was da ebil cobbunism da kept dem down
sure thing mongol
This. Glad a Greek posted it.
because, much like you, they're the niggers of their continent.
>what is tanning
Muslims didnt even touch the italian pennisula and muslims to move into spain where berber anyway.
we don't need kikes to make us hate each other
Have been to Italy
People like this is indeed, a minority.
He's probably southern italian
of those only Portugal has no excuse.
unlike Greece or Italy they didn't even participate in WW2 and they had ton of colonies
But Cyprus is a shithole my man. So is Naples, Andalusia e tc. Russians flew a first man to space in 1960s meanwhile even back them Italian cuckolds were fishing out niggers for their women
>if by "white" you mean fully European, then the answer is certainly no
Oh rly
And who are the niggers of yours?
ok then
I get it. You're jewish. You're here to play your typical divide and conquer horseshit schmatte games.
Why don't you spend your time actually doing something productive like getting a nose job?
>Turkey a part of Europe
>He's probably southern italian
Irony is that he's one of Legs Nord politicians... the ones that keeps saying that """its only the South""" """we in North are pure"""
poo in loos, arabs, and viets and other jungle gooks
This memes are fucking shit
I bet noone of you has actually been to those places, you just talk based on the shit you heard on Sup Forums
hmmm Swiss reporting anti European cohesion shit and talking about Mudslims conquering and blah blah blah. Hmmm Swiss with like 80% if not more of the country's business in hiding and hoarding the Goldstien's, /berg, /juden money and talks about have Europe be divided when MUDslimes were thrown out of most places in Europe prior to the end of the 15th century which ushered the global age thanks to Portugal and Spain and set forward the path of European destiny... Try harder jew...
>if your enemies rape you - you win
This guy gets it
Cyprus is a dream that only the millionaire Russians will ever see up close so keep dreaming vlad
Kill yourself
Cyprus is a shithole where chav Brits and low class Russian untermenschen are having a vacation. Would know I used to have a spot in marina there
Because the Northern Euros are all cucked faggots who need someone more glorious than them to bash on. Southern Europe is the pinnacle of civilization. If they're not white, I don't want to be white. I want to be Southern European.
Lol look at all these divide and conquer Jews. The only reason the EU is associated with refugee murder is because Italian navy cutters turned back refugees or shot them up. Same with Spain until Jew France and Germany came along and spread their asscheeks
How is that relevant to whether that man is white or not?
only oligarch Russians come to Cyprus, pretty sure they are the only ones that can afford it
That phenotype is as common in Italy as this one is common in Russia
That beig said, every place has rape babies that does not make them a minority
Would you fuck off, underaged faggot? We were never united. Learn some history. If there is anything we love more than colonise other races and killing mudshits and jews- that is to kill each other
sudaca please
Young Boris Yeltsin. Alcohol is a hell of a drug
obvs Jew is obvs
I don't get it. Why is whiteness restricted to the borders of Italy. Precisely the borders of italy.
>only oligarch Russians
What. Come to Paphos and see for yourself. Your country is cheap as fuck. Cyprus = undercalssmen party ground
Nice job taking the bait
>divide and conquer shitposter detected
If we don't unite and whip minorities out of our countries, nothing will ever work and the world will continue to get blacked.
The same reason Sup Forums hates chinks and Indians. They're jealous of their history and civilization. That's why they'll immediately point out things like hdi and gdp per capita, they'll reference things now to get over what happened in the past. It's pathetic since the world is going back to how it was pre-1850s which had china and India at the top.
"Belsito" is from Calabria, not even half north italian. Stop talkoing shit low iq untermensch
most Russians live in Limassol though and its the most expensive city
Youre failing to remember how the mongoloid totally raped and owned your assholes for centuries under the Mongols... Can we say who's you daddy?
There is a Südtirol that is genetically European
Open a book retard. Those greasy shitskins were not considered White by you guys. The very term you came up with
Are you trying to deny my point amigo?
EVERY FUCKIN PLACE has rape babies, that includes Russia, and Germany, the Bristish Islands, Scandinavia and all the countries around the glove
That doesn't make rape babies a majority unless you are talking about my coujntry, for example
Pic related, she's from Iceland, but of course only South Europe has mongrels because it fits the memes
Mongols collected taxe once a year from modern day Ukraine + Moscow. Open a book
>The law was primarily aimed at further restricting immigration of Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans.
>and Eastern Europeans
Slavshits btfo
Yeah and neither were you fagot, but now we know better so shove that up your 3 inch Mongol peepee hole and stfu already.
>Pre-1850, China and India at the top.
India was never at the top, and China was.....but not in the 1840s. Try much farther back
sorry Vlad but science disagrees with you
>every fucking place has rape babies
Factually false
Southeastern Ukraine
That's about it my subhuman mestizo friend
Muh white pride
That's Finnic admixture, not mongol. Stupid turkishit
Russians were not classified as East Europeans. They were classified separately and were not affected by the act
Go away Goldberg
The Mongols mascared your armies, burnt your cities on the Volga and insisted on having Slavic, Bulgaric, and ethnically German slaves to sell to the Mudslimes in Bukara and elsewhere. You read a book nigger. I'm getting my info froma documentary made in Russian by Orthodox Russian nationalist - university history group... You dont think those niggers are what made you famous Cossacks? Fuck youre dumber than I thought Shlomo...
It's not Sup Forums, just a couple of obese autists that fall into really obvious propaganda, divide and conquer. Most of Sup Forums is aware that white pride is tied with european achievements and european culture, at the core of tha culture is ancient greece and roman law, and a large piece of those achievements come from mediterranean nations.
Only antiwhite trolls and edgy wannabe skinhead teens fall for this meme.
Reminder that all of you different Europeans fighting fall very closely to each other on genetic maps.
>hurr Turkey has finnish admixture
not a single drop of turkic/mongol admixture, unlike 15% of you Vlad
>not racemixing cucks
Already commented on it
Are you implying your country has no rape babies?
Top fucking kek
You are at the same league.
And of course those countries you listed have rape babies(just like Russia) but they are a minority, Amrite? ;)
yeah it's just the nazis
>The law sharply curtailed immigration from those countries that were previously host to the vast majority of the Jews in America, almost 75% of whom immigrated from Russia alone.[16] Because Eastern European[which?] immigration only became substantial in the final decades of the 19th century, the law's use of the population of the United States in 1890 as the basis for calculating quotas effectively made mass migration from Eastern Europe[who?], where the vast majority of the Jewish diaspora lived at the time, impossible
Right, and yet you admit that they weren't classified as Eastern Europeans but they way Russians and the world looked at it, non Jew/really Mongoloid Russians were Slavs, and in international politics of the day regarding The Great War that just passed around that time Russia made sure to insist on their claim as the home to Slavic culture and thus the same ethnic group as fucking Eastern Europeans. Hence the whole fighting for Serbia debacle. You're starting to piss me off with your autism Sholomo
You are not subhuman and your DNA is enterely European
Russian going on about whiteness. Russians are the mongrels.
>Are you implying your country has no rape babies?
My country is Bavaria, and if you keep on flag larping...neither does Russia. Mongols couldn't rape or intermix because they just received tax tributary once a year without being physically present. You are....let me form it properly....on the wrong side of genetics
The American Journal of Human Genetics (Volume 82, Issue 1, 10 January 2008, p. 236-250)