I don't get it why do people buy drugs when they are all illegal.By buying it u are just encouraging thugs and criminals. -I mean if u want to try marijuana just go to the shop and buy a pack of cigarettes,same thing.If u want to try cocaine go and buy coffee or energy drinks,same thing -And if u want to try harder drugs just go buy 2-3 bottles of whiskey or vodka and get wasted,same thing.
Robert Cruz
some people just don't know what to do with their time or simply can't handle the harshness of life that's all there is to it
and by the way, alcohol is probably one the same level as heroine when it comes to retarded thing to put in your body
Brandon Jackson
because their awesome and someone who has a shit lie ie no work gets hooked on the feeling before experiencing resposibility and capatilsm
Isaac Gomez
just to know alcohol opiods and hypnotics dull life. psychedics make it more intense by exposing all that is in wrong in your life. amphetamines and caffience are good for capatilsm
Thomas Robinson
why do people buy games? why do people eat fast food? why do people browse Sup Forums for hours? why do people watch porn? why do people watch tv? why do people shop for useless shit? why people buy expensive clothes? why do people do anything?
Anthony Baker
Those things are not the same things.
John Walker
in my case
i dont want to talk about the reasons
Bentley Rodriguez
It's called freedom. You communist faggot! I smoke, snort, and poke whatever drugs I want. FUCK YOU OP!!!!
Chase Walker
>Coffee/energy drinks = cocaine >Same thing
Yeah, no difference here...
Benjamin Green
>Thinking you have free will
Jack Diaz
kys my man.
Liam Roberts
By buying it you aren't encouraging criminals, the state has already done that. By making drugs illegal, the government has ensured that the only people who engage in the drug trade are criminals (by definition) which often involved needing to involve thugs (as protection because the law won't protect you). People who use drugs will continue to do so regardless of the law, it's the government who is handing this golden opportunity to organized crime (and in some cases creating organized crime in the case of the cartels).
> And if u want to try harder drugs just go buy 2-3 bottles of whiskey or vodka and get wasted,same thing.
Different feeling, alcohol doesn't do it for everyone. For the same reason that not everyone prefers (or even likes) weed, not everyone prefers or even likes alcohol.
Bentley Ortiz
Is that a star next to your name?
Lincoln Cox
ur dum
Jack Carter
God I miss doing heroin
Charles Young
Why stop? It's cheap as hell now.
Ian Russell
>Why do people use drugs? Drug addiction is a symptom of deep emotional pain.
Angel Nguyen
all addicts think they do
Luke Gray
dude just be smart like the idiot hippies and grow it in your back yard. you can get the seeds online or at home depot too. you just collect a few opiod buds and smoke some everry once in a while dont be stupid and get addicted
Adam Carter
You have to harvest all of that raw opium and convert into heroin. It's a huge hassle. I did it once.
Gavin Hill
are you a troll or a retard because in america we have the freedom to get high on whatever the fuck we want as long as nobody is hurt
Juan Carter
What magical America do you live in?
Conservatives and moralist liberals generally hate drugs, and we're still dealing with the fall out from the "war on drugs"
Grayson Wright
It's a new experience that expands your perception. It's called a trip for a reason - you go somewhere you we're not before. I am fascinated at what my brain can do on certain chemicals, and it puts my normal experiences in perspective. If you are intelligent, you can benefit from these experiences immensely on a personal development level. Taking MDMA few times and going to clubs cured my social anxiety. A trip on a shamanic drug that gave me some insights into my life helped me solve some repressed insecurities.
So for me, drugs are a tool. They change the way you think, and let you explore the world outside and the mind inside from a different perspective, with relatively low risk, given that you are not an idiot and do them in a responsible, safe way.
Hudson Gomez
If you wanna make something out of this world, you gotta be out of this world. Drugs help to think out of the box. Expect herion, or crack
Charles Mitchell
no you idiot you just smoke it raw like the 1800s
Charles Scott
What have you accomplished with your newfound enlightenment?
Colton Jackson
Can't get high off a pack of Cigarettes or Coffee.
Ever been high? It's pretty fun.
Ian Reyes
I don't do drugs, including alcohol, often. Before these trips, I lost about 130lbs of fat, and stopped being obese. I was still an insecure, nervous person with issues that made me fat in the first place. Now, after these experiences, I'm much more confident about myself. I found what are my needs in life, and I know what makes me happy (no, not drugs). In my perception, my quality of life improved immensely. I feel peace in my soul and I am a much happier person. This is another aspect - these two drugs gave me intense emotional feelings. And while I agree - they might not be considered real, as they were drug induced, they were 100% real for me, because well, I felt them. It put all the daily ups and downs in perspective, so these do not affect me that much any more.