Can we get a "owned by police" thread going?
Can we get a "owned by police" thread going?
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copper kills nigger "selling" cds
personal favorite
that was a good one. the riots were a bit of a disappointment imo.
Or wait, was that the Dallas shooting one? Fuck I can't remember there's been so many kek
Absolutely the best compiation of sovereign citizens getting owned.
ready for the dump
I can not fucking stand that first bitches voice.
I have to skip over those parts, can't fucking listen to it
fucking idiots
Cop shoots stupid methhead because he keeps reaching for his pipe as the officer tells him to put his hands up.
I wish there was a better angle to see her get fucked. She's annoying as hell
And here's the video right after when he break down rying because he found out the man was unarmed.
The fag that tries to be smart until the other cop flips out and starts yelling in his face is the best one. That guy must've shat his pants like seven times
Cop killer dindu appears in court right after killing an officer and fallin two stories escaping.
Of course the baboon mothers think this was unnecessary. The nig looks like a black Jason Vorhes.
It makes me feel good knowing you goys still love big brother
I bet some of those police shootings of blacks were a result of this kind of thinking and behavior. I'm not suggesting cops should shoot to kill but quit being an asshole and do what you asked. Once you go full dickhead, the cop can and will fuck you up.
Cops high speed chase with drunk naked women.
I always want to see the uncensored version of these things. Just seems too odd to be real kek
How do unpixelate something?
I like big brother over niggers any day. You non statists would be the first dead in an actual civil war, the world is not pretty and the state is a necessary creation of that from human competition.
It's better to have a gun and the ability to use it than assume disarming a nation will have other nations follow suit.
Cops give sobriety test to Florida teacher and she blows her shit as she gets arrested.
>if I don't love an overreaching police force I must advocate getting rid of the state
try not to think in black and white all the time
>I'm gonna call CNN!
>implying the human animal patrol is a net negative to society
Some people need authority to keep them in line, I rather be the victim of harassment by an officer (which II have been) than victim of a criminal that keeps an army to keep them in their containment zone.
>I'd rather be the victim of x than victim of y
I'd rather not be a victim. I'm sure you can see why I have a problem with the current system if being a victim is required currently
No. Not from verbal confrontation.
One prevents the other. The first, cop brutality, is FAR less prevalent than nigs nogging. It's simple risk calculation, having a police force is a small price to pay for the security of their efforts.
>Not from verbal confrontation.
Go ahead and try it Snowflake. Do you know what "failure to comply " means?
Nah, Dallas was nuts. That's when cops got run n' gunned by a rogue nigger.
I never disputed your point about there being some utility in the current system. I'm just saying it could be done better.
wasn't it 2 rouge niggers? I remember that night. Watch that one periscope that captured the one shoot a couple cops. Shit was crazy
>"he dindu nuthin!!"
Nig shot in face after pulling gun on encroaching officers.
Seems like somethings missing. Sobriety test walk didn't look that bad.
this is why cops should have physical requirements, and are tested monthly
Does anyone have good riot footage? I just wanna see niggers getting their shit pushed in
This is what happens when an officer doesn't use escalated force against someone who's threatening them with force.
The screams are one of the very few things that's ever disturbed me online, and I've seen some fucked p shit.
>dindu's mother chimping out
Please can anyone tell me how much trouble the cop got into? This would be completely justified in court would it not?
It doesn't show him pulling out a gun before firing at the officers.
Another example of an officer not being prepared for a chimpout.
shit.... Did he die?
I don't know why you're quoting me in these. I already said there's utility in the current system. I can express frustrations at the system even if it might be a necessary evil. I bet you can understand why starving people might express frustrations at the fact that we need food to live. I'm in the same boat as those people. Sure I don't have a solution to the problem, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem.
>Nig shot in face after pulling gun on encroaching officers.
No he wasn't.
>It doesn't show him pulling out a gun before firing at the officers.
School Teacher
Fat chick
No gun
The number one problem facing departments is a lack of officers. Having a lot of officers and a portion of full bodied ones will always allow the department to do what it needs to do more than a good but very small police force.
No one wants to get paid Walmart manager salaries for dealing with nigs and spics and white trash and getting shot and killed by those scum.
I wish I was there, I would've eric garner'ed that nigger
Yeah it was justified no charges whatsoever on the officer.
Since he refused orders, wasa felon, kept reaching even after the officer asked him nicely first, second with aggressive tone, and third with his weapon drawn the officer followed textbook escalating warning.
THe only reason he's crying is because he just murdered someone with no weapon.That shit rests of cops far harder than anyone outside the force would know.
Verbal confrontations arent the reason they get shot, retard.
Yea I really feel for him thats why I ask. Damn that must be soul destroying
The bodycam doesn't show it and the audio turns on only after shots where fired.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Yes, a lot of places use that video for police training now
None of the clips on the op were anything more than resisting arrest or verbal back and forth. It's wen we get shit like tyrone pulling a knife/gun/sudden movement that the red mist happens.
>cop talks to nig in car cause it smells like weed
>does everything respectfully and nice
>doesn't search the car even though they have probable cause
>notice nig has a bag, they tell him he has to be arrested now
>he pulls out gun and shoots officer
fuck man.... At least some good might come out of that training now
Does anyone have sauce on pic related?
I was referring to OP video where most were just being belligerent assholes. Failure to comply with the orders of a police officer covers a broad spectrum. I don't think I would want to experience the point of no return.
Whoops meant to reply to
If I went search probably. It was at some public pool party in Texas or something. Wasn't really anything special
>is speeding a crime?
>can you prove I am driving?
>this is assault
>i do not consent.
these people are retarded.
Just a bunch of nogs crashing a pool party in nice white hood. Not really interesting. Search on you tube.
Sovereign citizenry is the ultimate in autism. As if saying some magical words is going to stop a cop from being a thug, lol
She actually failed the sobriety test walk pretty badly.
Continuing dump.
Officers blast the fuck outta a white van hitting the driver 7 times. It's one of the most used rounds in a police encounter involving only a local police department.
>those comments
Holy fuck...
I've been in the same situation sans any narcotics.
I just told the officer that I was picking up a friend from a party and driving him home, and he left me alone.("Just don't keep your engine running for more than 5 minutes or the environmental nuts will flip out")
She said "all" the tests. What do they do other than the walk? Also what exactly are they looking for on the walk because it didn't look like she stepped out of the like. She did wobble but shes a hamplanet so..
If it makes you feel better the shooter got the death penalty and the injection lasted an hour before he finally croaked if I recall correctly.
Not the dude you're responding to but this really really fucks with me. Can you link an article or anything where I can read more on it?
The shooter seems like just another broken vet trying to kill his memories with drugs and booze that just got into a bad situation in a bad state. Not to excuse him, but he wasn't just some nigger
Can anyone tell me what the officer is supposed to do in this situation? Once he's already been shot and on the ground what are they legally allowed to do when it looks like he's still reaching?
Guys I condone a lot of stuff on this board that I've been coming to since 2003 but sovereign citizens are off limits. You can't treat them this way because they do not accept your laws and your authority is nullified to them
American cops are seriously out of shape.
It's ok to be fat when you're a detective or investigator, but a beat cop? Fuck no.
Here the physical requirements for becoming a cop is harder than becoming an officer in the army.
I've never seen a fat cop in the street ever.
Kek. I'm surprised being a sovereign citizen hasn't become one of the sjw trends by now
>niggers in the comments defending the murderer
Question: why don't Americans just use breathalyzers or drug swabs? These tests seem like something from the 50s and really unreliable. I can hold my liquor really well and pass these things and be way over the limit.
It's one of the most, if not thee most, infamous case of what not to do as an officer in that situation.
1. Don't let them go back to the car
2. A violent confrontation is means for pulling out deadly force
3, When firing at a suspect armed with letha force don't just shoot one round, the officer would be alive if he unloaded his pistol instead of thinking the one shot in the stomach could incapacitate him.
THere's some more videos out there of this shit that's just as terrible, but most departments don't release them to the general public. The only reason they did so for this one is that it's a perfect what not to do for officers in training.
they do a combination of both
>cop rips out the fucking window
The other tests are normally:
Horizontal Nystagmus Test and One Legged Stand.
Normally for a walk and turn, police tell you specific instructions, such as how many steps to take. Failure to follow these instructions to the fucking letter gives them a clue.
If you notice, she takes 13 or 14 steps walking one way, and only 12 walking another way. That's a clue.
She uses her hands to balance herself. That's another clue. Her hands should be by her sides the entire time.
She steps off the line several times. That's another clue.
Her turn is incorrect. It is supposed to be a small number of shuffle steps. That's another clue.
How it normally works for DUI stops is that the police do 3 tests. For each test, there are a certain number of clues of impairement they look for. If you reach a certain number of clues on one of those tests, you fail that test.
Fail 2/3 tests, and you're almost certainly getting arrested.
no kidding! Cop just hulked out and busts it like "NO BIG DEAL BRAH!"
American police do use breathalyzers.
Acting like a nigger makes you one.
moar dump I have hundreds of these vids bookmarked
Officers shoot fat fuck during a domestic abuse call after the chubbed wannabe Greedo pulls out a gun on them. His screams are delicious.
sovereign citizens deserve to be shot.
not only because they are the exact opposide of National Socialist.
How come the real stuff always filmed with a potato?
It's not anything special. Happened at Craig Ranch, close to where I live.
Fun fact, that same cop broke up a party I was at a month of so before that incident at the pool. Cool guy, nobody got arrested, not even the nig that had a grinder full of weed.
First is make sure the suspect is unarmed or has lethal force on him. Refusing to show hands or cooperate makes the officers legally responsible to act as if he is armed, them not assuming he is armed is potentially dangerous for other officers or civilians.
After shots are fired they must continually hold him with lethal force and force cooperation through force. Guns and not tasers are necessary for these situations, you need immediate lethal force in case he's faking it or has the chance to fire one shot.
After that they must handcuff him, disarm him, and wait for paramedics to arrive as they try to hold the wounds with medkits.
They followed textbook policing in this video, the guy tried suiciding by cop so they had no real choice. You can tell the officers really didn't want to fire at him, but they have too, they have a family to go home to and a city to protect for many more years.
Why do these retards always scream that shit? Do they think they're being raped or some shit?
Thanks very much. Fucking horrifying case. I honestly don't know how cops can manage their jobs as calmly as they do after seeing things like this.
Ah okay, very evident once you point it out, thanks.
Again number one problem of US police departments is lack of officers and over supply of shitnigs that make the job the most unappealing career by pay and one where they can die at any single time.
Thats why we have more officers but less physically bodied ones, many of the out of shape ones just push paperwork at the HQ anyways.
Some do. Most don't because it's not only alcohol they suspect a person under the influence is using and it's cotton swab tests are expensive and take a long time to process.
The force here in East Texas will actually get a warrant to draw out blood ad test that if you refuse to do any other field tests, simply because it's faster than many swab tests arnd far more reliable.
They were indeed delicious
Fucking Aussies, man.
When the cop breaks the window.
Are you the officer that does the AMA's here occasionally? Glad to know someone else has a hand on police techniques.
Most cops are cool in all honesty. They know the social costs of certain actions they contribute, most will overlook small possession charges depending.
that welfare queen ptsd nigger is why cops are so trigger happy now.