what if gays are being burnt in hell right now?
What if Jesus and hell are real?
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I think that according to most Christian theology hell doesn't exist yet. Or rather, the millennium hasn't come so the sinners have yet to be cast into the lake of fire. I think
From what I've gathered, 'hell' in the Bible is translated from two words: either Hades or Gehenna.
Hades is described as an underworld, where the souls of the dead go. Its a place of darkness, silence and forgetfulness. So after you die, you're basically asleep, and your soul is in stasis until the Judgment.
Gehenna is described as a place made of a sort of spiritual fire. I haven't found a single verse where it is described as a place where sinners are tormented for eternity, or anything like that. Rather, it is described as a place where spiritual things can be destroyed permanently. The Bible mentions it in terms of 'we should fear god because he's the only one who can kill us permanently by destroying our souls in the lake of fire'.
So basically, the righteous souls are resurrected and get to live forever in God's original intention of the universe, sort of like pre-fall Eden, sinners on the other hand get perma-killed.
My hero.
Sheol. You're looking for Sheol.
Yes according the bible it did not happen yet , hell is a catholic meme
Yeah, my mistake, I did mean Sheol.
Hades is used in the NT a similar way to Sheol in the OT though.
Due to the hebrew/greek translation issue, yes.
Very much this.There's contention in regard to it being a temporary sleep or being conscious and with god while in waiting, from memory it talks about having rest with god until the judgement day.
But yeah, either jesus is real OR hollywood hell is real, OPs question is wrong.
What if every religion is a conspiracy to trick us into going to hell?
I'm a Christfag and agree that being gay is a sin, but so is being born with any type of disease or merely existing as a human being. All humans born in this sinful world are guilty of sin and deserving of death under God's law, so I don't understand or agree with fellow Christfags who persecute gays.
God never intended for a man to lay with another man yes, but he also never intended for humans to die or suffer. There's alot in this world that God never intended to happen. Going after gays as a Christfag is no different than going after a person born with mental illness, a disease, or any other defect. Christfags shouldn't be hitting people over the head with the bible, they should simply turn people to God and step back and let God do as He will in the person's life.
Good post but He also intended no Apples
While we shouldn't be going after gays for being gay, we should definitely go after gays who openly flaunt their gayness and push it into the public realm.
Its the difference between being responsible for your own soul, and pushing sin onto others.
No he doesn't account for the"gnashing of teeth" passage which implies it's a torturous place
Catholics put the bible together, dumbass.
You could look into Mormonism. They don't have a strictly "hell" place. For those that flat out deny the Gospel and have worked against it, there is a place they call "Spiritual Prison". When you are there you simply cannot feel the presence of God, meaning you cannot feel happy or even content. Just think drudgery all the time, but not necessarily torture or fire.
However, there is much in the Mormon cannon indicating that the sins for which you have not repented will burn in you like a raging inferno (paraphrase). Basically, your guilt will feel so awful you will punish yourself. This lasts until you feel like you have atoned for the since and have forgiven yourself. So, while Jesus may head up the Judgement seat, each of us having a perfect knowledge of our own sins will really be the one to execute our own punishment.
As far as I know, after this everyone gets into heaven, unless they still defy God despite the perfect knowledge of the Gospel.
It is an interesting religion. Basically what Judaism would be if they had accepted Christ as their Savior.
Well, we don't call them flamers for nothing.
>what is christian orthodoy
The "weeping and gnashing of teeth" I thought was referring to people's distraught reaction to receiving their judgment, before being destroyed.
Because you burned them. They can have the rainbow of the covenant too you know. In fact rainbows show up lots when gays are in news for this kind of shunning sodomite behaviour. You are the sodomite. When guys hate fags too much they are hyper extreme rabbis who say god and adam were women
I disagree with you. Pray and let God fight the battle, don't take matters into your own hands and try to force gay people to stop being such faggots and engaging in degeneracy. God is the only one who can cure sinful behavior, humans cannot as they themselves are full of sinful behavior.
Besides, if a person is connected to God then no amount of public degeneracy from gays will affect them in the slightest.
There is no what if. It's for real
Then you better watch that ass of yours, OP
Oh trust me OP, they are being fried to a crisp.
They are infecting the minds of our youth. Christ specifically exhorts to us the gravity of causing a child to stumble.
Lots of straights too. Do you have a script? Might i remind numerology is a sin and once you're saved in Christ aint no Eve or Steve going to lose you. Why would a saved man be led to be gay or do things that risk his salvation? It doesn't happen. Everyone will have a final judgment but be fruitful means be good. Yours was not a good comment. The good is preferable to any intimate relationship
Hi Putin. Hello dicksucking circumciser
>don't take matters into your own hands
This is some real Christian cucking right here. You think God can be found in a culture like ours? Where degeneracy and self worship are the rule? Sitting back and refusing to stop the descent into madness is just turning your back on your people.
Then pray for God to bless the minds of our youth so no amount of degeneracy will corrupt them. You cannot cure sinful behavior by force, only God and His holy spirit can. More than anything Christ urged us to focus on Him and His Father, relying on Them and their spirit to guide is in life.
Closet fags on both sides. Giuliani. Epstein
That would be pretty weird.
>Designated Hell
Hello incoherent weirdo.
So if someone invades your house, you just let him take all your shit while you sit in the corner and pray?
The dead are asleep until final judgment you dumb ass.
Jesus even states that himself in the book
>two tiny words
>my incoherence
>muh defence of pedos hypocrisy lies and I'm a "weirdo"
Outward actions do not speak on what's in the heart, and only God and God alone knows where a person stands with Him in their heart. Just because people engage in behavior you frown upon doesn't mean that they have no connection to God. What you should do is focus on your own relationship with God and talk to Him about the ills of this country that get to you.
He will give your mind peace overtime so you can accept the "madness" you see around you. Earth is one giant hospital and is not our true home. Humanity will not truly be free of sin until God returns to cleanse the world and free us all of our sin.
This is a fun conspiracy theory and I hope it catches on. I'd pay to watch a movie based on the premise.
I kind of believe this too
Who defended pedos? Why am I Putin/a dicksucking circumciser. I literally have no idea what you are on about.
You say gays badly influence kids and therefore matthew 18:6. Putin hates gays like you. Check out youtube. Kiss of putin. Man's a pedo. Then i throw the platonic kabbalah xena warrior princess shit in there to remind you how much of a "divine feminist" oral tradition rabbi you are
>mfw pooing in the loo is a sin and hell is real
You came out of left field and just kept on running until you hit the short bus. I can't tell if you are an expert Canadian shitposter or just retarded, but...
>He will give your mind peace overtime so you can accept the "madness"
Fuck this stupid bullshit. What kind of person can call themselves a man as their people, their country and their home rot away while they do nothing? Being a Christian doesn't mean you need to gift wrap your balls for the enemy.
I get the analogy you're making here, but I'd simply disagree with the analogy. To begin with, people engaging in behavior you frown upon and find degenerate does not pose a threat to you or your loved ones if you're connected with God. Basically, being connected to God will protect you from the degeneracy of others like having a gun will protect you from an intruder.
Degeneracy is a battle that only God can fight. Fighting degeneracy in your own power is like fighting said armed house invader without a gun.
Really keeping in touch with what i said in your clip there. Well done.
i feel like a god that would throw someone into a cauldron of boiling shit for eternity for sticking a dude in the pooper is an irrational and unjust god
the exact kind of god that would arbitrarily throw me in a cauldron of boiling shit for eternity for questioning him
christ is lord, hail
Yeah it kind of does because all you care about is worldly possessions. A man does tbe hard but right things
>A Fucking Leaf
LGBTQ bullshit definitely hurts kids. If you can't see that, you're in denial or are a faggot yourself.
I never said I hated gays. Wanting fags to keep their degeneracy a private matter, instead of trying to take over the culture, is not a manifestation of ill will toward anyone.
I don't care about Putin, you're clearly triggered by me not being a fag enabler and are trying to label me with some epithet.
>platonic kabbalah xena warrior princess shit in there to remind you how much of a "divine feminist" oral tradition rabbi you are
Again, I have no fucking idea what you're on about. Take your meds Chang.
Being a Christian means giving yourself to God and trusting him to fight the battles that you yourself cannot fight, and sinful behavior is not something any human being can fight against on their own power and win. God will handle the problem of degeneracy as He sees fit, so focus on your own walk, pray for those you love to not be corrupted by said degeneracy and lead them to God so they'll be better able to resist it.
>is a sin, but so is being born
MFW: the act of being born is a sin on God.
>There's alot in this world that God never intended to happen.
MFW: No omnipotent God
>step back and let God do as He will in the person's life.
MFW: no free will
They aren't.
Jesus is the only human born without Sin and remained without Sin until He took all of our Sins upon Himself. He placed Himself into His mother and her give birth to Him. Because of free will God is limited in what He can or can't do.
Yeah i see that, but fire play is foreplay, mmmmm.
Satan's dick is big when you pull it, but don't rip the skin, it spits fire, especially since it's such good size and all. You have to use your mouth.
Daddy gave me good advice.
>people engaging in behavior you frown upon and find degenerate
You're wrong though. Its not about me disapproving based on empty prejudice.
>does not pose a threat to you or your loved ones if you're connected with God.
It does though. The gay-ification of the culture is harmful to vulnerable minds, especially the young and impressionable. This is clear as the sun and sky. Brainwashing and indoctrinating someone is not a victimless activity. These sorts of unsavory elements within society should be relegated to the private sphere where they belong. Sexual deviancy culture is being deliberately pushed by ideologues, which does massive amounts of physical, mental and spiritual harm.
>be god
>bureaucratically appoint sins to everyone
>don't appoint them on your son because nepotism
>hurr look at my son
Go to your mother or to a psychiatrist
To your last point, what I meant was that it's not for you to worry about the degeneracy of another human being, but God's problem. You cannot stop a person from being degenerate, all you can do is step back and let God handle it. Only God can change sinful nature.
Based Sikh right there
With this statement you're basically implying that God isn't powerful enough to keep degeneracy from corrupting the minds of those who know Him for themselves. If you have a relationship with God then He will be the one to keep you free from degeneracy yourself.
If you feel the need to step in and fight you're basically saying God's power isn't sufficient enough. It's basically a form of not having faith.
Technically you could be a faggot and go to heaven, you just need to be in a state of grace and you will go to heaven. So if a faggot confessed his sins and went to communion, then died without engaging in any homosexual acts after this, he would go to heaven.
Nor can you justify idleness with God as a crutch. Saying you can't fight battles within your own borders is cucked nonsense. Brainwashed to believe Christianity is some pacifist religion that just takes their daily dose. God didn't make men to be passive slaves.
Jesus is real.
Hell is real.
There is nothing in the Bible that says gays automatically go to hell.
Even Paul's commentary needs to be taken in context and could use much in translation. The homosexual activity he described was taking place in a city that had lost faith in God. He did not directly link homosexuals to it. The sin was turning away from God. I think I am remembering it right.
Plus Paul, while a founder of the one holy catholic and apostolic church, was not part of the Gospels and original disiples. His teachings do not trump the teachings of Christ in the Gospels. There is a reason we stand for Gospel reading and sit for epistles.
God didn't create anything or anyone with Sin, He created everything in utter perfection. Adam and Eve committed Sin by not trusting God, and as the representatives for Earth they spread their Sin to the rest of us and the planet from then on. Jesus didn't have Sin because He's God.
*lose much in translation
Then what is the point of evangelizing? Why establish the ekklesia? Why do we do good deeds?
Isn't God powerful enough to sort this out without human activity?
Romans 9
11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.”[d] 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”[e]
14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?
22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?
It was still part of design to be able to sin, no?
That's like scientist creating AI with free will then blaming it for using it. How totally unexpected desu.
>Then what is the point of evangelizing? Why establish the ekklesia? Why do we do good deeds?
We were told to. That's why.
Do you even Bible?
Romans 1
You can't fight battles with your own strength, you have to involve God and trust Him to do what's right. For daily life this means involving God in everything you do as you go. For behavior you see around you from people and degeneracy it means praying for that person. You can't defeat sinful behavior, only God can.
Calling God a crutch implies you believe Him to be powerless, when it's the complete opposite. Through God all things are possible, but you have to know Him for yourself.
no one believes in hell or else you'd be begging everyone you talk to kill you so you can get to heaven and stop risking going to hell
I mean really, imagine actually believing, not just saying it so you feel better about the stressors and unknowns in life, but actually believing that when you die you WILL either be tortured FOREVER or be in paradise FOREVER, you would do whatever it takes to get option two and not live any semblance of a normal life
whole thing's an obvious joke only suicide bombers and small children actually believe
Roman catholics wrote the bible? god put the bible togheter , dumbass
Womp womp. Has nothing to do with what you're claiming. Movin on now boys. Talk amongst yourselves
The goal is to protect the victims of degeneracy, not the perpetrators.
If someone attacks a young boy physically, you should step in to protect him. You surely don't disagree with this?
Then it is no different if his mind is under attack by a poisonous culture.
>no one believes in hell or else you'd be begging everyone you talk to kill you so you can get to heaven and stop risking going to hell
Illogical, unless you think dying a violent death is salvific compared to a natural death.
I don't know what "evangelizing" is, nor "ekklesia." What I believe is that the only thing Christians should do is focus on their relationships with God and involving Him in daily life. By doing this people will be converted just from knowing your and being exposed to God's spirit from within you.
Good deeds come naturally over time the more you get to know God for yourself and the more you involve Him in your daily life. Good deeds by themselves mean very little if you don't know God. God relies on us to be His agents and spread His word by simply existing as humans who are connected to Him in daily life.
>Dismissing God's Word
That's not going to help you, leaf poster
Just lie down and die then. God can handle it himself. You're incapable of taking action anyway.
>gnashing of teeth
Luke 13:28
>There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
Sin is simply the state of not being connected to God. God created everything and everything relies on God to live and function properly. Basically, think of God as the sun. If you distance yourself from God you cover yourself from the His life-giving sunrays. Sin is the darkness that comes when you take that connection to God's light away. Adam and Eve used their free will to distance themselves from God's light, thus creating Sin.
Sin would not exist without free will, but if humans didn't have free will then God would be a dictator and not a God of love.
>Doesn't know basic Christian language
>Thinks the religion means passive deferment to God
The Apostles didn't just passively live life and hope the gospel spread on its own. They went out into the world of sin and spread the message with courage and vigor. Many Christians were so hated by the world, because of their active proselytizing, that they were put to horrible deaths. You don't get murdered for your faith if you're just being a passive little doormat.
Isn't that affirming my view?
The person is upset because they don't get to abide in the Kingdom, not because they're being tortured.
Knowing God for yourself is what protects your mind from degeneracy in the first place, and if more people know God for themselves they'll be free from their degeneracy. Protecting that young boy form physical harm is what God does for you mentally. He protects your mind from the degeneracy in ways you cannot do yourself.
Poisonous culture and its ideas and behaviors can only be defeated by God and His spirit. If the culture itself knows God for itself then it won't be degenerate.
Isn't the eternal damnation of being separated from God implied to be the worst kind of torture?
God is the one who makes you succeed is what I'm saying, but you have to involve Him in everything you do in life. This is especially true for behaviors and attitudes. No human can defeat the degeneracy of their minds, they need God if they wish to have victory over their mental degeneracy.
>If the culture itself knows God for itself then it won't be degenerate.
The culture rejects God. It's not ignorant. An awakening can't occur in people who reject it entirely. You're simply facilitating a cancer that will take more and more people.
Hell was invented by the church. We're going to the underworld when we die stupid.
And none of this has anything to do with not letting your country and your people fall into corruption.
The disciples preached Jesus, and people were converted from the love and grace they felt from understanding the wonderful nature of God. Lawkeepers were the ones who hated Jesus the most, because they wanted to follow the rules and do good deeds to prove their worth when Jesus simply said that only through the Father can you be saved. Jesus and his disciples weren't crucified by atheists, they were crucified by religious people.
You can't do good to be saved and truly change as a person, only God can save and change you.
>beeg nigga
The Bible says that Sheol itself is cast into the lake of fire after Judgment.
My understanding was that the lake of fire, which I'm fairly certain is synonymous with Gehenna, is where souls are destroyed if they are Judged unworthy of resurrection.
So rather than eternal suffering, the results of Judgment are between annihilation on the one hand, and eternal life on the other.
Sheol itself is to be cast into the lake of fire after Judgment. I thought this meant that it was being disposed of because it was no longer useful. Doesn't make much sense to actually transport the now empty abode of the unjudged dead to another realm.
Checks out. The opposite of eternal life wouldn't be eternal life but bad lmao. It's a rather moot point in the grand scheme of things anyway.
>things that never happened
Nothing in your chosen Scriptures had anything to do with the sodomites' points of a sodomite you were trying to twist
>There is nothing in the Bible that says gays automatically go to hell.
It does not there is even a passage what had got me deep in doubts about faggots going to hell
Luke 17:34
>I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
Who are you to say who rejects God or who doesn't? Again, outward actions aren't a mirror into the heart of a person, only God and God alone knows where a person stand with Him. As a Christian your duty is to know God for yourself and be a vessel to influence people and events around you by simply existing in daily life connected to God.
Awakening occurs when God is able to spread from person to person.