Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
>le all muslims are bad! they won't integrate! they just strap bombs to their dicks and want to blow people !
>AT THE SAME TIME praise Russia
>2 million+ muslims in Russia
>1+ million in Moscow alone
>yet Russian women aren't getting raped, Russian buildings aren't getting bombed, etc

When will you fucking morons realize that Islam literally does not = terrorism? I look forward to your cognitive dissonance.

Debate me.

Other urls found in this thread:

When you realize they pay muslims for not having terror attacks дeбил блядь.

We hate the Muslims who identify as Muslims and are actively Islamic or whatever. In Russia and Kazakhstan, they are pretty fucking chill, except for Dagestan and Chechnya. They are only Muslim by tradition, and they don't keep it, they would rather drink with Ivan.

It's because Muslims in Russia know that the second they attack a Russian city Putin will massacre all of them.

Not an argument.

this and the population in Russia wouldn't tolerate for 5 minutes of anyone's bullshit, they get their AK out if you honk at them in traffic.

Muslims, like blacks, and even slavs to some extent, need to be kept in line via authoritarian measures and brutality, and Russia excels at that.

I like Assadist little girls

- It is prohibited to show the nationality of the crimesters in Russia, but if one have a look on a wanted list in almost any police dep in Moscow, it'll be full of churkas.

-Muslim republics are absolute parasites. They do nothing but suck money from budget. No kind of contribution at all. Only terrorists and organised crimesters. Except tatars. Tatars are unique civilised muslims generally.

-Azerbaijanis are the most cancerous muslim diaspora of them all. Absolute parasites they do nothing but steal jobs mainly in commerce and create conflicts all the time. Literally zero positive impact.


Most dangerous drug dealers. One armenian, all other are mudslime churkas

I've met plenty of Russian/Centrak Asian muslims they're all based as FUCK they drink booze they eat pork they don't fucking act like imbeciles like the others do, thank you.

russian muslim nanny decapitates child.

Central Asian*

>Terrorist attack in Western Europe
Waaah! Solidarity! #NotAllMuslims! We need to open the borders more and become a more inclusive society! What, are you a racist?

>Terrorist attack in Russia
Cyka blyat. Get Spetnaz on it, kill everyone of them. Kill their families and stamp out any opposition. Drink vodka afterwards.

The reason why muslims don't attack Russia? Because they fear strength and loathe weakness.

Not an argument.

>there is no muslim terrorism in russia, so islam isn't related to terrorism

>here is some muslim terrorism in russia



Islam does not equal terrorism at all. The vast majority of muslims are good people. The thing is; religiosity varies from practically non-religious but keeping some traditions, moderates, dedicated and extremists and so on.

This becomes a problem when the fundamental texts of islam (koran and hadith) pretty much preaches Jihad.
I don't worry about mormons, because if you are an extremist mormon, then you're gonna kill yourself to join the space-shit or whatever. If you're an extremist Amish, you're probably not even using technology. If you're an extremist Jainist, you wont fucking move in the fear of harming anything, even a bug. Extremist muslim? You all know that story...
fresh stuff from russian citizens with minority (muslim) background


muzzies in Russia know they'll get a bullet in the head of they pull any of that shit.

Russia doesn't have a bunch of white liberal cuck enablers.

end of debate

mind if i fuck her, Ivan?


We sunnis have a hard time distancing ourselves from the salafist/wahhabist. Russia is literally the only european country that realize that salafi/wahhabism are a stray sect of sunni islam. Distinguishing sunni and salafist/wahhabi isnt that hard, russian knows it thats why the muslim in russia are assimilating peacefully because the salafist are either expelled or being gulag'd

>not a faggot

Pick one

Remember to sage and report bait! :^)



Assadists and Alawites are hardly Muslim. They praise nation and Assad over Allah. Pretty much what keeps the whole Syria debacle going. The hatred by the pious Muslims for apostates.

Muslims are like dogs, you need to be inumanely strict with them, keep them on a leash. They can not have independence, they will misuse it.

How common is nigger shit like this in Russia?

Fuck, my country really is polluting the world by spreading this trash """culture""".

Do you know how many ducking Muslims Russia had to kill for them to settle down?

They seriously killed every single Muslim who even had a thought of sharia

I assume this style is pretty popular but among a small fraction of users. Long story short it's still an exotic here.


Your post has literally zero (0), nill, nada, no , kein arguments what so ever. Please rework your bait.


yes you're right islam does not = terrorism

backwards shitskin neanderthals and islam = terrorism

find a terrorist attack in albania in the last 100 years, pro tip, you wont

even bosniaks which were influenced by mujahideen are pretty tame these days and the country is relatively secure from islamic terrorism, despite being a failure in all other aspects

t. ethnic albanian pissed that euromuslims get lumped in with retarded niggers and muhammads from east bumfuck saudi arabia all the time

What. All wrong. 90% of the crime, 100% of terrorism, RussianFederation is one of the biggest ISIS human donors


Tatars and Bashkirs should be sent to Kazakhstan. They overstayed their welcome in Europe

>Russia doesn't have a bunch of white liberal cuck enablers.
You just described the Russsian government

what's the name?

Is this a bait or are you retarded?
Look up terror attacks in Russia.
And other than that they are the problem in Russia. Especially in the republics like dagestan and chechnya.

Ira Smelaya
IG smelaya_ira


Russia seperates the different subsects of islam and openly targets the ones it deems dangerous to the state.

Europe does not. It allows extremist preachers to groom children for years and protects them from prosecution.

Until euro media and officials start understanding the various braches of islam terrorism will continue to flourish

>implying capital incentive isn't a valid form of population control

What is the welfare state, and does it count as successful assimilation?

Not an argument

be careful

>t. ethnic albanian pissed that euromuslims get lumped in with retarded niggers and muhammads from east bumfuck saudi arabia all the time
mudslime is mudslime, no matter what
earth must be PURGED from your FILTH

Russian muslims are either illegal migrants or outright bandits tied with any illegal shit you can imagine. And yes, Putin's government loves both categories much more than slavic population of country. The only decent and hard working muslims here is probably tatars, who in fact dont give much shit about islam and already half slavs genetically.

Why does turkish pig has European name?

>he doesn't know about islamisation of Tatarstan
>he doesn't know about anti-Russian cleansing in administration of Tatarstan
>he doesn't know about special relation between Turkey and Tatarstan

choose one

>When will you fucking morons realize that Islam literally does not = terrorism?

Yes it does. And Russia does have the occasional Muslim terrorist attack, if you bothered to look up facts instead of propagating fake news.

But Russians do not let themselves get cucked like Western countries. Muslims prey on the weak and stupid to welcome them with open arms. They discovered that they cannot get away with their agenda in Russia, so they fall in line, at least for now.

Its nice to see a thread without fuckers who praise Putin`s politics in etnic affairs and russian multikulti bullshit for awhile.

>they fall in line
Not true. They are still criminal animals and this will never change. Its just FSB prevent them from blowing things up. For now.

>all those persian faces
Bullshit. Real Muslims in Russia are from Caucasus and Middle Asia regions. I've only seen Persian Muslim once when I dated a girl in Eastern cuisine restaurant. He was a Chef.

t. zydovska mraz

Russia is most cucked couuntry of Europe

They're 75% white and are reaching america tier cimp out types

Pretty much this

>frogeater talking about being cucked
We still have a chance. You, Sweden and Germany are already lost cases.

Call a proud Jewish person a Zhyd... bad goyim!

Russia has low percentage because they conquered all those Asian lands, which still have native people living there. France is the most cucked country in Europe

Countries with the largest white population:

1)USA: About 150 million
2)Russia: About 110 million
3)German: About 70 million
4) UK/France/ Italy: About 50 million

>yet russian buildings aren't getting bombed
it's because they know that as soon as they start akbaring they'll get genocided by neo nazi football hooligans and putin will turn a blind eye to it.
this boy learned that the hard way:

Thats because when we talk about Russia we are really referring to eastern Europe where the whites live.
This is like claiming we love Asians immigrants just because we praise Russia and Russia has tons of Asians.

>islam ≠ terrorism
But it does.

>yet Russian women aren't getting raped
Oh you!

To be fair, there are lot of white Russians in Siberia. They are majority in places like Vladivostok.

> there are lot of white Russians in Siberia
> Vladivostok
My fucking sides. Don't try to talk about things you know shit about.

Get here

Russians are not cucks, Every muzzy that wants to do shit gets a fist to his face.

Muslims dont attack the alpha that is Russia, every terroristic attempt was ended very bloody for the terrorist group. So they droped the idea of terrorizing Russia.

However chechens still do it sometimes.

Yes they are you stupid slav. Vladivostok is very European.

it's not muslims, it's brownskins. brownskins are even worse than niggers, they have the worst genes, they're barely human.
niggers at least are tall, have a better immune system and are more athletic.
shitskins have nothing, they're dumb as shit and tiny (even the men, the tallest shitskin i've ever seen was like 178cm). also genetic disease ridden as fuck

Vladivostok is not Siberia. Its Far East.

Not genociding the natives is a cuckoldry too.
>France is the most cucked
Not at all. Organisations like JMLP FN and GE get banned for muh extremism in Russia
>collects pictures of a turkish pig like a creep
>denies the idea of Slavs being European
>not a jew
Pick one

This. Siberia and Far East are more European than Moscow

Good-bad negro meme. Apply.

Ok I see none of you is pointing out the obvious. Islam is not the problem , Arabs are

My bad, but my point still stands Vladivostok is white majority. Novosibirsk seems pretty white as well.

I'm from Vladivostok. Here's alot of people with ukranian background. Many migrants from such countries as Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan. Less from Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan. So Majority is slavic.
Geographically it is Siberia. Manchuria as well. But it's too close to Korea\Japan it make it more (Far) East Asian. [FarEast is lame]

ps. Vladivostok country (Primorsky krai) most atheistic and protestant (baptists, methodists, etc) region in Russia

Extortion is a form of terrorism. /thread

>Islam is not the problem
We dont have arabs here. We have churkas from Caucassus and gooks from Central Asia. And they are fucking animals. So yes, islam is a problem. Not only arabs.

Thanks Mohamad Islamovic

Non-European subhumans are problem**

Our Muslims in majority are sure Allah doesn't see you under a roof so you're free to eat pork.
And we've killed the majority of those who thought they can have a small little Islamic republic on our border.

Well they are churkas bc their tribalism,

>xenophobic shithole
>peaceful muslims

>peaceful tolerant society
>violent muslims

It's almost as if letting people walk over you leads to minorities being dangerous.

Plus, the problem isn't that they're not "bombing people" (it is but less of one), it's that their values are shit and cause civil war whenever they're the majority

"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians. "
Vladimir Putin

Fake quote, sadly.

"All Poles should visit Smolensk some day, If you know what mean"

When Putin got into power he fucked Chechnya real good so now they are thinking twice before doing something crazy.

However there was many terrorist attacks in Russia but we never hear about it in the (((news))) for some reason.

yeah i'm sure huge muslim populations in russia don't identify as muslims because it would hurt the feelings of mart sharter in fatlands

The numbers don't lie cuck.

Not an argument.

The western world is terrible at handling minorities.

>massacre all of them
These terrorists usually are suicide bombers, they have no fear of dying

Islam is a cancer on the earth and should be opposed whereever it occurs.

>Not Katyn

Thank God I was able to leave that shithole of a country