Man who punched kangaroo will lose his job

Why is modern society so cucked you can even bash a faggot Kangaroo in the face without being prosecuted?

Other urls found in this thread:

>PETA would rather a Kangaroo strange a dog and attack someone than for it to get flicked in the face

Shocked desu

Good. He punched him after the dog got away. Fuck him.

Piss off, PETA.

>no suggestion
fuking beaner

Slide thread.

OP is a faggot

>aronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, New South Wales has said there is “no suggestion” Mr Tonkins position as an elephant keeper would be terminated as a result of the video.

“Whilst Taronga does not condone the striking of animals under any circumstances, we would like to thank everyone for their support of Mr Tonkins and confirm that there is no intention that he will lose his job over this matter,” the zoo said in a Facebook post.

>tfw non and nu-aussies think he did the wrong thing

would pay to replace the bloke with one of you seppo cunts just to see your belly get split open because you were too much of a faggot to assert dominance over an attacking animal


>there is no intention that he will lose his job over this matter,” the zoo said in a Facebook post.

learn some english ese

Nice job, faggots.

The first fucking sentence of the article.

>A zookeeper who punched a Kangaroo in the face while on a hunting trip will not lose his job following calls from animal activist groups for him to be sacked.

Fuck you beaner.

Fuck off faggot. The confrontation wasn't over, the kangaroo could easily have gone at him, and indeed it looked like that's what was coming.

He was also taking out a kid who had cancer on a last boar hunt. Unfortunately the kid died days before his went viral. Sad!

Anyone got good bait memes?
I deleted my folder

If it was a dog getting punched in the face, you'd be chimping out

Roo was clearly confronting him, watch videos of kangaroos fighting, the punch delayed the possibility of something worse. Employer who fired him should be boycotted

>PETA, who kills millions of animals a year because they hadn't been adopted after 3 days criticizes man for non fatally hitting a kangaroo

Not if it was some shit-bull attacking another dog.

Oy kunts, we had to sack the sad kunt because he didn't woop the roo proper, shoulda knocked that bogan faggot out, str8 cronulla style, you come in our hood lad you get BASHED

The fact that he is a zookeeper IRL and was just off the clock makes this video now even better. I didn't think it was possible.

That roo has a boner.

>because they hadn't been adopted after 3 days
They don't really only wait three days, r...right?

Probably an adrenaline response.

Well they don't wait long at all. They certainly can't wait to euthanize them

I think that it was trying to fuck the dog and the human cock blocked him.

kangaroos are complete fuckwits and deserve to be punched.
They are really fuckin common in certain parts of australia so it doesn't matter if one cops a hit to the face.
anyone mad about this cunt hitting a kangaroo to save his dog is a complete faggot that would take kangaroo cock up the arse no questions if it meant getting a pat on the back from their faggot friends.
this guy is an absolute legend for hitting the kangaroo and the people saying he isn't are mad that they don't have high test like him.

Look at this shit.

They want this guy to be prosecuted for punching a kangaroo, then they should be prosecuted for genocide lmao

Hypocrite cunts

I read this with an Austrian accent lol

Why would you read that like a German?

Because leaf

fucking legend

Does the article say the opposite of this?

The only logical move forward is to provide boxing gloves to every Australian, and fund conservation efforts that also involve tagging the Roos and sealing some boxing glove on the bulls.

Safer for everyone.

So PETA's basically a guaranteed death sentence to be taken under by if you're an animal. How very Orwellian of them.

The very first sentence there says he wont lose his job.

PETAfags actually believe this is fair

read this in an aussie accent and nearly stopped breahting

Honestly it was just a little smack I dont see what the big deal was. Not like he is running around beating up kangaroos for fun.

Goddammit Straya, you were supposed to be cool. Now I find out you're a fag

It's funny how when articles talk about this all the pro-animal people defend it to no end

We don't have an accent.

don't pay attention to the pansy faggots that wank each other off in the news, no one respects them.
most cunts think this guy is a fuckin legend.

>So PETA's basically a guaranteed death sentence to be taken under by if you're an animal.


you can't prosecute dead people

op deserves a ban for spreading this clickbait horseshit


The kangaroo was about to kick him and his punch stunned it preventing it from happening, wtf

>first sentence is he won't lose job
Fucking clickbait
fucking mexicans

Didn't he pass away from cancer though?

I swear I read that about 4 days after this came out.

A majority of peta supporters, at least on twitter, have blasted the ever loving shit out of them for this on twitter.

Perhaps the Roo was defending it's turf against a nigger dog, perhaps it had joeys?
Kangaroos don't eat dogs so we can assume it was acting defensively.
The guy who punched it is a dick head and I hope he gets ass raped by every animal welfare group out there.

The Kangaroo has more right to it's own turf than some stupid nigger dog

First line in the article
>A zookeeper who punched a Kangaroo in the face while on a hunting trip will not lose his job following calls from animal activist groups for him to be sacked.

Are you an idiot son

The article isn't clickbait, the beaner is just too retarded to comprehend the headline.

i hate roos as much as the next person but jesus christ this fucken bogan is a retard:

>lets his dog run free to attack and harass a wild animal
>stands and watches instead of calling dog back
>has to run and save dog from the wild animal
>dog gets away
>decides to just attack wild animal for defending itself

fucken retard should be fined.

found the cuck

Am I the only one who checks flags and then reads posts in the accents of that country? It's quite entertaining.

Not everyone saw the rest of the video, i have, and would imagine that PETA have seen it as well.
Basically after this, about 30 kangaroos came back with some aboriginals, and it turned into a slaughter

Punch a roo? Sued by the jew.

>We cull/harvest around 5 million kangaroos a year
>PETA are sulking because one kangaroo got slapped in the face

You really don't know shit about Roos. They WANT to fight. He is probably top dog in his hood now because he had to step up his game after the human smacked him one.

Well at least justice was somewhat served.
I only wish he would be fined and face a little jail time.
Animal abuse should be disavowed.

Yeah, PETA is fucked.
They have 6 months - 1 year in Australia last i checked, don't worry m8

No but now I do. Thanks

You know most people don't want anything to do with strays and broken animals. The only other option is turning them loose on the street.

Unless you're running a charity yourself you've no reason to talk.

I heard that Kangaroos can disembowel you with one kick to the guts.

Its a hunting dog you spastic, and it was trained to not attack Roos. But the Roo came after him.

But you didn't actually know any of this because that would require a few seconds of research you soft cock turd.

that poor roo can lift all he likes but will never be over 6'

>post picture of dog
>he was defending his dog
>his dog was chased and grabbed by the Roo
You are a fucking idiot. Soft cocks need to be put in a mass grave and shot.

Its a Kangaroo you silly cunt, have you seen how they fight? That little love tap didn't do anything to him, he was just shocked a human had to balls to hit him.

>Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, New South Wales has said there is “no suggestion” Mr Tonkins position as an elephant keeper would be terminated as a result of the video.

“Whilst Taronga does not condone the striking of animals under any circumstances, we would like to thank everyone for their support of Mr Tonkins and confirm that there is no intention that he will lose his job over this matter,” the zoo said in a Facebook post.

“Mr Tonkins is a passionate Zoo Keeper and has been a valued member of Taronga's team for over six years and we continue to counsel him as this event and the subsequent media attention unfolds.”

Im sure someone said this but he aint losing his job

Yes, with ease.

I rescued both my dogs from kill shelters, faggot

>punching literal bushniggers
>bad thing

KIDF pls go

And that was the front claw, here is the disembowel-er.

Quality post

How do you punch a kangaroo and walk away?

Aren't Kangaroos all swole as fuck fighting machines that will rip your stomach open with a kick?

damn I guess you would have liked to see the dog choked out by a rabid pouch nigger

Why do people make such a big deal out of such an insignificant fact? The kangaroo wasn't even hurt.

Why not a third or a fourth then?

Those dogs are dying because you won't save them.


City byaw prohibits more than 2

SJW's need a drip feed of 'offensive content' to keep their anger and opinions going. The Jews know once this easily controlled train of self righteousness stops it wont start for another 20 years.

How many pets you have, oh so righteousness leaf?

I didn't realize Kangaroos had one giant toe. My world view is now completely fucked up.


Wtf how can white boys even compete. That's very unsettling

We wuz kangz an' roos. He dindu nuffin.

Good know to the meat grinder will stay greased because you're afraid of the rent-a-cops.

Jesus fuck. Why would you punch the closest thing to a velociraptor.

good, id fire him too. that cunt punches like a fucking girl. he shoulda knoifed that cunt. or at least give him the ol onetwo like this lad

Australians are the niggers of the British empire.
If they didn't have millions of acres of desert with rare minerals mostly just laying on the surface they'd have drank and punched each other to death by now while accusing anyone with any sophistication of being a "soft cock".

PETA is just irl shitposting

that guy is fucking badass

Its like 3 toes I think, the other two are much shorter but the middle is usually long with a decent sized nail at the end

Certainly not something you wanna get kicked with, or your dog for that matter

These "animal rights activists" don't realize how dangerous animals can be, brainwashed by disney I suppose

What the fuck... that guy literally saved the pupper...



Cuck. You're taking care of anothers' children.

Did you even read the article you posted, you dumb beaner?

>A zookeeper who punched a Kangaroo in the face while on a hunting trip will not lose his job following calls from animal activist groups for him to be sacked.

The guy who punched the kangaroo isn't the dead one. Roopuncher is the friend of the guy who the trip was thrown for BECAUSE he had cancer.

>why would even ever need to make a fist, fists should be banned, just talk it out

Fucking 'roo is lucky Aussies have cucked gun laws, as far as I'm concerned.