When will Sup Forums realize they got conned by the don?
Another shitty Drumpf cabinet pick
Fuck, guys
It wasn't supposed to be this way
When I voted Trump, I expected him to pick penniless hacks with no business experience to his cabinet
Now he's picking experienced, successful CEOs and it's intimidating me
What should I do brehs? Kill myself?
drain the swamp
err, scratch that!
fill the swamp with MORE goldman sachs executives
I recommend killing yourself, yes.
yes now that we have a republican in the White House everyone in office is an evil greedy capitalist
this is a SLIDE THREAD
shills are trying to DISTRACT YOU from our new weaponized meme
the shills are afraid
Probably. The same people you bitched about owning the government. Now areactively engaged in running it and own it.
shills are trying to DISTRACT YOU from our new weaponized meme
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the shills are afraid
You lost
Nope, I dislike political candidates who use their position to get a cushy job after their tenure with a business they shilled for
What positions do you offer the CEO of Exxon?
How do you bribe someone with everything?
The better question is why you're so desperate to convince people that Trump reneged when he obviously hasn't
You aren't getting anything your candidate promised you.
wow, can these invalids do anything other than tweet snarky memes 24/7?
Do they even know why they dislike trump? are they even an examined life?
He's picking the best people just like he said he would
Hillary would be hiring a lot of the same types of people, except she said she wouldn't like Obama said he wouldn't and did anyway
this is a SLIDE THREAD
shills are trying to DISTRACT YOU from our new weaponized meme
the shills are afraid
John Kerry, Rahm Emanuel, and Hillary Clinton were great Obama Cabinet choices.
lowkey kys tbqh senpai
easy test
>Does CTR get butthurt?
>If yes, choice is correct
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
You're mad, and I am getting plenty of salt from you retards.
The sooner you shut up about his picks the sooner you will realize all we wanted to do is piss you off.
Oh, you trumptards, if Trump pissed in your mouths you would thank the Lord for the summer rain he brought upon you.
Yeah lmao should have left hillary win instead XD
Your opinion means literally less than nothing to me, gypsy
Stay mad retard.
careful you might trigger some drumpfies
Who do you think has been running the country for the last 60 years? Wake up asshole, every politician is going to fuck you. They don't care about you, just your 35%
Can't wait for a Yeb! donor oil magnate billionaire to conduct diplomacy and order drone strikes from his phone lmao
Considering that Hitlery Killton isnt President, things are actualy exactly as I wished them to be. Are you people really so stupid as to not understand that most people voted strictly based on that criteria.
How many layers of irony was this meme made with? This is a reverse falseflag meme right?
CTR "memes" are like advanced Poes law reincarnated in meme form. You cant tell if they are meant to be taken seriously or not. Weak memes, robotic, low energy. Many such cases!
Probably about the same time you give up shitposting on this board. So probably never.
I realized it when he kept charging recurring donations after the election