

what unit?

well the white dude likely has a higher net worth so yes

They're both fucking useless kill them both

They're both goyim, so neither are worthy of anything more than being my slave.

I guess that depends on which one is committing a violent felony.

Depends on what each has contributed to society.

Based on that though, they're probably both worth nothing.

like pott.er.y.

Who wants to use math?

The white guys probably makes anywhere between $30000 to $60000

The black guy probably makes anywhere between $15000 to $40000

leafposting done right

That shadow

yeah the nigger is more physically able so I would pay more for him, hes worth more.

Neither of their lives are worth anything.
I hope they get killed.

They are both equally worthless, the individual of enhanced melanin and the cuck.



I love it how they stare angrily at the camera, to try and make you feel like you have somehow done something wrong.

the day of the rake is coming nigger.


I hate white liberals more than nogs.

They enable nogs. Remove the white liberal, and the nog is defanged.

yeah about 3/5

well to be a cold hearted bastard about it, yup the nigger's life is worthless in terms of value to society.

0=0 so yes

typical testosterone starved manlet

Skin colour doesn't matter.

No, equally worthless.

The answer is an unequivocal YES


This is the only right answer. Death to am*rican pigs.

everyone's lilfe is cheap. No one is worth anything in this world. When you die no one cares and gives a shit. All that matters is the over all collective. No one will notice you missing. The economy won't be effected. Governments won't notice you missing. So is anyones life really worth anything?

Economically on average, the guy on the right is living in third world shithole conditions without the help of 2 or 3 of the dudes on the left.

So yes, I'd say so. By quite alot actually.


Get the fuck out of this country.

Cucks have zero value

Niggers don't even value nigger lives. So, yes, the nigger's life is worth less.

My life worth more than theirs.


The question is negated by the fact my dog is worth more to me than both their lives.

And he has no net worth, doesn't contribute to society and occasionally shits in the house. But that's just the way it is.

I'm not racist, I hate white nigger-lovers much more than I hate black people


chosen people are those stupid bédouins wandering in the desert

you're as goyim as us and you know it, jacob


This is a trick question, Both their lives are worthless

The nigger's life is worth more because at least he has the sense to demand gibs instead of suicide by self-abasement.

Judging by the red hills of Georgia, the answer is no.
These two fellow Americas are the embodiment of what has made this country great.
BTFO drumpftards.

>a cuck and a nigger
both worthless and should be gassed desu senpai

One of these things is not like the other
one of these things is not the same
the same
the same
the same
your image has none

Pajeet bringing the bantz, as usual.

How do these people have the time to fuck about doing gay shit like this? I'm too busy at work making money to give a fuck about either of them. Slackers
