Smh when will you alt right racists learn

You are all Nazis. Your ideology is contrary to American democracy.

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you're a big guy

Im sorry your bait thread didnt get any replies, have a (You) friend.

Merry christmas and god bless


The founding fathers would agree with the Alt-Right. They intended the USA to be for whites.


>this is what alt-racists actually believe

Yeah dawg. George and the boys fought the brits so that their great grandchildren could all worship gay nigger trannies. Kill yourself.


Are you fucking retarded? We don't support demonocracy!

Yes! This is what we believe you dumb cuckold faggot! And we have a president in waiting that believes it too!

>Is in favor of LGBT rights
>Appointed establishment poitions
I can't tell if you're all trolls or retarded.

I find it funny that they let certain blacks live here (Crispus Attucks), let Asians in, let Spaniards and Mexicans in. Have you ever taken a history class?

He literally stole the election from that old bitch hillary and we still support him! You and the rest of the shot libs are too impotent to stop him!

Don't make fun of our leafbro! He's more American than your faggot ass!

Fuck Nazi's and all their fellow socialists.

George Washington was an African American transgender you bigot that's why he had no kids

>american democracy
it's not a democracy; precisely because you have elected representatives.

Yes, I know that. I'm a liberal and I like Trump but hate Hillary. If you had a brain you'd realize that I was pointing out trump is not Alt-Right and has fucking denounced you faggots.

Do not hate your fellow white man and Christian? We should be brothers!

The sad thing is that people will actually respond to this as if weren't bait or a joke when it's completely obvious from this post. At least I'm saging.

bump you have no proof he wasn't bigot

Since when can you bump your own post?

I just did

Are you sure? Maybe Sup Forums is really moving that slowly.