
this fucking bitch is attempting to brainwash our kids with their lgbt sexual content and worse Jewtube is allowing this. Flagging this bitch's videos

This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

(OP) #
This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

>This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
>This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
>How embarrassing.
>The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

Yikes, we really are getting close to the final events.


reported to jewtube for child abuse

Isn't one of the goals of cultural Marxism the teaching of homosexuality to children?

This is what a modern FSB op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated fake news known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

>"today we are talking about the second letter, B"
fucking retard

.etunim a rednu ni deteled\denurp saw ni siht detsop I daerht tsal ehT

.gnissarrabme woH
.nam ot nwonk ygolonhcet detacitsihpos tsom eht gnisu yrekcuf level loohcs edarg si sihT
.ekil skool po AIC nredom a tahw si sihT

(PO) 917024201

Schools already do that. Transgenderism is taught at 3rd grade.

>thinking that you're so progressive for talking to kids about sexuality in an environment that is designed for 3-5 year olds.

>going out of your way to talk to this age group about sexuality

And people get pissed off about Loli

Kike's gonna kike your kids too.

This video violates youtube's monetization criteria!
Be a YouTube Hero.

That is one extremely jewish jew

Telling little kids that cutting their own dicks off is okay is evil.

Tranny propaganda in schools is such an obviously bad idea I can't understand why there's no outcry.

Libtards cant fight against the intellectual and mature adults so they decided to turn it on the kids, just the thought of it makes me sick

shes jewish btw

This is what they put you in jail for in Russia. Not for being gay.

They jail for recruitment and influence of children.

Does she look like a pedophile to anybody else? That teddy bear has definitely seen some shit. All pale with unblinking eyes.

how do we stop this particular jewess

Thx OP, now I get youtube ads for gays.

And yes that thing speaking is degenerate and indoctrinating.

Do you know that these people commit suicide because no one wants to go out with them

In Spain they are trying this bullshit in school, including telling to children they can be transexuals.

Meanwhile, rich leftits who support this have all normal, whites and heterosexual families