you wake up

> you wake up
> you hear a knocking on your door
>see this

what do?

i love louie thoroux!!

Ask "who the hell are you" and "aren't you freezing? It's less than 20 degrees out and you're not wearing a coat, hat or gloves"

Ask it politely to leave. I disagree with him, doesn't mean I'll be violent.

Close my door

Grab my shotgun.

>knock on door
confirmed adult. ask your questions.

>> you wake up
>> you hear a knocking on your door
>>see this
>what do?

Drop so many red pills they would have to edit out the entire interview.

>what do?

Spittle. With force.

say "oh bruv, u kno wat the year it currently is??? tell me or i'll smack ur mum in her gob, u cunt"

Ask what year it is.

Or, ask him about how he feels about Trump winning so I can have a giggle

Fuck my girlfriend infront of him

kill it with fire

> Ask him if he has any idea what time it is.
> "It's 6 am."
> "Wrong, it's 2016."
> Close door

>Lean into mic
>Slam door

Ask why he still pretends to be a british person


Punch the stupid kike in the face.

>Take his microphone
>Close my door
>Lock my door


tell him to fuck off back to america and stay there

*teleports behind you*
Heh, sorry infidel
*allahu snackbars*

"Idi syuda suka!"
>Get his microphone
>And suit
>And glasses
>And watches
>Close door

Say I'm a minority and accuse him of racism and bigotry and then watch his fanbase eat him alive

Who the hell are you?
>"John Oliver"
>"From 'last week tonight'"
Hmm, Never heard of him
>"But it's on HBO"
Sorry, I don't do interviews with nobodies
>slam the door, gaze through the peephole and chuckle as his smug expression degrades into a bruised ego

Run for my life


Punch him in the face. It's quite punchable.