Death penalty

The death penalty is needed in our world. I am sick of the libtards and eurcucks saying how we need to "rehabilitate" certain criminals.

I understand we need full proof and evidence, and it should be finalized before going through it.

>"user in *insert tolerant country here* we are modern and the death penalty is barbaric and we should help those and not kill them, if you kill them they win"
>Abdul Mohammed comes and rapes 12 year old girls, cuts them apart and kills a few guys. >Gets a few week sentence.
>Guy molests and rapes 9 year olds, "we should help them and make sure they don't do it again plz dont kill"

Prove me why we shouldn't have the death penalty for hard crimes such as pedophiles and rapists?

That movie was fucking cancer.

Death penalty should not.exist to prevent wrongfully executing innocents

>That is true

That's why I put in that we need proper and confirmed evidence before it.

Most that are on death row are not "innocents" though.
Yes, you can punish someone by forcing them to live their whole lives in a prison, free food, free bedding, free security, etc. Or you can end them and save resources and money.

Yes, I understand. I believe the second one was the best of all three.

>kkk spec ops

All I can say about it's quality, kek.

I think if a judge or jury is going to sentence a man to a life sentence then there's no reason not to execute him. What's the point of having tax payers pay to keep a man in a box for the rest of his life when you have no intention of ever letting him out?

I'm not against the death penalty in principal. However in practice it's a fucking disaster, it ends up being better just keeping them in prison till they die.

in the US, execution is more expensive than imprisonment

I just don't think the state should have the power to judge someone to die and kill them

Bullshit; there are chemical methods to extract truth from everyone. Put some research into it, get the best substance to get minimum of side effects, then use it on each fucking suspect AHEAD of trial.

Will save shitload of money and time, and after the first 10 days when hundreds of pedos and murderers will go to Hell, crimes will get a plunge.

Problems is, the likes of you do not think pedophilia and murder deserve death penalty, and will make everyone mentally unfit for trial anyway.

I understand your point, but I believe there are some that just need to be ended immediately. Waste of resources and time to keep them alive. Is it true justice?

I understand that, I think it's a waste how expensive it is.

What about the people then? Or for serious crimes?

I don't either but if they're going to judge someone to be imprisoned for the rest of their lives why not just pull the plug?

>wasting people's money feeding and clothing a criminal until he dies of old age is better just putting a bullet in his head

Yep, I love Texas because they kill their savage niggers and spics. We should bring back the noose, and the shooting squads.

>wasting 3x the tax payers money and 20 years just to put a needle in the fuckers arm

We should rehabilitate those who can and will be helped, but murderers who did it for money or something along those lines shouldn't get another chance

>Jurries always convict the guilty

Are you this fucking stupid?

The issue is money. With a life on the line the state doesn't want to get sued, so they rope in white collar lawyers. The litigation ends up costing more than the fucker's life imprisonment.
>it proves a point
>wastes money
I'd say the fucker's life isn't worth that much. Let em' rot.

Yeah, it's a shame the Jew lawyers get to make millions. It costs too much to go through all the appeals, but I understand the necessity to make sure they are guilty, but now we've got a lot better proof such as DNA evidence.

What's funny to me is how many left wingers are calling for Dylan Roof's (sp?) execution. Really gets those neurons firing

If we could be 100% certain of guilt, then yes lets have the death penalty.

However we can't in most cases, and as a result we will eventually kill one innocent person.

With this in mind, are we really comfortable giving the government power to legally execute innocents?

>If we could be 100% certain of guilt, then yes lets have the death penalty.

If we aren't 100% certain of guilt, they usually don't go to jail in the first place.

If only there were cameras everywhere these days.

t. state prosecutor

Rather kill an innocent person than let a million criminals alive

Haha no.

this is what utilitarian right wing cucks actually believe

Well, yeah.

If I sign off on killing innocents, am I any better than a nigger? I believe the lives of my countrymen are to be protected, not sacrificed so I can sit here and jerk off to how many criminals have died AFTER they commit a crime.

This. It costs too much to prosecute. One court case in Texas cost 50 million dollars.
>rich lawyer
>guy get life for insanity
>still gotta feed, shelter, process, etc the perp

>plead insanity
>home free

dam they a cute doggo

>if I kill them, they win
No wonder your countries are cucked beyond help

i agree user,if a wild animal harms a child it is put down,so should wild humans

Not all criminals right? I got a bullshit charge.

No, you bloodthirsty idiot. I'm saying that if we ever perfectly manage to engineer a chemical or machine that can be certain of guilt then YES, lets kill criminals.

Until then, no. Or we're killing innocents.

You retarded cunt.

the great part is that asylums cost more.

Fucking edgy.


>has stand your ground laws
>needs the state to deal with criminals

>everyone hates you
>everyone always shits on you
>we still voted to keep the death penalty

Fuck the rest of you.

Death penalty is only a salvation for these parasites, they should rather work as lifelong slaves for the society they had damaged - or at least to give their life on earth a rational purpose.

you could probably do this with a brain machine interface. they'll be coming into widespread use around 2080 - 2090ish.
>unfortunately, you could also have the potential to change memories
>of course, this eliminates the need for prisons
>1984 though reassignment

>Prove me why we shouldn't have the death penalty for hard crimes such as pedophiles and rapists?

We should. Some criminals are beyond redemption.

If you want examples, read "Without Conscience", by Hare.

>pedos should be hog tied and thrown in a pit full of rats and left to die.

while on Brazil, at the military government era, if you were caught on act commiting a crime or was clear that you commited one, you simply were killed by police and the body dumped into the trash.

Why can't this happens anywhere in the world nowadays?

>be Canada
>terrorist blows up plane killing 331 people
>refuses to cooperate with authorities
>release after 30 years
>cost tax payers over 3 million dollars

Kill literally anyone and everyone who is caught committing anything that would be a felony, ad kill their immediate family. Still have the right to a fair trial and whatnot but the sentence is always carried out immediately after a guilty verdict. Watch people fall in line.

they kept it for heinous acts such as mass murder and serial killing.

I just want this user to know what a fucking fedora faggot cunt he sounds like

>Muh brain interfaces in the pipe 2080 timeframe

Thanks for that John titor

naw, we'll die from nuke before that happens.

>Authoritian medieval excesses of power are cool

t edgy kid

You're the only country where it's more expensive to kill a man than keep him in prison for life.

No seriously you're the only country.

It's not about being cool. It's about maintaining order.

Not in china or Iran or Saudi Arabia.

>country doesn't shoot people in jails
>not china
hmmmm, k

go back your authoritarian fantasy.

>Muh order

Nice spook you got there user

>not just shooting the fuck a day after he is found guilty
Or restrict number of appeals to 1.

You make it sound like that's a bad thing.

k, keep saying that if you get falsely convicted. it would be a great way for the jews to get rid of people they don't like.

>posting a Pit Bull
>against death penalty
Wow found the nigger

The death penalty exists to remind people that the state can kill you if it wants.

I think this is a good thing.

it is becasue it leads to abusive government that can kill citizens on a whim.
>oh ill never end up in jail

It's the most efficient way to maintain and advance civilization.
All of the German philosophers died penniless nothings despite all their ravings about property and will

>Not wanting a perfect zero re-offense solution.

no, it's too expensive. i'd rather them spend that money on education to prevent criminals in the first place.

kk, ill see you at room 101, fucking ideologue faggot

If people actually gave a fuck about murderers getting away with it, there would be whole unions of hitmen being paid by communities to do the dirty job for the state.

I saw it with a buddy we since he had free passes. Shit was fucking hilarious how hard it tried to show the election
>hillary stand in is some QT milf
>hard workin' black family is meant to be the face of the average citizen against the purge
>bad guys were something out of a liberals nightmare, KKK neo nazi confederate flag waving PMC
>mitt romney and neo cons were "behind everything"

>Somehow by streamlining the death penalty I'm talking about removing the judicial process.

>I believe in the right to a fair trial
> kill their families
Are you legitimately retarded?

Alright. How much faith do you have in our judicial system?

In a system so easily moved by some bitch upset that she wasn't given the world on a silver platter crying "He touched me," are you SURE you're comfortable with that system then killing the falsely accused?

This is real life, there is no 100% certainty. There is only being found guilty or not guilty. You're better than this; you've been on this board and bitched too much about false charges to seriously tell me you have enough faith in the justice system to support their right to kill a man.

If I had faith in the system, though, absolutely. Some crimes deserve death.

Slow down there Draco, last time we tried that it didn't work out so well.

you're oversimplified view of the world is laughable. streamlining the death penalty means leaping a lot of checks that are meant to prevent abuse. nice way to send the entire system to the shitter, neohammurabi

Cull the herd. Less aggression in the gene pool. Breeding 101.Oh but that doesn't apply to humans for some reason. Unless you're fat, only then is it genetics


Rape includes any woman under 18 years of age. Women 16 years of age at the very minimum should be of the legal age due to reproductive fitness. Bullshit western laws deny natural instinct------------> sexual oppression.

>ad kill their immediate family
>Still have the right to a fair trial and whatnot

Does committing a rape entail to having the most important human right, a right to life, denied?

Convincing you of the ethicacy of the death penalty or otherwise is just asking questions like these; what varying punishments do people deserve for the crimes they commit.

Posing arguments like "it's cheaper", "it would make less people commit crimes", or something along those lines misses the point of justice completely and instituting policies based upon those reasonings only demeans it.

>believing in command theory lol

this is why laws shouldn't be made without peer-reviewed scientific evidence. sure you can still bullshit studies with cheery picking, but at least it's something. it also means the law must firmly establish a core reasoning - making them easier to support if reasonable, and tear down if fucking retarded.

That's because most of those retarded cases only go through the State's court house, major ones tend to go through federal courts. One allows the judge (usually way better vetted and audited) to pass judgment.

Also the way modern forensics and pharmaceutical truth serums are advancing you can be quite sure about the events that unfolded provided you allow and let those techniques be used.


>modern forensices

>and pharmaceutical truth serums

Most of USA's prisons are for-profit, so they strive to keep near-maximum capacity levels of prisoners all year round.

It's sick.

Lot of poor potheads in prison as benchwarmers lately, just to earn more $$$ for whoever owns the prison.

Nice ad hominem.

You know how I can tell you're a kid?

>truth serums
that's only going to make things worse. if you understand the human mind on a fundamental level like that what's to say they wont have memory manipulating substances? also, modern forensics isn't a silver bullet.
>federal courts can be just as retarded
>most capital trials happen at a state level

Bring back the guillotine. No suffering. Painless. No tax payer dollars wasted. I'd employ it mainly on cold blooded murderers and on violent thieves attacking women and the elderly. Oh ya and paedophiles, but id rather light them on fire. I like this unrelated pic


While Id love to see their heads chopped off in public, forcing them to a life of hard labor is far more beneficial

>roman empire
>murderers sent to work as slaves
good point

Yeah maybe in Brazil

We're not that uncucked yet.

So in order to save one innocent person you are willing to let millions of mass murderers and rapists waste your tax payers money and keep murdering and raping when they are on parole due to good behaviour? You really made me think

Literally just take the pedos out back and shoot them in the head, no 100,000-dollar-a-piece "humane" injection/electric/whatever executions. Bleeding hearts like you are the reason executions are so expensive, just do it cheap and the money problem is solved.

Is just me or is anyone else pro-rehabillitation AND pro-death penalty. I want rehabilitation in most cases but for very serious crimes like child/serial murders I think the perpetrator is to dangerous to live and deserves death penalty.

And with the trial expenses, simply increase the standard for death penalty sentencing so the people being executed are so provably guilty there is almost no appeal to be made. Assign a defense team that has a year to exonerate the accused and give them access to everything they'd need to do it, if they fail the accused is executed. We shouldn't go crazy with executions but removing a select few of the worst criminals from the gene pool will be easy and inexpensive if done right.

Because there is no such thing as "full proof" in the real world. There's always the possibility that the legal system fucked up.

The current state of affairs and capital punishment aren't the only two possibilities. It's possible to improve policing without using the death penalty.