I'm not sure how many of you have seen this, but you need to. THIS is the left's globalist idea of "UTOPIA". They say this is the only solution. The destruction of all races and cultures. It's their "final solution" and it's their endgame. CNN tv mind you. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. They just flat out say it in this video.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one has every told a white person its wrong to mate with his own kind. Get over your persecution complex.

Did you watch the fucking video, faggot? "Utopia can only be achieved without white people." THEY FUCKING SAY IT WORD FOR WORD!

>some libtard says something retarded
>its a conspiracy!!

He's an idiot. But that's it. There is no conspiracy.

So? Why do you care so much about the color of the skin?

Youre extint, mongoloids will rule this world and will be better without whites

Really? I've been gone 2 days and Sup Forums has turned into tumblr? Unbelievable. Maybe the whites do need to be exterminated... starting with both of you.

Are you fucking new? That's a disinfo demoralizing shill. Get a thicker skin.

Not new. Just didn't expect 3 shills in a row. Then I get rescued by a fucking leaf. Wow, Sup Forums is going to shit. Thanks for calming me down, leaf. I was about to an hero while watching blacked.com.

Oy vey the goyim know

We really need to get together fellow (non-cucked) white people who think the same way and create a white homeland under the pretence of fleeing persecution and the open, vast threat of genocide.

Somewhere where we're allowed to be openly proud for being white without fear of persecution.

There are more white people on Earth today than in all the history of mankind.

The traveling hordes of billions of wandering overpopulated third world idiots only means that there will be billions of bleached bones.

Having 18 kids you can't house, protect, or feed is no way to dominate.

Angelina Jolie already adopted more than she can handle.

I don't want it to end, you guys. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

We've been under siege since Pizzagate, mein waffenbruder. They're desperate. But that only means the kike is on the back foot and we must strike fast and hard.

White is the most beautiful skin color. Do you want humanity to be uglier than ayy lmaos?

Why people will never die off. Might get suppressed and drop off a bit but will then rise again. The point is the hypocrisy should be called out. If a news station said the only way for a utopian society is with out non whites they'd lose their minds.


They don't have to say it, it they a system your people value family life less and less and your nation has less and less children as laws for birth control solutions become more and more accessible to the masses.

After your birthrates drop, they can begin an importation of immigrants from poorer nations.

We're actually the most Diverse race on the planet. Mixing us into the brown hordes will erase all our rare and beautiful phenotypes.

*they have a system


It's nice there's a record of him being a traitor. Plenty of evidence for the day of the rope.


>I love women of other races like their brown skin black hair and brown eyes sooo exotic

>It's our only solution

Anthony Bourdain is literally coming up with a Final Solution for white people. They don't hide it. Why do so many white people hate their own?

Why are darkies so non-diverse? What went different in their evolution compred to whites?

Brainwashing of white guilt
besides the guy you named is a JEW

Imagine aliens invading our planet and a human market opens up. No alien would wast a space dollar on the brownies

they would make sure the white race is secure at least

Yes. And currently in the US, with feminism and inflation, women joined the workforce and cost of living has increased to the point that both white mothers and fathers must work to maintain a comfortable quality of life. Since both work full-time jobs, they don't have many kids or can't afford them. All the while, they're being wage-cucked into paying for welfare class minorities who are rewarded more benefits and compensation for the number of children they have. Our system will collapse very soon... along with our race. The radical left's UTOPIAN DREAM will destroy all civilization on the planet if it continues as planned.



White people can easily abuse and crash the system. Have six children per white womb and get them on welfare. It would soak it up giving them less welfare, niggers would flee for gibs or suffer in poverty like they used to(which ironically they did better because they had to work together back then)

White people make their beds and change its sheets, niggers find a new bed to sleep in.

>black haired child

nice bait

How many of you faggots have children

I have 5 on the soil one in the womb good sir


doing better than me then just the one so far.

I have 1.

How is the welfare in your country?


Do we sometimes let ourselves fall for propaganda because it adheres to our true inner desires

Who else here a brown/black dude who has internalised this sexual fetish from Sup Forums and now has a specific fetish for degrading a dominating white girls when you fuck them?

I've gotten hugely into trying to fuck married/attached white girls, blondes, and girls with light eyes. Thanks for showing me my fetish Sup Forums

Who else?

Good work.

My hope is that sexbots and VR porn is going to lower the "price" or sex and women will be forced to bring more to the table for men to bother with them. My hope is that white men come together and agree that the desire for multiple children is the best quality in women and a necessity for marriage and significant resource commitment.

Yes, you know whats up we don't get any assistance because we are "too rich" i would fuck like a mad man if i got tax refunds for every child.

>black people
>in canada

Get a german or american proxy and i might take your troll seriously next time

>American poster
>Making themselves look like retards again
>Canada having less blacks than Germany

Seriously you guys are dumb as bricks


I also hope men can turn this trend around by slut shaming women who date/sleep with non white men. This will be difficult at first because of "much racism" but the boat can be turned around once awareness of white genocide becomes more mainstream thanks to our propaganda.

You built up too much to lose to had a big family user. That is the games the jews play

A big poor and humble family over a well of small spoiled one.

>yess goym
>spend your early 20s, your sexual prime when sperm and womb are most capable, getting that art degree and going to chads after parties!

Oh wow a satire based comedy show said something. We should all get offended over jokes and take satire seriously, because people don't understand how oppressed we are!

Anyone else dislike SJWs? And love being a walking fucking contradiction?

>meanwhile, in real life

>implying that was satire

Haha oh leaf

That was paid for by the government of Canada.

You don't get what I implied. What is black culture in canada entail? They would be the most white washed ever just look at Drake.

Germany has rapefugees literally from africa, and america has had mini africa settlement in it far longer who are far more violent.

If you're black in Canada its all pussy shit because there really aren't enough of you to make a Chicago or a Compton.


I actually vote for this. In America, it would be very easy for whites to cause a social and economic collapse of the system. The left panders toward women and the welfare class. Over half of minorities (except based Asians) are on welfare. Whites need to make the hard decision to not work, not marry, and make as many welfare babies as we can and encourage them to abuse the system as well. With a rapid decrease in a white workforce, the gov won't be able to aford to keep slinging gibs at spics and niggers. Most of them would return to mexico or flee to Canada. The ones who remain will get deeper into crime and end up dead or in jail. Whites keep voting for more gibs till the system fails, then swing hard right and go back to working again. It could be done, but it would require a nationwide, racewide movement to accomplish.

The fucking autism on this website is incredible sometimes

that was nice of the nig to help the cuck with his shirt

i bet those guys are buds off the set

I decided to go for a middling family of four which is doable if i had waited longer i would have only ended up with two.

There is no reason not to marry in Trump's world. Single moms are going to get less, couples get more.

>American doesn't understand what public broadcasting is
STOP. POSTING. Every american looks like a retard every time they say anything on this board, you guys are complete shit
>I get angry at comedy TV
>I throw a fit when comedians make jokes I don't like
>I complain about liberal SJW's while being their exact right wing equivalent

The fucks your point? There's still black people here. Are you too dumb to separate individuals from cultures?

Its above replacement rate, it checks out. I can see many middle income families able to have four if they strain hard enough.

Lower on the ladder the harder itd be however.

>real life

pick one

Caring about your penis size is as blue pilled as it gets, and implanting that insecurity into a generation of white men through porn is the greatest trick the Jew ever pulled. Here's why it's bluepilled and doesn't matter. It makes you care about the womans pleasure over your own and gives her power over you for a stupid reason. If the whore wants to feel something huge in there slam her with your fucking fist. Your penis doesn't pay her expenses, protect her, and buy her nice clothes, you do. Make sure she knows if she want's to keep getting those things it's her duty to take your sperm and give you a half dozen children.

The point is youre not only a stupid nigger you're not even a threat.

Whats the point you're trying to make? That Canada has a nigger problem?

I'll be leaving NZ soon enough to a country that won't leech off them to pay for some old liberal cunts retirement. it really angers me when i think about it, that my children will be enslaved to pay for some millennial bitches retirement after she flooded their country with shitskins.

Well user, God bless and I hope your family is prosperous in love and family at the end of the rainbow.

Most whiteys still vote to fuck their own shit. Are people this stupid worth saving? No.

It's like trying to save a whore. She'll be grateful for a little while then cut your nuts off when you sleep.

I guess that's why Christianity was so strict.

Kek, get off the internet Shaun you fucking manlet

Once we become a minority, they'll just murder the rest of us like they did in Africa and the middle east. Our grandchildren are doomed if we can't stop this.

Crash the welfare. Win the war on gibs.

>implying they eat the skins

That's what I say. Force an economic collapse to stop the racial collapse. Then we can take care of that pesky leaf nigger and the poo manlet joker.

White men need to unify and conspire against white women. Get them pregnant and keep them pregnant so they can't work, cheat, or focus on anything other than raiseing her master race family.

Imagine her being locked in six years of giving birth to your seed, her mindset will be completely different no matter who she was when you met her. She'd be a good white house wife at the end of it

Just go fuck the whitest women you can anons.

It's already to late even if we convinced the white liberal urbanite to start having children the demographic trend is irreversible in some places. Their folly will haunt us from their graves.

Once conservatives has a white baby boom there would be nothing they could do. It worked on us so you can be damned sure it would work on them. Niggers can't handle large families like white people, they dissolve and eat themselves alive

"Utopia" means "no place" and refers to a fictional society. It was coined by Sir Thomas More in 1516 when he wrote the book by the same name.

When you're trying to refer to a hypothetical perfect society the word you're looking for is Eutopia.

This is going to sound crazy, but hear me out. I've thought about this too. I say that all white men in a massive wave... convert to Islam. The left is rolling out a red carpet for muslims. It's a religion and not a race... so they say. Whites would be able to run rampant under the flag of islam and we'd put our women back in their place. Also, islam is violent and militant in the enforcement of their beliefs. Christianity is too cucked to survive at this point. We use islam to purge the left and the degenerates and we'd be allied with the refugees they keep importing. Then we can reboot Christianity afterwards.

I've been looking for a particular imaage. It has two frames: first frame is a bunch of pretty white women with various hair and eye colours. Caption: Not diverse enough

second frame is a bunch of brow haired, brown eyed poo in loos. caption: diversity

I'm basically saying with co-opt Islam to stop the gov from importing more muslims. It's crazy. I know.

>This is going to sound crazy, but hear me out. I've thought about this too. I say that all white men in a massive wave
Took back Christianity from the jews?

>convert to Islam.
Dude what the fuck

>Also, islam is violent and militant in the enforcement of their beliefs. Christianity is too cucked to survive at this point.
this nigger never heard of the crusades

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I care about ugly nigger skulls, and the fact they have an IQ more than 2 standard deviations below average desu.

Our Pope is too cucked to call for a crusade mang

ironic you get triple sixes but Catholicism is on the verge of another schism. Only liberals love that cuck pope and none of them are catholics.

you don't have to stay, kike

The crusades isn't happening and I'm afraid it's not going to. It's too late for Christianity. The pope, gays, etc. Islam is everywhere now. The Crusades pushed them back to sand land. This time, they're already everywhere and our gov is protecting them and trying to bring more in. If we co-opt Islam, we'll have those same protections or force the globalists to turn against Islam. We win either way.

No one is converting to Islam you dumb faggot.

See? Nip gets it. We're gonna Make Japan Great Again too. Just hang in there. We won't let the globalists swirl your people or culture out of existence.

Islam is the result of inferior and weak sand nigger stock. Christianity is the result of superior and wiser stock.

Christ came to see the worl he lived in as a filthy and sacrificial based society were all were sinned and must sacrifice to atone for it. You cut the throats of lambs, the tip of your sons penis, and even sacrificing your first born.

Jesus knew this was filthy and barbaric and was able to convince the civilized ones to live virtuously without needless bloodshed of your own people.

Islam is literally a yang to Christianity's yin.


I don't get it. Given that blacks are minorities in the US and Europe, wouldn't having children outside of their own race threaten their own race? If a black guy has a kid with a white woman, and then that kid has a kid with a white man/woman, and so on and so on... isn't the result going to be white descendants after a few generations? It's obvious that white people are the desired race in terms of physical appearance across all races; that is to say, black women want a good looking white man for the most part, and black men want a good looking white woman. This means they will selectively breed themselves out of existence, no?

Im Chinese on vacation. Singapore Chinese mind you. I'd gladly go out to Syria to kill Muslims the moment our pope says "crusade".

Also why did my phone autocorrect crusade to Cruz

As insane as this may sound, just imagine what a white nationalist islamic fourth reich would look like? We'd be fucking ruthless and unstopable.

I'm not racist, I just happen to be with a person who is the same exact racial blend as I am and even has the same body odor and skin tone, so we can use the same shade of cover up.


Waking up goyim?

About fucking time.

This is jew war on white genome. The only genome who can compete with them on the planet. Their only threat.

No, because when a white and black person have offspring, that offspring is black.

See: Brazil

So we'd be white nationalist sister-fuckers?

and yet islam is winning and christians are cucked.

Just take Christianity back, islam is subverted more so than Christianity because islam was a subverted religion from the start. There is one interpretation of islam, a violent war culture. Islam literally controls our governments and are responsible for help white genocide.