Is there something about successful black babes that triggers white nationalists? Why is skin color the only thing white nationalists think is important? How do we determine whiteness? I feel like this philosophical thot point becomes an area of infinite regression if taken to its logical extreme. Are you a true Italian if you're from Sicily? Are greeks in Cyprus truly Greek? Are Greeks white like Germans? Are Belgians true aryans like Germans? It's bullshit.
Is there something about successful black babes that triggers white nationalists...
grow up, fattie
It's a fettish not a trigger.
If your black why do you care so much about what's whites think ?
whats successful about that "babe"? and as for the infinite regress that's like saying "when do you stop being a child?" just because you cant put a specific line of demarcation on something within a spectrum doesn't mean you cant identify different things within the spectrum, you wouldn't just fuck kids because you cant pinpoint the second when they become mature enough for sex
>successful black babes
YEA!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!
He forgot to ask if Finnish people are even white?
No they're not.
I just think white nationalism is funny, I mean yes- there is demographic erasure by immigrants, created by ((())) but do whites give a shit ? Nope, muh diversity (while the liberals themselves can hardly be said to be diverse in practice). White nationalists don't think "hmmm maybe we can both benefit mutually from taking down the jews" instead "hurrrr muh bell curve take this blacky!!!! You're just being emotional, I have facts, see here, look at my facts, look at how grade A these facts are, certified facts cuz it came from a book. Yea man.... Liberals just emotional but not me! Muh Aryanism!
>been coming here for 4 years
>still not racist
>posting actual sluts
>it's the white man's fault for hating niggers
>it's the white nationalist fault for not wanting niggers
>youre just like liberals! Can't you see?!
>all you do is post Subjective facts!
>REEEEEEEEEEEE *Autistic screeching*
Not an emotional argument at all , so much "rationality" lol ;) ... Get out of your mom's basement and go save the "aryan master race" hahaha
dude nothing exists haha
Nothing exists but everything
I literally go into these threads for potential fap dumps. I get off on the idea of black slavery
Post more nigger bitches
Funny because black bitches do too
>How do we determine whiteness?
with eyes.
I fuck a Jamaican girl on the regular .
cool chic. shes 26 and looks 16. tfw tight pussy.
I'm a white german/english male.
get mad Sup Forums
pic related is quadroon, you're going to have to post very diluted people to try to "beat" "racism"
First name me a successful "black babe" isn't isn;t a left wing, liberal cunt.
I'm a white nationalist and I would nut inside that chick
and inb4 race mixing is bad, I didn't say I thought the children should be allowed to live in a white nation
Come on OP you know why you made this fucking thread. Sup Forums isn't one fucking person either, and if we're under the assumption that the grand majority of people here are guys, at the end of the day our dicks do a lot of thinking for us and your dick isn't nearly as racist as your brain.
its not about skin color, it's about a clash of cultural values.
walnuts: activated
I think its funnier how all leftists choose to live in White majority countries
You can try and laugh in Africa
Wow I would colonize the hell out of that one
I'd love to eat her pussy for a long time as reparations